
n. 法令;布告




edict 法令
e-, 向外。-dict, 说,命令,词源同dictionary ,dictator.


名词 “edict” 指的是一项正式的命令、法令或公告,通常由政府或权威机构发布。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Royal edict: 皇家法令
  2. Imperial edict: 帝国法令
  3. Government edict: 政府法令
  4. Papal edict: 教皇法令
  5. Presidential edict: 总统法令
  6. Official edict: 官方法令
  7. Legal edict: 法律法令
  8. Decree or edict: 法令或诏令
  9. Edict of prohibition: 禁令法令
  10. Edict of censorship: 审查法令
  11. Edict of expulsion: 驱逐法令
  12. Edict of tolerance: 宽容法令
  13. Edict of annexation: 吞并法令
  14. Edict of excommunication: 剥夺信仰法令
  15. Edict of confiscation: 没收法令
  16. Edict of accession: 继位法令
  17. Edict of abdication: 退位法令
  18. Edict of amnesty: 大赦法令
  19. Edict of conquest: 征服法令
  20. Edict of dissolution: 解散法令
  21. Edict of appointment: 任命法令
  22. Edict of succession: 继承法令
  23. Edict of war: 战争法令
  24. Edict of declaration: 宣告法令
  25. Edict of negotiation: 谈判法令
  26. Edict of alliance: 联盟法令
  27. Edict of reconciliation: 和解法令
  28. Edict of restriction: 限制法令
  29. Edict of reprieve: 缓刑法令
  30. Edict of pardon: 赦免法令
  31. Edict of embargo: 禁运法令
  32. Edict of quarantine: 隔离法令
  33. Edict of prohibition: 禁止法令
  34. Edict of trade: 贸易法令
  35. Edict of regulation: 管制法令
  36. Edict of enforcement: 执行法令
  37. Edict of taxation: 税收法令
  38. Edict of commerce: 商业法令
  39. Edict of religious freedom: 宗教自由法令
  40. Edict of reform: 改革法令
  41. Edict of confiscation: 没收法令
  42. Edict of public safety: 公共安全法令
  43. Edict of environmental protection: 环境保护法令
  44. Edict of conservation: 保护法令
  45. Edict of cultural preservation: 文化保护法令
  46. Edict of education: 教育法令
  47. Edict of health and safety: 健康与安全法令
  48. Edict of human rights: 人权法令
  49. Edict of international cooperation: 国际合作法令
  50. Edict of peace: 和平法令

这些短语可以帮助你理解和描述与 “edict” 相关的各种法令、规定和命令。


edict (EE dict) This noun refers to a declaration, a decree, an order that must be obeyed. The root word carries the same sense in “dictator.”

  • Mr. Cross runs his classroom like an amateur dictator: he doesn’t give homework assignments but edicts, and woe to the student who doesn’t listen carefully.
  • Historically, the Edict of Nantes, a decree issued in 1598, gave some limited religious freedom to French Protestants.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
法令(EE dict)这个名词指的是必须遵守的声明、法令和命令。词根与“独裁者”的意思相同

  • 先生。克罗斯像一个业余独裁者一样管理着他的教室:他不布置家庭作业,而是下达命令,不认真听讲的学生很难过
  • 历史上,1598年颁布的南特法令给予法国新教徒一些有限的宗教自由。

