
officious (oh FISH us) Someone who is officious is “too eager to offer unwanted advice or services to another.” It suggests someone who is a know-it-all and is a bit bossy about it. It comes from the Latin word for “dutiful,” but it has come to have a negative connotation.

  • “If I were you, I’d line up all of my files neatly and keep my desk spotless,” Prudence said, officiously. “An orderly desk represents an orderly mind.”
  • Chris’s officious roommate consistently nagged him about keeping the floor swept and leaving his muddy shoes in the hallway.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • “如果我是你,我会把所有的文件整齐地排成一行,让我的桌子一尘不染,”普律当丝当然地说。“有秩序的桌子代表有秩序的头脑。”
  • 克里斯爱管闲事的室友总是唠叨他要把地板打扫干净,把泥泞的鞋子留在走廊里。

