
pecuniary (pek KYUN ee err ee) From the Latin word for “property” or “wealth,” this adjective simply means “having to do with money.” One could say that all of the words on this list are “pecuniary words.” A word with a similar meaning is “fiscal,” which means “having to do with finances,” which comes from the Latin word that means “treasury.”

  • After his wife died, Mr. Stevenson hired an accountant to deal with all of his pecuniary matters. He had left all of the household finances to her and had no idea how to pay all of the bills.
  • The chief financial officer of the company was in charge of all fiscal matters, including salaries, bonuses, stock options, and budgetary issues.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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monetary(pek KYUN ee err ee)从拉丁语中“财产”或“财富”的意思来看,这个形容词的意思只是“与金钱有关”。可以说,这个列表上的所有单词都是“金钱单词”。一个意思类似的单词是“财政”,意思是“与财务有关”,来自拉丁语中的“财政”

  • 妻子去世后,史蒂文森先生聘请了一名会计师来处理他所有的金钱问题。他把所有的家庭财务都留给了她,不知道如何支付所有的账单
  • 公司首席财务官负责所有财务事务,包括工资、奖金、股票期权和预算问题。

