2001. Earl Stone is a 73-year-old gardener obsessed with his work as horticulturist and the conventions where he win prizes by his dedication to lilies. Living in Illionis, divorced many years ago of Mary, the relation with her and his estranged daughter Iris worsens after Earl forgets Iris’ wedding by assisting to another convention. His attempt to reconcile with them ends very bad, and Earl turns in a goner for all them. 17 years later, Internet has ruined 90-year-old Earl’s life, his house is notice of eviction and his business is under foreclose. After a tense meeting between him and his family by Ginny’s feast by her incoming wedding, a friend of Ginny closes Earl to offer a new business: move from Texas to Illinois another transporting bags each time more big. Unknown for him, a DEA’s agent recently transferred from Washington DC to Chicago called Colin Bates starts an investigation to dismantle a drug cartel belonging Laton, a Mexican powerful drug boss. With Mexican DEA’s agent Trevino as partner, Bates locates one thug of the cartel named Luis Rocha, blackmailing to work as informer for him. Meanwhile, Earl’s new job starts to give unexpected results: after the veteran center where he meets with his Korean War’s partners is burned by accident, Earl decides use the money to restore him, and secretly helps Ginny to pay her studies. But, unable to be for more time not knowing what he moves, Earl opens a bag in the middle of a travel, discovering the drug. Keeping the secret for everyone, he is invited to Mexico for meeting Laton and approaches Mary and Iris in the hope to be forgiven by the mistakes along his life. Learning much late the true sense of life and family, Earl tries to make good the things, but these complicates in bad terms: Laton is killed by his henchman Gustavo, Mary suddenly gets seriously ill, and Bates and Trevino are noticed about a new drug mail named “Tata” (the way Mexican drug traffickers call Earl) who is moving big amounts of drug. At the same time that Mary’s health worsens and Gustavo despises Earl giving order to kill him, Bates leads an undercover op to catch Tata, in a race against time where Earl’s life never will be the same.


2001年,厄尔·斯通(Earl Stone)是一名73岁的园丁,他痴迷于园艺工作和大会,在大会上,他以对百合花的献身精神获奖。住在伊利奥尼斯,多年前与玛丽离婚,在厄尔协助另一次会议忘记了艾里斯的婚礼后,她和他分居的女儿艾里斯的关系恶化。他试图与他们和解,结果很糟糕,厄尔对他们都一蹶不振。17年后,互联网毁了90岁的厄尔的生活,他的房子被驱逐,他的生意被取消了赎回权。在金妮即将到来的婚礼上,他和家人在金妮的宴会上进行了紧张的会面后,金妮的一位朋友关闭了厄尔,提供了一项新业务:从德克萨斯州搬到伊利诺伊州,每次都要运送更大的行李。他不知道,最近从华盛顿特区调到芝加哥的一名缉毒局特工科林·贝茨(Colin Bates)启动了一项调查,以瓦解墨西哥强大的毒品头目拉顿(Laton)的一个贩毒集团。在墨西哥缉毒局特工特雷维诺的合作下,贝茨找到了卡特尔的一名暴徒路易斯·罗查,勒索他充当线人。与此同时,厄尔的新工作开始产生意想不到的结果:在他与朝鲜战争伙伴会面的退伍军人中心被意外烧毁后,厄尔决定用这笔钱来恢复他,并秘密帮助金妮支付学习费用。但是,厄尔无法有更多的时间不知道自己在动什么,他在旅行途中打开了一个袋子,发现了毒品。为每个人保守秘密,他被邀请到墨西哥会见拉顿,并接近玛丽和艾里斯,希望能被他一生中的错误原谅。厄尔很晚才了解到生活和家庭的真正意义,他试图弥补这一点,但情况却很糟糕:拉顿被他的心腹古斯塔沃杀害,玛丽突然病重,贝茨和特雷维诺被注意到一封名为“塔塔”(墨西哥毒贩称厄尔的方式)的新毒品邮件正在运送大量毒品。与此同时,玛丽的健康状况恶化,古斯塔沃鄙视厄尔下令杀死他,贝茨领导了一个卧底行动,以抓住塔塔,与时间赛跑,厄尔的生活将永远不会一样。-巧克力


work as当; 担任; 担任…工作
attempt to企图
goner垂死的人; 快完蛋的人; 无法挽救的人
for all虽然;尽管
new business新商行,新公司;新业务
move from使从…中醒悟过来;从…搬走,离开…
each time每次
