Select semi-fictionalized incidents of the life of Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo de Caravaggio are presented with a decidedly modern British sensibility. One of those specific incidents is at his deathbed where he is with his long time companion Jerusaleme. Caravaggio demonstrates what is important in his life as he makes a definitive choice in a symbol into his death. The other incidents are largely framed by the other major relationships in his life, including with: Cardinal Del Monte, his main conduit with the Catholic church with which he had a financially lucrative relationship; Ranuccio, a street fighter who was one of his frequent models; and Lena, Ranuccio’s lover who also acted as his model. Caravaggio’s relationships with these three were also characterized by their sexual ambiguity.


意大利文艺复兴时期画家米开朗基罗·德·卡拉瓦乔(Michelangelo de Caravaggio)生活中的一些半虚构事件,呈现出一种绝对现代的英国情感。其中一个具体事件发生在他临终时,他和他的长期伴侣Jerusaleme在一起。卡拉瓦乔展示了他生命中重要的东西,他在死亡的象征中做出了决定性的选择。其他事件主要是由他生活中的其他主要关系造成的,包括与红衣主教德尔蒙特(Cardinal Del Monte),他与天主教会的主要渠道,他与天主教会有着经济上有利可图的关系;拉努西奥是一名街头斗士,也是他经常做的模特之一;拉努乔的情人莉娜也是他的模特。卡拉瓦乔与这三人的关系也具有性别模糊的特点。-雨果

decidedly果断地; 显然; 肯定; 确实; 坚决地; 坚定地
One of…之一
deathbed临终床; 临终时做的
he is他是; 他比我大两岁; 通常为形容词
what is是什么; 什么是; 什麽
