faction 英 [ˈfækʃn] 美 [ˈfækʃn]


So were four churches with their Ladies’ Aid and Missionary societies. Great care had to be taken to avoid putting members of warring factions on the same committees.
出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。


[noun] a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics
[名词] (尤指政治)大团体中的一个有组织的异议小集团


相对于 faction 而言,通常更为熟悉的是 fiction (小说)一词,后者主要指部分或全部虚构的短篇、中篇、长篇小说等。而 faction 一词则直接源自拉丁语 factionem (政党、阶级),现主要表示“(大团体中的)派别、派系、小集团”,比如:

  • 打压政府中的对立派别
    thwart rival factions within the administration
  • 那些狂热的右翼派别领导者
    these frenetic right wing faction leaders

一个团体内部有派系之分,自然就有相互斗争,所以 faction 还可以引申用于表达“派系之争”或者说“内讧”,比如:

  • 一个因派系和阴谋诡计搞得四分五裂的政党永远赢得不了工人阶级的大多数选票。
    A party divided by faction and intrigue will never scoop up the majority of the working-class vote.
  • 在他的四年总统任期内,那个国家派系之争和自私自利成风。
    Faction and self-interest in that country was rife during his four-year tenure as President.

别看 faction 上面的意思与 fiction 差了十万八千里,但 faction 一词同小站之前推过的 swallow, staple, founder, lurch, teem, toil 等一样,也是个同形异义词。它的另一个含义正是由 fact + fiction 组合而来,指“纪实与虚构相结合的小说或电影等”。


  • Mr Cohn is often said to lead a “globalist” faction within the White House, against protectionists like Mr Navarro and Steve Bannon, another adviser.
  • Towns and tribes across the country are choosing sides, in places flying the flags of rival factions, sometimes including the black banners of Islamist extremists.


faction (FAK shun) This noun refers to a conflicting element within a larger group. In a larger sense, it means the internal conflict itself.

  • Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar depicts the men who are plotting Caesar’s assassination coming to visit Brutus, who solemnly notes “they are the faction” when he hears they are attempting to hide their faces.
  • Unfortunately, the members of the church who used to enjoy frequent good fellowship with one another have become increasingly factious, not over religious issues but over small organizational concerns.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
派系(FAK shun)这个名词指的是一个较大群体中的冲突元素。从更大的意义上说,这意味着内部冲突本身。

  • 莎士比亚的《凯撒大帝》描绘了策划刺杀凯撒的人前来拜访布鲁图斯,布鲁图斯听到他们试图掩面时郑重地说“他们就是派系”
  • 不幸的是,过去经常保持良好友谊的教会成员变得越来越派系林立,不是因为宗教问题,而是因为一些小的组织问题。



faction” 通常用来指代一个组织、派系或团体,特别是政治或宗教方面的。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Political faction – 政治派系
  2. Religious faction – 宗教派别
  3. Warring factions – 交战派系
  4. factional disputes – 派系争斗
  5. Rival factions – 竞争的派系
  6. factional leaders – 派系领袖
  7. factional interests – 派系利益
  8. factional divisions – 派系分裂
  9. factional politics – 派系政治
  10. factional loyalty – 派系忠诚
  11. Political faction – 政治派别
  12. Religious faction – 宗教派系
  13. Warring factions – 交战派系
  14. factional disputes – 派系争斗
  15. Rival factions – 竞争的派别
  16. factional leaders – 派系领袖
  17. factional interests – 派系利益
  18. factional divisions – 派系分裂
  19. factional politics – 派系政治
  20. factional loyalty – 派系忠诚
  21. Political faction – 政治派别
  22. Religious faction – 宗教派系
  23. Warring factions – 交战派系
  24. factional disputes – 派系争斗
  25. Rival factions – 竞争的派别
  26. factional leaders – 派系领袖
  27. factional interests – 派系利益
  28. factional divisions – 派系分裂
  29. factional politics – 派系政治
  30. factional loyalty – 派系忠诚
  31. Political faction – 政治派别
  32. Religious faction – 宗教派系
  33. Warring factions – 交战派系
  34. factional disputes – 派系争斗
  35. Rival factions – 竞争的派别
  36. factional leaders – 派系领袖
  37. factional interests – 派系利益
  38. factional divisions – 派系分裂
  39. factional politics – 派系政治
  40. factional loyalty – 派系忠诚
  41. Political faction – 政治派别
  42. Religious faction – 宗教派系
  43. Warring factions – 交战派系
  44. factional disputes – 派系争斗
  45. Rival factions – 竞争的派别
  46. factional leaders – 派系领袖
  47. factional interests – 派系利益
  48. factional divisions – 派系分裂
  49. factional politics – 派系政治
  50. factional loyalty – 派系忠诚


clique: a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them
coterie: a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people
caucus: a group within an organization or political party which meets independently to discuss strategy or tactics

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
