fathom 英 [ˈfæðəm] 美 [ˈfæðəm]



  • Take in the view from atop Gatun dam and fathom what is missing.
  • I have met these rich kids who have so much that I can’t comprehend, doing things that I can’t fathom.


[verb] understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought
[动词] 经过深思熟虑后理解(某个难题或神秘人物)


在词典里, fathom 通常是一个刚好排在小站之前推过的 fatigue 前面的单词。其本义是一种长度单位,中文译作“英寻”,等于6英尺(约等于1.83米),主要用于测量水深,这在《高级英语》教材中就有“Mark Twain-Mirror of America”一文用到:

He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water – a navigable depth.


  • 她把感情深深地隐藏在心中。但我们都知道他在那间舒适小店的身影永远留在了她的记忆中。
    She kept her feelings hidden fathoms deep. But we all knew that her abiding memory was of him in the snug little shop.

当用作动词时, fathom 即表示用测量绳“测量……的深度”。一个水体的大小不能光看其看得见的表面积,更要看其水下深度如何。

换句话说,通过测量其看不见的水下深度,就可以查明该水体的实际体量。后来 fathom 就被用来表示“弄清……的真相、深入理解”,多指通过穿透神秘难懂事物的晦涩面纱来揭示或理解其本质,比如:

  • 多年来人们一直试图弄清双方可能会如何利用自己的影响力。
    For years people have been trying to fathom (out) how both sides might use their clout.
  • 我真搞不懂斯坦纳在说些什么。他谈话中使用的晦涩行话对我是一团迷雾。
    I really couldn’t fathom what Steiner was talking about. The arcane jargon in his talk was opaque to me.

而其衍生词 fathomless 自然表示“深不可测的、神秘莫测的”,比如:

  • 罗莎陷入失望的无底深渊中去了。她总是重复的一句话就是她没有舒坦的生活。
    Rosa sunk into the fathomless depths of despair. Her constant refrain was that she didn’t have a snug life.


Interesting to fathom, it seemed to him, from a motive of curiosity pure and simple, was whether it was the traffic that created the route or vice-versa or the two sides in fact.

出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。《尤利西斯》作为意识流小说的代表作,被誉为20世纪百大英文小说之首,并被奉为20世纪最伟大的小说。


fathom” 是一个英语词汇,通常用来指理解、测量深度或探究。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  2. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  3. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  4. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  5. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因
  6. fathom the meaning – 理解含义
  7. fathom the intentions – 理解意图
  8. fathom the complexity – 探究复杂性
  9. fathom the depth – 测量深度
  10. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  11. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  12. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  13. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  14. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因
  15. fathom the meaning – 理解含义
  16. fathom the intentions – 理解意图
  17. fathom the complexity – 探究复杂性
  18. fathom the depth – 测量深度
  19. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  20. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  21. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  22. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  23. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因
  24. fathom the meaning – 理解含义
  25. fathom the intentions – 理解意图
  26. fathom the complexity – 探究复杂性
  27. fathom the depth – 测量深度
  28. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  29. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  30. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  31. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  32. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因
  33. fathom the meaning – 理解含义
  34. fathom the intentions – 理解意图
  35. fathom the complexity – 探究复杂性
  36. fathom the depth – 测量深度
  37. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  38. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  39. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  40. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  41. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因
  42. fathom the meaning – 理解含义
  43. fathom the intentions – 理解意图
  44. fathom the complexity – 探究复杂性
  45. fathom the depth – 测量深度
  46. Difficult to fathom – 难以理解
  47. Beyond my fathom – 超出我的理解范围
  48. Deeply fathom – 深刻理解
  49. fathom the mystery – 探究谜团
  50. Can’t fathom the reason – 理解不了原因


  • comprehend: grasp mentally; understand
  • grasp: get mental hold of; comprehend fully
  • interpret: understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a particular meaning or significance
