

nimble 英 [ˈnɪmbl] 美 [ˈnɪmbl]



[adjective] quick and light in movement or action; agile
[形容词] 在动作或行动上迅速而轻快的;敏捷的

He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering, lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.


出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。该小说是19世纪最著名的小说之一,故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦刑犯冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)的个人经历,融进了法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰等,多次被改编演绎成影视作品。



Nimble 一词源自古法语 næmel (抓得快、拿得快),14世纪进入英语后即用来表示“灵活的、敏捷的”,强调动作或行动轻快,暗含到处飞奔之义,比如:

  • 那个脚步轻盈灵活的迎宾员绊了一下,摔了个四脚朝天。
    The usher who was light and nimble on her feet tripped and went sprawling.

通常我们远看一个人聪不聪明,就瞧他做起事来手脚利不利索。也就是说手脚灵活敏捷的人,往往头脑也是“敏捷的、机敏的、聪明的”,这也可以用 nimble 表示,强调脑子灵活,能够快速思考和理解,比如:

  • 那个机敏而又多才多艺的才子主诉自己情绪低落,头痛且身体不适。
    The nimble and versatile wit complained of depression, headaches and malaise.
  • 我巧妙地顶了他几句。
    I said a few words to him in a nimble retort.

另外我们还可以用 as nimble as a squirrel 这个习惯表达来生动形容人像松鼠一样“身手灵活、举动轻捷”,比如:

  • 那个身材高大的女人像松鼠一样身手灵活。
    That hefty woman is as nimble as a squirrel.


  • Innovative fintech firms and a few nimble incumbents have started applying the technique to everything from fraud protection to finding new trading strategies—promising to up-end not just the humdrum drudgery of the back-office, but the more glamorous stuff up-front.
  • Singlish is nimble, practical and dynamic — everyone who speaks it shapes it.


1. PIE root *nem- “divide, distribute, allot; take” (cf. Greek nemein “deal out,” nemesis “just indignation,” Latin numerus “number”) => nim- “take, grasp, seize” => OE: niman “take, grasp, seize”.
2. nim- “take, grasp, seize” + -le => -ble (see limb, 类比变形) => nimble “quick to grasp”.
3. => agile, light-footed.
4. 同源词:nim, numb, nimble.
5. 5. numb => nimble. 为什么能从 numb 推导出 nimble 的含义呢?因为他们两是同源词,也就是说这两兄弟是同一个爹生的,numb 的本义是“被抓住、被抱住”,因为人一但被抓住、被抱住后就动弹不得了,所以由此就引申为了“麻木”之意。nimble 的本义也就是“抓、抱”之意,只是拓展成了“快速地抓、抱(quick to grasp)”,当然只有很敏捷才会“快速地抓住”啊,所以就引申为“敏捷的、灵敏的、敏感的、机智的”之意。-le (diminutive suffix, frequentative suffix, 也许暗含表达了一种小巧灵活之意)。
6. 谐音“灵吧” — 灵活吧,灵巧吧!
7. 谐音“凌波” — 凌波微步 — 想一想段誉练成凌波微步后,逃跑起来是不是很灵巧、敏捷啊!让敌人想打打不着,想追追不上。


nimble 灵活的,敏捷的


nimble” 这个单词的中文解释是 “敏捷的” 或者 “灵活的”。

以下是包含 “nimble” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. nimble fingers – 灵巧的手指
  2. nimble movements – 敏捷的动作
  3. nimble feet – 灵活的脚步
  4. nimble reflexes – 敏捷的反应
  5. nimble mind – 敏捷的思维
  6. nimble agility – 灵活的敏捷
  7. nimble response – 敏捷的回应
  8. nimble thinking – 敏捷的思考
  9. nimble coordination – 灵活的协调
  10. nimble adaptation – 灵活的适应
  11. nimble handling – 敏捷的处理
  12. nimble balance – 灵活的平衡
  13. nimble navigation – 灵活的导航
  14. nimble decision-making – 敏捷的决策
  15. nimble problem-solving – 敏捷的解决问题
  16. nimble strategy – 灵活的策略
  17. nimble execution – 敏捷的执行
  18. nimble analysis – 敏捷的分析
  19. nimble adaptation – 灵活的适应
  20. nimble planning – 敏捷的规划
  21. nimble innovation – 敏捷的创新
  22. nimble learning – 灵活的学习
  23. nimble adjustment – 敏捷的调整
  24. nimble response time – 敏捷的响应时间
  25. nimble problem-solving skills – 敏捷的问题解决能力
  26. nimble decision-making process – 敏捷的决策过程
  27. nimble problem-solving approach – 敏捷的问题解决方法
  28. nimble coordination skills – 灵活的协调能力
  29. nimble strategic thinking – 敏捷的战略思维
  30. nimble execution of tasks – 敏捷的任务执行
  31. nimble analysis of data – 敏捷的数据分析
  32. nimble adaptation to changes – 灵活适应变化
  33. nimble planning for the future – 未来的灵活规划
  34. nimble innovation in technology – 技术的灵活创新
  35. nimble learning of new skills – 学习新技能的敏捷性
  36. nimble adjustment to market trends – 敏捷适应市场趋势
  37. nimble response time to customer inquiries – 对客户查询的敏捷响应时间
  38. nimble problem-solving approach to complex issues – 对复杂问题的敏捷解决方法
  39. nimble coordination of team efforts – 团队努力的灵活协调
  40. nimble strategic planning for growth – 发展的灵活战略规划
  41. nimble execution of business strategies – 商业战略的灵活执行
  42. nimble analysis of market data – 市场数据的敏捷分析
  43. nimble adaptation to changing customer needs – 适应变化的客户需求的敏捷性
  44. nimble planning for resource allocation – 资源分配的敏捷规划
  45. nimble innovation in product design – 产品设计的敏捷创新
  46. nimble learning of industry trends – 学习行业趋势的灵活性
  47. nimble adjustment to competitive pressures – 对竞争压力的灵活调整
  48. nimble response time in emergency situations – 紧急情况下的敏捷响应时间
  49. nimble problem-solving skills in challenging scenarios – 在具有挑战性的情境中的敏捷解决问题能力
  50. nimble coordination of cross-functional teams – 跨职能团队的灵活协调


  • lithe: (of a person or their body) moving or bending easily, in a way that is elegant
  • sprightly: (especially of an old person) lively; full of energy
  • supple: bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
