renounce 英 [rɪˈnaʊns] 美 [rɪˈnaʊns]



[verb] formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession)
[动词] 正式宣布放弃(某个主张、权利或所有权)


He was of an amorous disposition, but declared that, for the last ten years, he had wholly and decidedly renounced women.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。该小说是19世纪最著名的小说之一,故事的主线围绕主人公土伦苦刑犯冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)的个人经历,融进了法国的历史、革命、战争、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰等,多次被改编演绎成影视作品。




Renounce 一词源自拉丁语 renuntiare (宣布、抗议、放弃),14世纪末经古法语 renoncier (放弃,对应现代法语 renoncer )进入英语,与小站两周前讲过的 enunciate 同词根 nounc, nunci (讲、说),现主要表示“声明放弃、宣布放弃”,强调正式声明自己不再保留某项头衔、官阶、国籍、要求、特权、权利等,或为了某个更高的道德目的而摒弃理想、原则、信仰等,比如:

  • 她那混账的前夫终于宣布放弃对家里房子的所有权要求。
    Her bastard ex-husband finally renounced his claim to the family house.
  • 甘地声明放弃使用暴力,并且从未背离过这一思想路线。
    Gandhi renounced the use of violence and he had never deviated from that ideological path.


  • 他已经宣布与过去的伙伴拆伙。那是个他想要保持竞争力就不得不做出的严峻选择。
    He had renounced his former associates. That was a stark choice he had to make if he wanted to stay competitive.
  • 那个几乎在跟房间里的每一个男人调情的女人已经与家庭脱离了关系。
    That woman who was flirting with just about every man in the room had renounced her own family.

另外值得注意的是, renounce 的名词形式 renunciation 除了表示“声明摒弃、宣布放弃”这个行为过程以外,还可以指因道德或宗教原因“弃绝物质享受、克己、禁欲”,比如:

  • 她不能忍受像修女那样克己的苦行生活。
    She can’t abide a life of complete renunciation as a nun.


  • Last year he renounced his American citizenship.
  • Calls for the Supreme Court to renounce the ruling started almost immediately after it was issued, and have persisted for 70 years.


renounce (re NOWNS) If you renounce something, you give it up. It’s a rather formal verb, so, unless you want to be amusing, don’t use it for giving up chocolate. (Don’t confuse this word with its near twin denounce, which now means “to condemn openly” but which, confusingly, can be found in the Declaration of Independence with its older meaning of “giving a formal announcement of an ending” when the colonists “denounce their separation” from Great Britain.)

•“And for this child, I renounce the Devil and all his works,” said the god-father of the baby at the christening ceremony.

•Prince Handsum made a formal renunciation of his right to the throne of Bigland in order to follow a career in circuitry wiring, his deepest passion.

•The mayor denounced the perpetrators of the heinous crime and promised they would soon be brought to justice.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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renounce“通常用来表示放弃、宣布放弃等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. renounce citizenship – 放弃公民身份
  2. renounce claims – 放弃权利要求
  3. Formally renounce – 正式宣布放弃
  4. renounce allegiance – 放弃忠诚
  5. renounce the throne – 放弃王位
  6. Publicly renounce – 公开宣布放弃
  7. renounce all ties – 放弃所有关系
  8. renounce one’s beliefs – 放弃信仰
  9. renounce violence – 放弃暴力
  10. renounce worldly possessions – 放弃世俗财物
  11. renounce evil – 放弃邪恶
  12. renounce an inheritance – 放弃继承权
  13. renounce all claims – 放弃所有权利要求
  14. Reluctantly renounce – 不情愿地放弃
  15. renounce power – 放弃权力
  16. renounce an ideology – 放弃意识形态
  17. Morally renounce – 道义上放弃
  18. Willingly renounce – 乐意地放弃
  19. renounce privileges – 放弃特权
  20. renounce authority – 放弃权威
  21. renounce materialism – 放弃物质主义
  22. renounce control – 放弃控制权
  23. renounce ownership – 放弃所有权
  24. renounce a title – 放弃头衔
  25. renounce an agreement – 放弃协议
  26. renounce dogma – 放弃教条
  27. renounce self-interest – 放弃自私
  28. renounce an oath – 放弃誓言
  29. renounce the past – 放弃过去
  30. renounce the world – 放弃世界
  31. renounce old habits – 放弃旧习惯
  32. renounce authority figures – 放弃权威人物
  33. renounce a lifestyle – 放弃生活方式
  34. renounce a religion – 放弃宗教
  35. renounce political affiliations – 放弃政治关系
  36. renounce personal desires – 放弃个人欲望
  37. renounce an identity – 放弃身份
  38. renounce attachment – 放弃依恋
  39. renounce a doctrine – 放弃教义
  40. renounce material possessions – 放弃物质财物
  41. renounce negative emotions – 放弃负面情绪
  42. renounce a belief system – 放弃信仰体系
  43. renounce cultural norms – 放弃文化规范
  44. renounce old views – 放弃旧观点
  45. renounce personal gains – 放弃个人收益
  46. renounce an organization – 放弃组织
  47. renounce a mindset – 放弃心态
  48. renounce social status – 放弃社会地位
  49. renounce bad habits – 放弃坏习惯
  50. renounce toxic relationships – 放弃有害关系


  • repudiate: refuse to accept or be associated with
  • relinquish: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up
  • abdicate: fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
