destitute 英 [ˈdestɪtjuːt] 美 [ˈdestɪtuːt]



  • The remaining half-billion or so are on a par with the most destitute bits of Africa.
  • As he came of age in Cuba, José Angel Sánchez enrolled in medical school for the usual reasons: to help the sick and to make a better living than most in his destitute eastern town.


[adjective] without the basic necessities of life
[形容词] 没有基本的生活必需品


Destitute 源自拉丁语 destitutus (被遗弃的),最初也是表示“被抛弃的、被舍弃的”之义,不过现今已不再使用。一个被抛弃的人身无长物,没有食物、钱、家当等基本的生活必需品,自然是“穷困的、赤贫的”,比如无家可归的赤贫农民(homeless and destitute peasant)。

有的人是物质匮乏,有的人则是精神匮乏,由此引申出来, destitute 还可以表示“毫无的、没有的”,比如一点儿人情味也没有(destitute of ordinary human feelings)、毫无经验的人(a man destitute of experience)。

另外 destitute 还可以作名词,常用 the destitute 表示“赤贫者、贫民”。


The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.

出自英国文艺复兴时期著名散文家、哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561年1月22日-1626年4月9日),他是古典经验论的始祖,主要著作有《新工具》、《论科学的增进》以及《学术的伟大复兴》等。


destitute (DES tit toot) The Latin root of this word means “to abandon,” and the adjective means “lacking all resources” or “completely impover-ished.” The noun form is “destitution.”

  • Utterly destitute, the family was forced to move into a homeless shelter in order to obtain food, clothing, and a place to sleep.
  • “In cases of extreme destitution,” said the social worker, “we call in all of the social services agencies to help pay for a family’s basic expenses.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
赤贫(DES tit toot)这个词的拉丁词根意思是“放弃”,形容词的意思是“缺乏所有资源”或“完全贫困”。名词形式是“贫困”

  • 这家人一贫如洗,为了获得食物、衣服和睡觉的地方,被迫搬进了一个无家可归的收容所
  • “在极端贫困的情况下,”这位社会工作者说,“我们呼吁所有的社会服务机构帮助支付家庭的基本费用。”



destitute” 是一个英语词汇,通常用来表示贫困、一贫如洗等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Utterly destitute – 完全贫困
  2. Financially destitute – 财政困乏
  3. Mentally destitute – 精神贫乏
  4. Emotionally destitute – 情感贫乏
  5. Materially destitute – 物质贫困
  6. Socially destitute – 社会贫困
  7. Spiritually destitute – 灵性贫乏
  8. Economically destitute – 经济贫困
  9. Culturally destitute – 文化贫乏
  10. Morally destitute – 道德贫乏
  11. Physically destitute – 身体贫困
  12. Chronically destitute – 长期贫困
  13. Chronically destitute – 长期贫困
  14. Utterly destitute – 完全贫困
  15. Financially destitute – 财政困乏
  16. Mentally destitute – 精神贫乏
  17. Emotionally destitute – 情感贫乏
  18. Materially destitute – 物质贫困
  19. Socially destitute – 社会贫困
  20. Spiritually destitute – 灵性贫乏
  21. Economically destitute – 经济贫困
  22. Culturally destitute – 文化贫乏
  23. Morally destitute – 道德贫乏
  24. Physically destitute – 身体贫困
  25. Chronically destitute – 长期贫困
  26. Financially destitute – 财政困乏
  27. Mentally destitute – 精神贫乏
  28. Emotionally destitute – 情感贫乏
  29. Materially destitute – 物质贫困
  30. Socially destitute – 社会贫困
  31. Spiritually destitute – 灵性贫乏
  32. Economically destitute – 经济贫困
  33. Culturally destitute – 文化贫乏
  34. Morally destitute – 道德贫乏
  35. Physically destitute – 身体贫困
  36. Chronically destitute – 长期贫困
  37. Utterly destitute – 完全贫困
  38. Financially destitute – 财政困乏
  39. Mentally destitute – 精神贫乏
  40. Emotionally destitute – 情感贫乏
  41. Materially destitute – 物质贫困
  42. Socially destitute – 社会贫困
  43. Spiritually destitute – 灵性贫乏
  44. Economically destitute – 经济贫困
  45. Culturally destitute – 文化贫乏
  46. Morally destitute – 道德贫乏
  47. Physically destitute – 身体贫困
  48. Chronically destitute – 长期贫困
  49. Utterly destitute – 完全贫困
  50. Financially destitute – 财政困乏


  • impoverished: (of a person or area) made poor
  • indigent: (formal) very poor
  • penniless: (of a person) having no money; very poor
