constituent 英 [kənˈstɪtjuənt] 美 [kənˈstɪtʃuənt]



  • What accounts for the changing constituents of each income bracket?
  • We have a president who promised that a balanced constituent assembly would work on a constitution that everyone agrees on.


[noun] a member of a constituency
[名词] 选区内的选民



Constituent 一词源自拉丁语 constituere (使站立、设立、固定、放置、建立、整齐;形成新事物;决心),进入英语时原指“任命或选举代表的人”,现在则主要表示某个选区(constituency)的“选民或选举人”,比如:

  • 这位参议员工作努力,总是跟本区选民交谈,听取他们的难处。
    The MP worked hard, always talking to his constituents and listening to their problems.


  • 任命机构
    a constituent body
  • 立宪会议
    a constituent assembly

由于任命或选举代表之后,这些代表们往往会组成一个议事机构,所以 constituent 后来就产生了“组成”这个概念,作名词时表示“成分、构成要素”,强调指某一整体不可缺少的部分或成分,而作形容词时则表示“组成的、构成的”,比如:

  • 咖啡因是茶、咖啡之类饮品中的活性成分。
    Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • 把公司按组成部分分割后分别出售的计划
    a plan to split the company into its constituent parts and sell them separately

另外值得注意的是, constituent 还在语法中表示“成分、结构成分”,比如:

  • 直接成分
    an immediate constituent


In the elections of deputies to the people’s congresses at county and township levels beginning in 2016, more than 1 billion constituents cast votes for nearly 2.5 million deputies.

出自《为人民谋幸福:新中国人权事业发展70年》(Seeking Happiness for People: 70 Years of Progress on Human Rights in China)白皮书。


constituent [kən’stɪtjʊənt] n. 成分;选民;委托人  adj. 构成的;选举的
constituent 选民 ←同首词→ consent 同意
eg. Not all of the constituents consent to accept him as the governor.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


constituent (kon STIH tyoo ent) Politically speaking, a constituent is a resident of a region represented by a certain elected official. In a larger sense, it could be any person who authorizes a member of his or her group to speak for him or her.

  • Representative O’Toole made a hasty pre-election flight from Washington to his home state so that he could meet with his constituents, learn their concerns, and impress upon them that he needed their votes.
  • Students who were appointed to committees were told they would be prac-ticing “nonconstituency-based” stewardship; in short, they’d be giving their own views, not necessarily views held by a majority of the student body.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
选民(kon STIH tyoo ent)从政治上讲,选民是由某个民选官员代表的地区的居民。从更大的意义上说,可以是任何授权其团队成员为其发言的人。

  • 众议员奥图尔在选举前匆忙从华盛顿飞往家乡,以便与选民会面,了解他们的担忧,并让他们知道他需要他们的选票
  • 被任命为委员会成员的学生被告知,他们将实行“基于非宪法的”管理;简而言之,他们会给出自己的观点,而不一定是大多数学生的观点



constituent” 通常用来表示成分、选民或组成部分。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Key constituent – 关键成分
  2. Political constituents – 政治选民
  3. Essential constituents – 基本成分
  4. Major constituents – 主要组成部分
  5. constituent elements – 成分元素
  6. Active constituents – 活性成分
  7. constituent parts – 组成部分
  8. constituent molecules – 成分分子
  9. constituent atoms – 成分原子
  10. Basic constituents – 基本成分
  11. Primary constituents – 主要成分
  12. constituent materials – 构成材料
  13. constituent components – 成分组件
  14. constituent proteins – 成分蛋白质
  15. Chemical constituents – 化学成分
  16. constituent gases – 成分气体
  17. Organic constituents – 有机成分
  18. constituent nutrients – 营养成分
  19. constituent minerals – 矿物质成分
  20. constituent vitamins – 维生素成分
  21. constituent compounds – 成分化合物
  22. constituent factors – 成分因素
  23. constituent elements – 成分要素
  24. constituent ions – 成分离子
  25. Essential constituents – 基本成分
  26. constituent particles – 成分粒子
  27. constituent substances – 成分物质
  28. Political constituents – 政治选民
  29. constituent districts – 选区
  30. constituent voices – 选民声音
  31. constituent opinions – 选民意见
  32. constituent concerns – 选民关切
  33. constituent needs – 选民需求
  34. constituent preferences – 选民偏好
  35. constituent interests – 选民利益
  36. constituent support – 选民支持
  37. constituent outreach – 选民联系
  38. constituent engagement – 选民参与
  39. constituent feedback – 选民反馈
  40. constituent demands – 选民要求
  41. constituent expectations – 选民期望
  42. constituent rights – 选民权益
  43. constituent representation – 选民代表
  44. constituent empowerment – 选民赋权
  45. constituent involvement – 选民参与
  46. constituent accountability – 选民问责
  47. constituent communication – 选民沟通
  48. constituent initiatives – 选民倡议
  49. constituent concerns – 选民关切
  50. constituent participation – 选民参与


  • voter: a person who votes or has the right to vote at an election
  • elector: a person who has the right to vote in an election
  • electorate: all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election
