
fortitude 英 [ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd] 美 [ˈfɔːrtɪtuːd]



  • Simply meeting face-to-face will allow them to crow about their fortitude and foresight in forcing the other to the table.
  • He prevented the Union from fracturing during his stormy presidency, and his fortitudeset an example.


[noun] courage shown by sb who is suffering great pain or facing great difficulties
[名词] (在巨大痛苦或困难面前表现出的)勇气、坚韧、刚毅


fortitude源自于拉丁语fortis(强壮),虽然早期曾用于形容人的体力,但在现代英语中主要用于形容精神上的力量,尤指在长期面对巨大痛苦或困难时所表现出的勇气、胆量、坚毅、意志力。值得一提的是,在纽约公共图书馆(New York Public Library, NYPL)的门前有两个著名石雕卧狮(见封面图),一个叫“Patience”,另一个就叫“Fortitude”。为什么叫这两个名字呢?或许可以从下面这个名人用例中找到答案。


Patience and fortitude conquer all things.

出自拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803年5月25日-1882年4月27日),美国思想家、文学家。爱默生是确立美国文化精神的代表人物。美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文明之父”。


fortitude (FORT it ood) This is one of several words (fortify, fortification) that takes its meaning from the Latin word for “strong.” This noun means “the strength of mind to endure pain or difficulty with courage.” There is an adjective form—fortitudinous—but it is rarely used.

•The point guard on the basketball team had the fortitude to play with an injured knee because he knew the team needed him to win the championship.

•Summoning up all of her fortitude, Joan of Arc refused to recant when she was burned at the stake.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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坚韧(FORT it ood)这是几个词(furture,fortune)中的一个,其含义来自拉丁语单词“坚强”。这个名词的意思是“用勇气忍受痛苦或困难的精神力量”。有一个形容词形式“坚韧”,但很少使用。


fortitude” 通常用来表示坚韧、刚毅和勇气。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Inner fortitude – 内在的坚韧
  2. Courage and fortitude – 勇气和坚毅
  3. Show fortitude – 展现坚韧
  4. Moral fortitude – 道德坚韧
  5. Resilience and fortitude – 韧性和坚毅
  6. fortitude in adversity – 逆境中的坚韧
  7. Strength and fortitude – 力量和坚毅
  8. Display fortitude – 展示坚韧
  9. Emotional fortitude – 情感坚韧
  10. Inner strength and fortitude – 内在力量和坚韧
  11. Face challenges with fortitude – 坚韧面对挑战
  12. Mental fortitude – 心理坚韧
  13. Physical fortitude – 身体坚韧
  14. Spiritual fortitude – 精神坚韧
  15. Resilience, strength, and fortitude – 韧性、力量和坚韧
  16. Cultivate fortitude – 培养坚韧
  17. Maintain fortitude – 保持坚韧
  18. Personal fortitude – 个人坚韧
  19. fortitude in difficult times – 困难时期的坚韧
  20. Unyielding fortitude – 不屈的坚韧
  21. Steadfast fortitude – 坚定的坚韧
  22. Show moral fortitude – 展现道德坚韧
  23. Overcome challenges with fortitude – 以坚韧克服挑战
  24. fortitude in the face of adversity – 面对逆境的坚韧
  25. Develop inner fortitude – 培养内在坚韧
  26. Perseverance and fortitude – 毅力和坚韧
  27. Admirable fortitude – 值得钦佩的坚韧
  28. Maintain emotional fortitude – 保持情感坚韧
  29. Courage, strength, and fortitude – 勇气、力量和坚韧
  30. fortitude in challenging situations – 在挑战性情境中的坚韧
  31. Inner resilience and fortitude – 内在韧性和坚韧
  32. Show emotional fortitude – 展示情感坚韧
  33. Display moral fortitude – 展示道德坚韧
  34. Cultivate inner fortitude – 培养内在坚韧
  35. Uphold fortitude – 维持坚韧
  36. Persevere with fortitude – 以坚韧毅力坚持
  37. Admirable moral fortitude – 值得钦佩的道德坚韧
  38. Resilience, determination, and fortitude – 韧性、决心和坚韧
  39. Inner courage and fortitude – 内在勇气和坚韧
  40. Face adversity with fortitude – 以坚韧面对逆境
  41. Show physical fortitude – 展示身体坚韧
  42. Maintain mental fortitude – 保持心理坚韧
  43. fortitude in the midst of challenges – 在挑战中的坚韧
  44. Cultivate emotional fortitude – 培养情感坚韧
  45. Inner strength, resilience, and fortitude – 内在力量、韧性和坚韧
  46. Uphold moral fortitude – 坚持道德坚韧
  47. Demonstrated fortitude – 表现出的坚韧
  48. Inner resolve and fortitude – 内在决心和坚韧
  49. Show unyielding fortitude – 展示不屈的坚韧
  50. fortitude in the face of personal challenges – 面对个人挑战的坚韧


  • grit: courage and determination despite difficulty
  • guts: courage in dealing with danger or uncertainty
  • pluck: courage and a strong wish to succeed
