adamant 英 [ˈædəmənt] 美 [ˈædəmənt]



  • Moreover, the ECB remains adamant that it cannot intervene as the lender of last resort to euro-zone sovereigns.
  • But diplomats and analysts said both countries seemed adamant in their objections, and when the meeting resumed, Syria voted against the treaty as well.


[adjective] impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision
[形容词] 无法说服或不愿意改变意见或决定




出自2010年美国超级英雄电影《钢铁侠2》(Iron Man 2》)。该片是2008年卖座电影《钢铁侠》的续集,也是漫威电影宇宙系列的第三部电影。


Decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.
出自英国政治家、历史学家、作家以及第61和63任首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)。


adamant (AD ah ment) Since this word comes to us from the Greek for “unconquerable” and “diamond,” it’s no wonder it means “impervious to reason” or “stubbornly unyielding.” There’s even a stone named “ada-mantine,” that was thought to be impenetrable.

  • After hearing reports of terrorist threats at the airport, Belle’s parents remained adamant about her not attending the spring break party in Cancun.
  • Although Rajneesh thought his history grade was unfair and complained to Mr. Lombardy, his teacher, Mr. Lombardy remained adamant, insisting that his class participation was poor and his final paper was inadequately researched.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
adamant(AD啊ment)由于这个词来自希腊语中的 “不可征服的 “和 “钻石”,难怪它的意思是 “不受理性影响 “或 “顽固不屈”。甚至还有一种名为 “ada-mantine “的石头,被认为是无法穿透的。




adamant” 通常用来表示坚定不移的、固执的、坚决的。


  1. adamant refusal: 坚决拒绝
  2. Remain adamant: 保持坚定
  3. Be adamant about something: 对某事坚决
  4. adamant stance: 坚定立场
  5. adamant belief: 坚定信念
  6. adamant opposition: 坚决反对
  7. adamant attitude: 坚决态度
  8. Stay adamant: 坚持不懈
  9. adamant stand: 坚定立场
  10. adamant decision: 坚定决定
  11. Be adamant in one’s views: 在观点上坚定
  12. adamant insistence: 坚决坚持
  13. adamant determination: 坚决决心
  14. adamant support: 坚定支持
  15. adamant commitment: 坚定承诺
  16. adamant demand: 坚决要求
  17. Remain adamant about something: 对某事坚定不移
  18. adamant resolution: 坚决决定
  19. adamant in your position: 在你的立场上坚定
  20. adamant refusal to compromise: 坚决拒绝妥协
  21. adamant insistence on principles: 对原则的坚决坚持
  22. Be adamant in defending rights: 在捍卫权利时坚决
  23. adamant stand on ethics: 对伦理道德的坚定立场
  24. adamant opposition to change: 对变革的坚决反对
  25. adamant defense of values: 对价值观的坚定维护
  26. Remain adamant in your beliefs: 在你的信仰上坚定不移
  27. adamant stand against injustice: 对不公正的坚决反对
  28. adamant rejection of compromise: 坚决拒绝妥协
  29. adamant insistence on equal rights: 对平等权利的坚决坚持
  30. adamant refusal to back down: 坚决拒绝让步
  31. adamant defense of freedom: 对自由的坚决捍卫
  32. adamant support for justice: 对正义的坚定支持
  33. adamant stand on human rights: 对人权的坚定立场
  34. adamant opposition to injustice: 对不公正的坚决反对
  35. adamant resistance to pressure: 对压力的坚决抵抗
  36. adamant insistence on truth: 对真理的坚决坚持
  37. adamant stand on environmental issues: 对环境问题的坚定立场
  38. adamant rejection of compromise: 坚决拒绝妥协
  39. adamant commitment to principles: 对原则的坚决承诺
  40. adamant insistence on accountability: 对问责的坚决坚持
  41. adamant stand against discrimination: 对歧视的坚决反对
  42. adamant opposition to oppression: 对压迫的坚决反对
  43. adamant defense of integrity: 对诚信的坚决捍卫
  44. adamant resistance to authority: 对权威的坚决抵抗
  45. adamant stand on ethical issues: 对伦理问题的坚定立场
  46. adamant refusal to compromise values: 对价值观的坚决不妥协
  47. adamant insistence on transparency: 对透明度的坚决坚持
  48. adamant commitment to progress: 对进步的坚决承诺
  49. adamant stand on social justice: 对社会公正的坚定立场
  50. adamant resistance to manipulation: 对操纵的坚决抵抗


  • obdurate: extremely determined to act in a particular way and not to change despite what anyone else says
  • obstinate: unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite what anyone else says
  • headstrong: very determined to do what you want without listening to others
