sinecure 英 [ˈsɪnɪkjʊə(r)] 美 [ˈsaɪnɪkjʊr]



  • Many had left academic or government sinecures to start their own businesses.
  • Precedents exist in Argentina for offering state support of writers, including subsidies at the provincial level, and a select few have been given sinecures.


[noun] a job that you are paid for even though it involves little or no work
[名词] 闲职,挂名职位


sinecure是一个拉丁借用词。在拉丁文中sine意为without(没有),cura意为care(关心,照管),短语sine cura则是without care(不费心的,不操心的)的意思。英语把这个短语合为一词 sinecure,早先用以指教会中不担任教化工作但却领取干薪的牧师职位,现在则泛指工作清闲而报酬优厚的职位,即“闲职”或“挂名差事”。


  • curator
    a person who takes “care” of a museum or library
  • curate
    a person who takes “care” of souls
  • cure 
    bring health to somebody by taking “care” of him


出自1982年美国电影《苏菲的抉择》(Sophie’s Choice),改编自威廉·史泰隆(William Styron)的同名原著小说。该片讲述了从奥斯维辛集中营出来的波兰女性苏菲,认为自己害死了家人而无法原谅自己,最终在巨大的精神压力下和同居男友双双自杀的故事。



sinecure /ˈsaɪnɪˌkjʊə(r)/指工作清闲而报酬丰厚的职位。它原为17世纪时的教会术语,指领干薪但与教士的精神职责无关的牧师职位。这也正是该词的原义,即sine(没有)和cura(灵魂关怀、灵魂医治)。




这是个拉丁借用词。在拉丁文中 sine 意为 without (没有), cura 意为 care (关心,照管),短语 sine cura 则是 without care (不费心的,不操心的)的意思。英语把这个短语合为一词 sinecure ,早先用以指教会中不担任教化工作但却领取干薪的牧师职位,现在则泛指工作清闲而报酬优厚的职位,即“闲职”或“挂名差事”。

英语另有几个单词也源出拉丁语 cura .如 curator ,即 a person who takes “ care ” of a museum or library (博物馆或图书馆馆长), curate ,即 a person who takes “ care ” of souls (助理牧师), cure ,即 bring health to sb by taking “ care ” of him (治愈)。从含义上来看,这三个词和 care 多少是有联系的。


sinecure (SYNE ek your or SIN ek your) This noun means “a job or sim-ilar position that provides a salary but little work”—a great deal if you can get it.

  • Kareem’s position as the ambassador of good will was little more than a sinecure; he was paid well and given a beautiful apartment in town, but he rarely had to offer his good will to either visitors or natives.
  • Damian was officially hired to be a landscape gardener at Shea Stadium, but the position turned out to be a sinecure as he was able to watch all of the Met games for free but did very little actual gardening.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
sinecure(SYNE ek your或SIN ek your)这个名词的意思是“一份提供薪水但很少工作的工作或类似职位”——如果你能得到的话,那就太多了。


sinecure” 是一个名词,意为闲职、拿钱不干活的职位,通常指没有实际工作负担或职责的高薪职位。

以下是包含 “sinecure” 这个词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Lucrative sinecure – 丰厚的闲职
  2. Political sinecure – 政治上的闲职
  3. sinecure appointment – 闲职任命
  4. Administrative sinecure – 行政上的闲职
  5. sinecure position – 闲职职位
  6. sinecure role – 闲职角色
  7. Prestigious sinecure – 声望的闲职
  8. sinecure title – 闲职头衔
  9. sinecure salary – 闲职薪水
  10. sinecure benefits – 闲职福利
  11. sinecure privileges – 闲职特权
  12. Controversial sinecure – 有争议的闲职
  13. sinecure in academia – 学术界的闲职
  14. Traditional sinecure – 传统的闲职
  15. Honorary sinecure – 名誉性闲职
  16. sinecure in the arts – 艺术领域的闲职
  17. Government sinecure – 政府的闲职
  18. sinecure status – 闲职地位
  19. sinecure position – 闲职职位
  20. High-paying sinecure – 高薪闲职
  21. Corporate sinecure – 公司的闲职
  22. sinecure arrangement – 闲职安排
  23. sinecure appointment – 闲职任命
  24. sinecure benefits – 闲职福利
  25. sinecure salary – 闲职薪水
  26. sinecure contract – 闲职合同
  27. sinecure responsibilities – 闲职责任
  28. Political sinecure – 政治上的闲职
  29. sinecure position – 闲职职位
  30. sinecure appointment – 闲职任命
  31. sinecure benefits – 闲职福利
  32. sinecure privileges – 闲职特权
  33. Controversial sinecure – 有争议的闲职
  34. sinecure in academia – 学术界的闲职
  35. Traditional sinecure – 传统的闲职
  36. Honorary sinecure – 名誉性闲职
  37. sinecure in the arts – 艺术领域的闲职
  38. Government sinecure – 政府的闲职
  39. sinecure status – 闲职地位
  40. sinecure position – 闲职职位
  41. High-paying sinecure – 高薪闲职
  42. Corporate sinecure – 公司的闲职
  43. sinecure arrangement – 闲职安排
  44. sinecure appointment – 闲职任命
  45. sinecure benefits – 闲职福利
  46. sinecure salary – 闲职薪水
  47. sinecure contract – 闲职合同
  48. sinecure responsibilities – 闲职责任
  49. sinecure title – 闲职头衔
  50. sinecure salary – 闲职薪水

这些短语应该有助于你更好地理解 “sinecure” 这个词在不同语境中的用法。


  • doddle: a task or an activity that is very easy
  • cinch: something that is very easy
  • gravy train: a situation where people seem to be making a lot of money without much effort
