shrewd什么意思_翻译 – shrewd 英语单词讲解

shrewd 英 [ʃruːd] 美 [ʃruːd]



  • TED uses a shrewd combination of paid-for and free products, the purpose of the latter being to generate buzz.
    TED 巧妙地将付费产品和免费产品结合在一起,其中后者的目的是为了引起轰动。
  • At different times and from various angles Mr. Obama is a fiery orator, an aloof intellectual, a policy nerd and a shrewd strategist.


[adjective] clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation
[形容词] 善于理解和判断形势


英语中常以 shrew 一词辱骂一个女人,却以另一词 shrewd 恭维一个男人。shrew 意指“泼妇”或“悍妇”,而 shrewd 则表示“精明的”、“机灵的”。这两者的词形仅一个字母之差,但其词义却一贬一褒。其实在语源上它们之间存在着密切的亲缘关系。

shrew 原指一种形似鼠的小动物,汉语叫“鼩鼱”。该动物生性凶狠好斗,常为一点食物自相残杀,而且胜者还将败者吃掉,所以 shrew 也被用来喻指“恶人”,尤指“悍妇”,如莎士比亚的喜剧 The Taming of the Shrew (《驯悍记》)。

后来, shrew 也被用作动词,作“辱骂”或“咒骂”等义解,其过去分词形式 shrewed 则作形容词用,含“坏心眼的”、“凶狠的”等义,是个地地道道的贬义词。但最后其词形演变为 shrewd ,词义也经历了由贬而褒的变化过程。

如今我们尚可从保留下来的以下几个固定搭配中看到 shrewd 早先的贬义特征:

  • a shrewd pain
  • a shrewd blow
  • a shrewd wind


出自1953年浪漫爱情片《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)。故事讲述了一位欧洲某公国的公主与一个美国记者之间在意大利罗马一天之内发生的浪漫故事。影片获得当年奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖(奥黛丽·赫本)、最佳服装设计奖、最佳剧本奖。



我们常常以 shrew 一词辱骂一个女人,却以另一词 shrewd 恭维一个男人。 shrew 意指“泼妇”或“悍妇”,而 shrewd 则表示“精明的”、“机灵的”。这两者的词形仅一个字母之差,但其词义却一贬一褒。其实在语源上它们之间存在着密切的亲缘关系。

shrew 原指一种形似鼠的小动物,汉语叫“鼩鼱”。该动物生性凶狠好斗,常为一点食物自相残杀,而且胜者还将败者吃掉,所以 shrew 也被用来喻指“恶人”,尤指“悍妇”,如莎士比亚的喜剧 The Taming ofthe Shrew (《驯悍记》)。后来, shrew 也被用作动词,作“辱骂”或“咒骂”等义解,其过去分词形式 shrewed 则作形容词用,含“坏心眼的”、“凶狠的”等义,是个地地道道的贬义词。但最后其词形演变为 shrewd ,词义也经历了由贬而褒的变化过程。

如今我们尚可从保留下来的以下几个固定搭配中看到 shrewd 早先的贬义特征: a shrewd blow (狠狠的一击), a shrewd wind (凛冽的寒风), a shrewd pain (剧痛)。可见, shrewd 是从 shrew 衍化出来的。 shrew 在古英语原作 screawa ,在中世纪英语作 schrewe 。


shrewd” 这个词指的是聪明、精明,通常指某人能够敏锐地看到问题的本质并做出明智的决策。下面是50个包含这个词的短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. shrewd decision – 明智的决策
  2. shrewd business sense – 精明的商业触觉
  3. shrewd observation – 敏锐的观察
  4. shrewd judgment – 精明的判断
  5. shrewd analysis – 聪明的分析
  6. shrewd investor – 精明的投资者
  7. shrewd negotiation – 精明的谈判
  8. shrewd strategist – 精明的策略家
  9. shrewd move – 聪明的举动
  10. shrewd assessment – 聪明的评估
  11. shrewd planning – 精明的规划
  12. shrewd decision-making – 精明的决策
  13. shrewd analysis of the market – 对市场的精明分析
  14. shrewd financial management – 精明的财务管理
  15. shrewd investment strategy – 聪明的投资策略
  16. shrewd business acumen – 商业头脑精明
  17. shrewd political maneuvering – 精明的政治策略
  18. shrewd pricing strategy – 聪明的定价策略
  19. shrewd understanding of human behavior – 对人类行为的敏锐理解
  20. shrewd assessment of risks – 对风险的精明评估
  21. shrewd marketing tactics – 精明的营销策略
  22. shrewd negotiation skills – 聪明的谈判技巧
  23. shrewd analysis of competition – 对竞争的敏锐分析
  24. shrewd leadership – 精明的领导
  25. shrewd management – 聪明的管理
  26. shrewd cost control – 精明的成本控制
  27. shrewd investment decisions – 聪明的投资决策
  28. shrewd understanding of trends – 对趋势的敏锐理解
  29. shrewd negotiation tactics – 聪明的谈判战术
  30. shrewd strategic planning – 聪明的战略规划
  31. shrewd financial analysis – 精明的财务分析
  32. shrewd assessment of opportunities – 对机会的精明评估
  33. shrewd business decisions – 聪明的商业决策
  34. shrewd evaluation of investments – 对投资的精明评估
  35. shrewd understanding of customer needs – 对客户需求的敏锐理解
  36. shrewd negotiation techniques – 聪明的谈判技巧
  37. shrewd risk assessment – 精明的风险评估
  38. shrewd market analysis – 精明的市场分析
  39. shrewd budget management – 聪明的预算管理
  40. shrewd pricing decisions – 精明的定价决策
  41. shrewd judgment of character – 对人性格的敏锐判断
  42. shrewd business moves – 聪明的商业举措
  43. shrewd observation of trends – 对趋势的敏锐观察
  44. shrewd investment choices – 聪明的投资选择
  45. shrewd risk management – 精明的风险管理
  46. shrewd negotiation tactics – 聪明的谈判战术
  47. shrewd decision-making skills – 精明的决策技巧
  48. shrewd assessment of the situation – 对情况的敏锐评估
  49. shrewd financial planning – 聪明的财务规划
  50. shrewd business strategy – 精明的商业策略



  • astute: very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage
  • acute: intelligent and quick to notice and understand things
  • perspicacious: (formal) able to understand sb/sth quickly and accurately
