
plunder 英 [ˈplʌndə(r)] 美 [ˈplʌndər]



  • As Guy Standing of the School of Oriental and African Studies in London writes in his book, “The Plunder of the Commons”, property rights can create an incentive for owners to use resources well, but they also grant the liberty to squander the fruits of their holdings.
  • His collection was plundered by the Nazis during World War II.


[verb] steal goods from a place or person, typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder
[动词] 通常在战争或内乱时期,使用武力从某个地方或某人那里窃取货物


Plunder 源自中古高地德语 plunderen (拿走家具),主要表示“军队或有组织的帮派、强盗等在战时或匪患等动乱之际,运用武力大肆洗劫和掠夺”。有说法认为该词是在三十年战争(Thirty Years’ War ,第一次全欧洲大战)期间进入英语的,并在1642年英国内战爆发后成为本土用词。

除了乱世,和平年代也会存在一些商业、政治、金融等利益集团结成的剥削公众的掠夺联盟,在英语里叫“plunderbund”。另外, plunder 也可以作名词,一是表示掠夺这个动作,二是指“掠夺物、侵吞物、赃物”,比如:

  • carloads of plunder


Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.

出自充满智慧的古以色列王所罗门在中年时所作的诗歌书卷《箴言》(Book of Proverbs)。该书卷内容丰富,被纳入基督教《圣经》,不仅是所罗门的教子之言,还收录了其他国家的箴言。内含智慧之言,哲理耐人深思。


plunder (PLUN der) This verb refers to the seizing of property during war or some similar act of force. It comes from the German word meaning “household goods.” The word is often associated with the words “pil-lage” and “sack,” both of which describe the forceful taking of property.

  • Many towns and villages were plundered during the Thirty Years War when soldiers could be seen carrying out everything from knickknacks to bed linen while distraught owners wailed.
  • The evangelist encouraged his followers to “plunder hell” by depriving Satan of possible inhabitants.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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掠夺(PLUN der)这个动词是指在战争或类似的武力行为中抢夺财产。这个词来自德语,意为“家庭用品”。这个词经常与“pil lage”和“sack”联系在一起,这两个词都描述了对财产的强夺。


plunder” 通常用来表示抢劫、掠夺或掠取财物。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. plunder and pillage – 掠夺和劫掠
  2. plunder a village – 掠夺村庄
  3. plunder treasure – 掠夺宝藏
  4. plunder enemy territory – 掠夺敌方领土
  5. plunder riches – 掠夺财富
  6. plunder ancient ruins – 掠夺古遗址
  7. plunder war spoils – 掠夺战利品
  8. plunder cultural artifacts – 掠夺文化文物
  9. plunder valuables – 掠夺贵重物品
  10. plunder historical sites – 掠夺历史遗址
  11. plunder natural resources – 掠夺自然资源
  12. plunder a shipwreck – 掠夺沉船
  13. plunder conquered lands – 掠夺征服的土地
  14. plunder pirate treasure – 掠夺海盗宝藏
  15. plunder archaeological sites – 掠夺考古遗址
  16. plunder ill-gotten gains – 掠夺不正当所得
  17. plunder ancestral tombs – 掠夺祖坟
  18. plunder cultural heritage – 掠夺文化遗产
  19. plunder abandoned settlements – 掠夺废弃定居点
  20. plunder stolen goods – 掠夺赃物
  21. plunder wildlife habitats – 掠夺野生动物栖息地
  22. plunder a bank vault – 掠夺银行保险库
  23. plunder underwater wrecks – 掠夺水下沉船
  24. plunder national treasures – 掠夺国宝
  25. plunder valuable artifacts – 掠夺贵重文物
  26. plunder enemy supplies – 掠夺敌方补给
  27. plunder ancient temples – 掠夺古庙
  28. plunder sacred sites – 掠夺神圣地点
  29. plunder hidden treasures – 掠夺隐秘宝藏
  30. plunder cultural relics – 掠夺文物
  31. plunder wartime resources – 掠夺战时资源
  32. plunder enemy fortresses – 掠夺敌方要塞
  33. plunder valuable paintings – 掠夺名画
  34. plunder sacred artifacts – 掠夺神圣文物
  35. plunder valuable antiques – 掠夺贵重古董
  36. plunder enemy provisions – 掠夺敌方供应
  37. plunder valuable manuscripts – 掠夺贵重手稿
  38. plunder enemy camps – 掠夺敌方营地
  39. plunder valuable jewels – 掠夺贵重珠宝
  40. plunder enemy territories – 掠夺敌方领土
  41. plunder priceless artifacts – 掠夺无价文物
  42. plunder enemy resources – 掠夺敌方资源
  43. plunder valuable relics – 掠夺贵重遗物
  44. plunder enemy stores – 掠夺敌方储备
  45. plunder valuable sculptures – 掠夺名贵雕塑
  46. plunder enemy provisions – 掠夺敌方供应
  47. plunder historical treasures – 掠夺历史宝藏
  48. plunder enemy caches – 掠夺敌方储藏
  49. plunder valuable heirlooms – 掠夺贵重传家宝
  50. plunder enemy depots – 掠夺敌方仓库


  • loot: to steal things from shops/stores or buildings after a riot , fire, etc.
  • pillage: rob a (place) using violence, especially in wartime
  • ransack: go hurriedly through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
