
《与安德烈晚餐》是由路易·马勒(Louis Malle)执导的影片, 整部影片讲的就是一个演员兼编剧跟一个导演在餐桌上讨论各种人生话题,有很强的思辨性。


Two old friends meet for dinner; as one tells anecdotes detailing his experiences, the other notices their differing worldviews.
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Andre: A baby holds your hands, and then suddenly, there’s this huge man lifting you off the ground, and then he’s gone. Where’s that son?







Wally: I’ve lived in this city all my life. I grew up on the Upper East Side. And when I was ten years old, I was rich, I was an aristocrat. Riding around in taxis, surrounded by comfort, and all I thought about was art and music. Now, I’m 36, and all I think about is money.
Wally: I was beginning to realize that the only way to make this evening bearable, would be to ask Andre a few questions. Asking questions always relaxes me. In fact, I sometimes think that my secret profession is that I’m a private investigator, a detective. I always enjoy finding out about people. Even if they are in absolute agony, I always find it very interesting.
Andre: Remember that moment when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the Oscar, and everything went haywire? Things just very rarely go haywire now. If you’re just operating by habit, then you’re not really living.
Andre: What does it do to us, Wally, living in an environment where something as massive as the seasons or winter or cold, don’t in any way affect us? I mean, were animals after all. I mean… what does that mean? I think that means that instead of living under the sun and the moon and the sky and the stars, we’re living in a fantasy world of our own making.
Wally: Yeah, but I mean, I would never give up my electric blanket, Andre. I mean, because New York is cold in the winter. I mean, our apartment is cold! It’s a difficult environment. I mean, our life is tough enough as it is. I’m not looking for ways to get rid of a few things that provide relief and comfort. I mean, on the contrary, I’m looking for more comfort because the world is very abrasive. I mean, I’m trying to protect myself because, really, there’s these abrasive beatings to be avoided everywhere you look!
Andre: But, Wally, don’t you see that comfort can be dangerous? I mean, you like to be comfortable and I like to be comfortable too, but comfort can lull you into a dangerous tranquility.
Andre: I wouldn’t put on an electric blanket for any reason. First, I’d be worried if I get electrocuted. No, I don’t trust technology. But I mean, the main thing, Wally, is that I think that kind of comfort just separates you from reality in a very direct way.
Wally: [going home in a taxicab] I treated myself to a taxi. I rode home through the city streets. There wasn’t a street, there wasn’t a building, that wasn’t connected to some memory in my mind. There, I was buying a suit with my father. There, I was having an ice cream soda after school. And when I finally came in, Debbie was home from work, and I told her everything about my dinner with Andre.

5 评论

  1. 坦白说,这顿影史上最著名的晚餐确实有点挑战我的耐心了。所谓晚餐,其实是两个人的一场高端的、思辨的对话,安德烈是这场对话的主宰。与其他单一场景电影不同,该片几乎没有情节或者戏剧冲突,纯粹就是一场东拉西扯的对话。这是一部实验性作品,也许很少人会认真看完,但其已经且必定对后世影响深远。

  2. 朋友,仅仅一个轨道运镜,你就失去了你努力半天试图打造的“realism”——没有秘密,过于安全。诚然非常写实也足够展现对话中消失的时间,但更多像是自问自答(Filmed dialogue),一个真正电影的对话必然揭露一些关于对话本身的肌理,而不只是写在剧本里的布莱希特和监狱理论们,这也是区分马勒与真正的新浪潮,对话与filmed dialogue的关键区别。

  3. 这样的剧本似乎不是写而根本就是聊出来的。从奇幻故事到联系生活最后推向哲理高度。一气呵成。像极了之前修的一门课。晚上六点到九点四十五。教授进来胡乱点个名就开始幽暗的灯光下各种玄聊。现在想来那是至今最有启发的一节课。每次下课都似乎能写个剧本。

  4. 画面上是两个老男人喋喋不休,但观众却可以看到荒山、丛林、坟墓、僧侣,看到假象之下的荒谬、幻想之后的庸常。所谓剥除陈词滥调的“里世界”…..影片拍摄看似不动声色,却四两拨千斤,微妙动人至极

  5. 你以为你在努力的生活,其实不过是拼命的生存罢了。你往嘴里送食物,究竟是饥饿还是只是习惯。有时候在生活里反而看不清生活,所以有人远行有人逃离。科学是否真的能解释一切,究竟科学是创造了事物还是破坏了东西。预测究竟是巧合还是未来真的能给现在传递信息。
