我不是中伤 Beastie
I ain’t gonna be bumpin’ no Beastie,
不过白人唱黑人的歌♥总是比较容易成功 对吗?
but it’s always easier for a white man to succeed in a black man’s medium, right?!
一语中的 说得好
[Future ] Wordup. That’s true.

Yo! Whoa!
– 嗨 嗨! – 怎么了
– Hey, hey, hey, hey! -All right.
你要干什么? Rabbit!
What you doin’, man?! Rabbit!
– 哦 妈的! – 不要担心 Rabbit 我在后面支援
– Oh, shit! – Don’t you worry, Rabbit! I got your back!
嗨嗨 怎么了 “B”?
Hey! Hey, what’s up, “”B”?!
– 你想操♥我♥们是吗 婊♥子♥? – 闭上你的臭嘴
– You wanna fuck with us, bitch?! – Shut your bitch-ass up!
Get off my man!
Yo, get offme, man!
你想操♥我♥们是吗 嗯?
Yeah! You wanna fuck with us?! Huh?!
– 来操♥我♥们啊? – Cheddar 你在他妈的干什么呢?
– Fuckwith us, yeah?! – Cheddar, what the fuck areyou doin’?!
– 你从哪里搞到的这个东西? – 从我妈妈那里拿的
– Where did you get that shit?! – It’s my mom’s!
赶快把那东西收起来 你♥他♥妈♥的会杀死人的!
Man, put that shit away, dawg, beforeyou fuckin’ kill somebody!
– Papa Doc 也有! – 把它收起来!
– Papa Doc had one! – Put it away!
– 我说你把那东西放下 – 别这样 Cheddar
– Man, put that down, man! – Come on, Cheddar.
– 好吧 – 操他的!
– Okay! All right! – Fuck man!
– 哦 妈的! – 真♥他♥妈♥的?
– Oh, shit! – What the fuck?!
– 操 – 我们赶快走
– Shit! – Let’s get out of here!
你还好吗? 哦 见鬼!
You all right, man?! Oh, shit!
We got to get him to a hospital, dawg!
钥匙? 汽车钥匙在哪儿? 快上车!
Keys? Where are the keys? Get the fuckin’car!
I got to put pressure on it! I got to put pressure on it!
– 放轻松一点 – 他把自己的鸡♥巴♥打飞了!
– Try not to think about it! – He shot his fuckin’ dick off!!
– 真的? – 老兄 你闭嘴行不行!
Did I?! Man, shut the fuck up, man!
– Future 带他去 McDougall – 我也住在那里
Future, take Gratiot to McDougall! I live here too!
– 我知道怎么去 – 那就他妈的快带我们去!
I know how to get there! Then fuckin’ get us there then!
Rabbit’s gonna teach me how to write rhyme!
不管怎么样 你拿枪干什么?
What the fuck were you doin’ with a gun anyway, man?!
What the fuc kwere you doin’ with those motherfuckers?!
– 你知道我明天晚上有个演出! – 冷静点!
– You know I had a show tomorrow night! – Calm the fuck down!
你们吵什么? M C Bob
What arey’all trippin’ about?! M!C! Bob!
什么? M C Bob
What?! M!C! Bob!
– 老兄你在说什么? – 这是不是个好名字?
Man, what are you talkin’ about?! Is that a good name?!
- Cheddar Bob这个名字有什么问题? - 但是我喜欢Mc Bob
What’s wrong with Cheddar Bob?! I like M!C! Bob!
– 是吗? – 是 M C Bob
Right?! Yeah! M!C! Bob!
I’m the one that got that fat man out offlippin’burgers.
– 真的? – 是的 Roy在JLB采访了他
Really? Yeah. Now Roy’s gotta interview him down atJLB.
And I’m gonna be there. Oh, it’s finna be on.
医生说他射中了动脉 不过现在没事了
So the doctor said that he hit an artery, but he’s gonna be okay!
哦 这太好了 你要去哪里?
Oh, yeah! That’s good, man! Where you been?!
Prayin – 他没事情了吧? – 没事了
Prayin’! Is he all right?! Yeah! It’s cool!
Let’s go!
Wink 告诉我们他怎么给Roy Darucher做事
Wink was just tellin’ us how he got in with Roy Darucher!
Yeah. Shit’s hot, man.
He doin’ an interview down atJ LB!
Why you even listenin’ to this clown?!
– 什么? – 你听到了吧
What?! You heard me.
Man, I don’t even know why you got to be all like that.
对他来说是个好买♥♥卖♥♥ 是最实在的
This is a good deal for him! This shit is for real!
Oh! It’s for real?!
我记得上次你说你兄弟替Dr Dre工作?
– Like that time you said your cousin worked for Dr. Dre? – [ Snickering ]
或者上次你说 你和在Russell Simmons办公室的人很熟悉?
Or like that time you were real tight with that intern in Russell Simmons’ office?!
– – Or how about the time–
Man, shut the fuck up!
Why you always givin’ me shit, man?!
I mean, is it because I’m makin’ moves?!
Or is it because your ass is stuck hosting battles for, like, two years?!
– 你♥他♥妈♥的是个失败的家伙 – 你♥他♥妈♥叫谁是失败者?
– You’re a fuckin’ loser! – Who the fuck you callin’ a loser?!
冷静! 冷静点! 你们为什么还为这些狗屁争吵?
Chill, man! Chill! How can you guys fight about this shit now?!
我知道你要对我们做什么 臭小子!
I know whatyou’re trying to do with our group, bitch!
Cheddar Bob还住在医院里 你们竟然还为这些东西而争吵
Cheddar’s layin’ up in the fuckin’ hospital and you guys want to fight about this?!
So fuckin’ stupid!
忘了这辆吧 “B ”
Forget this car, “”B!”
I’ll giveyou a ride to work in the morning!
– 今天晚上你赌博赢拉吗? – 没有
Didyou win at bingo tonight? No!
You record your demo yet?!
What happened to you?!
Cheddar Bob 出了点事 现在他没事了
Cheddar Bob had an accident! He’s fine! I’m fine!
You and your friends!
Mom, don’t start, please!
It’s been a long fuckin’ night!
Tell me about it!
Me and Greg are havin’ problems!
– 他知道房♥租的事了? – 不是
– He found out about the eviction?! – No!
– 支票还没有到是吗? – 不 快到了
The settlement check ain’t comin’?! No, it’s comin’.
就快到了 是我们的 是我们性的生活
It’s comin’! It’s our– It’s our sex life!
妈 我不想听这些狗屁
Mom, I don’t want to hear this shit!
他很好 非常好
I mean, it’s good! It’s real good!
– 他就是不喜欢 – 妈 我不想听这些东西
But he just doesn’t like– Mom, I don’t want to hear this!
– Greg 不太接受我。 – 妈!
Greg won’t go down on me! Mom!
嗨 Sol 你曾有那种感觉吗? 就想说”操它的”
Hey, Sol. You everwonder whatpointyou gotta just say, “Fuck it, man'”?
你想有这种水平的生活 却还活在这种水平
Like when you gotta stop livin’ up here and start livin’ down here?!
现在是早上7点半 老兄
It’s 7:30 in the morning, dawg!
谢谢你用车送我来! – 不客气
Yo, thank your mom for the car, dawg! A’ight!
” 老兄 我真的操♥他♥妈♥的累坏了”
Man, I’m gettin’ so sick and tired
” 每天和这臭钢铁打交道 ”
Offuckin’ with this steel
” 他们只给我们30分钟吃午饭和休息 ”
They only give us 30 minutes to eat lunch and chill
” 我的身体它♥妈♥的♥一定会搞垮 ”
Mybod ya chin’ just to get a buck
” 我真的是无法忍♥受 吃这个他妈的午餐车上的垃圾 ”
I’m sick of eatin’ this shit offthis fuckin’ lunch truck
” 肮脏的食物让我快要疯掉 ”
Nasty-ass food I’m in a nasty-ass mood
” 我应该打电♥话♥去请病假 去做自己该做的事情 ”
I should have called in sick Shit, I had somethin’ to do
” 我不敢相信我能听到 这个泼妇的胡言乱语 ”
I can’t believe I’m hearin’ all this ravin’ and rantin’
” 来自这个底特律工厂的Vanessa ”
From Vanessa up here at the New Detroit Stampin’
” 你最好赶快吃完 赶快抬起屁♥股♥回去工作 ”
You needto get your food and take your ass back to work
” 你在妄想这些乡巴佬会理睬你的话 ”
You’re dreamin’ if you think them corny-ass raps will work
“看你们只会像哑巴一样僵死在这里 ”
Look aty’all Standin’out here freezin’ like dumb fucks
” 只会在这里Rap数落餐车发泄情绪 ”
Rappin’ away for food off this raggedy lunch truck
” 谁会在乎你 跳出来放的狗屁 ”
Who want what Who pumped up to get rolled up
” 让我来让你们每个人清醒一下 ”
I spit venom in every direction Soak some up
” 看看这个胖黑鬼 ”
Look at this fat-ass nigga Sloppy sucker
” 你真它♥妈♥的♥长得好丑 你的脸上最好带上面具 ”
You an ugly motherfucker Yourpop should have wore a rubber
” 别再抱怨了 去做你的事情吧 Vanessa ”
Stop rhymin’ Keep your day job, Vanessa
” 下次把这些屁话带回家去说 ”
Next time, leave that bullshit home on the dresser
“说到衣服 看看 我们可爱的Paul
Speaking of dresses Take a look at Paul the fruitcake
” 你旅行的时候也许只会带上妇孺的衣服 ”
When you travelyou probably pack panties in your suitcase
” 有人说出你的花边新闻 ”
Made out oflace from Victoria’s Secret
” 就算有10个男人想和你搞 你也会义不容辞 ”
I f ten men came i n a cup you’d probably drink it
好了 各位 同性恋的笑话已经说够了
Okay folks Enough with the gayjokes
尤其是这个本身就是同性恋的小子 对吧 嗯 loc ”
Especially from a gay broke bitch yourself, eh, loc
他是 ” 他的造型很酷 ”
Who is this– His style is doo-doo
” 你在这里做的比我久 却赚的比我少 ”
You’ve worked here longer than me and I get paid more than you do
说什么啊 ” 老兄 坐稳了 ”
Serious, man! Dawg, take a seat
” 你们整排站着要做啥? 他可是连吃饭的钱都没有 ”
What’s this guy standin’ in line for He ain’t got money to eat
” 来吧 呦 呦 ”
Check this out Yo,yo
” 这小子全身都找遍了 但是只找到一毛钱 ”
This guy cashed his whole check and bought one Ho-Ho
” 操同性恋 你这个顽固不化的东西 ”
Fuckin’ homo, little maggoy You can’t hack it
” Paul是同性恋 你却是蠢货 ”
Paul’s gay, you’re a faggot
” 至少他还敢承认 不会去掩饰 ”
At least he admits it . Don’t even risk it
” 这个小子快要饿死了 谁能给他块饼干 ”
– This guy’s starvin’ to death Someone get him a biscuit –
” 我不知道他们怎么告诉你的 Mike ”
I don’t know what they told you, Mike
” 你一定总是让大家讨厌的家伙 ”
You must have had them cornrows rolled too tight
” 你想辞职 但你却不能这么去做 ”
This job, you wanna quit But you can’t
” 你在这里呆的太久了 你的脑子也已经生锈了 ”
You’ve worked at this plant so long, you’re a plant
” 看在上帝的份上看看你♥他♥妈♥的 那双烂鞋子 ”
Look atyour goddamn boots For Christ sakes
” 我的天啊 都快要长出’根’了 ”
– They’re startin’ to grow roots –
” mike你已经过时了 ”
On this mike you get faded
” 你像个破落的一败涂地的Rapper ”
-You look like a pissed-off rappe who never made it – [ Crowd ] Ooh
