Heck, he’s– He’s just a kid.
Well, what did you expect?
我不知道 一个怪物
Well, I don’t know. A monster.
就这个 他到底是干嘛的
Anything but this. What did he really do?
这个小混球花了我五万 他就是干这个的
The little prick cost me 50 grand. That’s what he did.
好了 让这事儿过去吧
Just leave it. You need to let it go.
我们现在都能睡个好觉了 知道恐♥怖♥分♥子♥已经被抓
We can all rest easier now, knowing this terrorist is off our streets.
Isn’t it a little bit too early…
to actually convict this young man?
He’s just some poor guy.
可怜个屁 我知道我们得等
Poor guy, my ass. – I knew we should have waited.
You are the one that said to take the first decent offer we got.
我提醒你 你有义务接受我客户的出价
I remind you, you are obligated to take my clients’ offer.
是么 是
Yes? – Yes.
好 那签一下吧
All right. Just sign the thing already.
就签那 卡佛先生
Just sign where indicated, Mr. Carver.
I’m not signing.
艾利克斯 你怎么了
Alex– Are you all right?
What do you mean, you’re not signing it?
I mean I’m not signing the damn thing.
