People want them.
我想要 你也想要
I want them. You want them.


I am a goddamned failure.
You are not a failure.
I’ve disappointed you.
你从没让我失望 露丝
You’ve never disappointed me, Ruth.
我曾从你表情看出来 别这么说
I can see it in your face. Stop saying that.
你有一整个班的学生 那都是你的孩子
You have classrooms full of children. Those are your kids.
That’s not the same thing.
还有我 我就是你的孩子 你总是说你就是长不大的孩子
Then me. I’m your kid. You’re always telling me what a big baby I am.
Well, you are.
你真的很喜欢吧 是的
You really like it, don’t you? I do.
承认吧 你明明也喜欢
And, honey, admit it, you do too.
我说 等一下
I mean, I know– Wait a second.
我知道这不是我们的家 但我们永远也找不到和我们家一样的地方
I know it’s not our place, but we’re never gonna find another place like our place.
And we won’t find anything better than this.
艾利克斯 这是什么 这是报价
So, Alex, I mean, it’s just– What is it? It’s a bid.
It’s not a commitment.
你知道的 我们找不到
It’s, like– You know, we’re not going to find–
他们不会选我们的 相信我
They’re never going to take it. Trust me.
好吧 那来吧 真的么
All right, fine. Let’s do it. Really?
我们该打给莉莉么 不
Yeah. Should we call Lily? No.
You said you thought we should do this ourselves,
我觉得也是 但是得小心点
so I think we should, but we have to be smart.
What do you think we should offer?
别太低不然一点机会都没有了 我知道
Well, not so low that we have no chance. I know.
也别太高 不然根本付不起
But not so high that we start with something we can’t afford.
So what would be the point of that? Right?
我不知道 我觉得90万把
I don’t know. This is what I think. I think 900,000.
有点低了 91吧
That’s too low. 910.
您觉得呢 我不知道
You think? I don’t know.
Well, uh– You think?
91 要不92吧
910? 920. No, 920.
不行 那就太多了 太多了
No, but that’s too much. That’s way too much.
Honey, do you want the place or not?
Yes. I definitely want the place. I want to be in the running.
So 920. 920.
不 925 更有竞争力点
No. 925. It’s more impressive.
哇 听着 什么
Whoa! Listen to you. What?
You sound like you’re some sort of an auctioneer!
好 有没有93万
Okay. Do I hear 930?
好好 93
Yeah. Yeah, 930. 930?
That’s a lot better.
有什么关系呢 只是钱而已
I mean, so, what the heck? It’s just money. Yeah.
我都不知道那些人是什么样 太难写了
This is hard to write when I don’t know exactly what these people are like.
Tell ’em I’m senile and I want to live by the zoo.
Be serious. Please.
How ’bout donating a park bench with their name on it?

Ah, just tell them we love the place.
Breaking news. The bartender, Debbie Hoffman,
自己被帕米尔抢劫的酒保黛比 霍夫曼
who claimed that Pamir robbed her cash register,
has now been charged with theft and misleading police…
after she admitted that she took the money.
Yeah. I knew there was something wrong with that.
艾利克里 老天
Al– Alex? Oh, my God.
艾利克斯 怎么了
Alex? What?
我们拍到那公♥寓♥了 什么 这么快
We got the apartment! – What? Already?
Yeah. Isn’t that wonderful?
Now, they want us to come over with the check right now.
什么 现在 他们是这么说的
Right now? That’s what they said.
我不知道 你不知道什么
I don’t know. You don’t know what?
我觉得我们应该等等 为什么
I mean, I think we should wait. For what?
We don’t wanna be giving our money to somebody with all this going on.
We’re gonna lose this apartment. That’s what we’re gonna do.
不会的 那我怎么和经纪人说
We’re not gonna lose it. What am I going to say to the real estate broker?
就跟他们说我们 我们
Just tell ’em we– we– we–
什么 就说我们现在过不去
What? Tell them we can’t
get there right now.
他们会选出价第二高的了 艾利克斯
They’re gonna take the next best offer, Alex.
他们不会的 他们会的
No, they won’t. Yes, they are.
No, they won’t.
等等 先别接
Oh! Wait. Don’t pick it up.
不不不 我刚收到一条留言
Don’t– Don’t– Don’t– I just left a message on your cell.
The sellers are getting anxious.
If we don’t hear from you soon,
they’re gonna open up the bidding again.
你听见她说什么了 他们要重新开始竞价了
You heard what she said? They’re going to reopen the bidding.
他只是虚张声势 她不是
She’s bluffing. She’s not bluffing.
Right now we’re the only ones that are bluffing.
亲爱的 我们都走到这步了不能现在退缩啊
Come on, honey. We’ve gone this far. We can’t back down now.
我们最后需要的是 露丝
The last thing we need, Ruth,
is for somebody else to be pushing us into something.
Nobody is pushing us into anything.
我们要自己主宰 是你说的 宝贝
Take things into our own hands. That’s what you said, honey.
我知道我说过什么 你能看着我么
I know what I said. Will you please look at me?
All day yesterday, I heard you complain…
about being treated like garbage and ending up on the streets.
And then finally last night, we decide to make a move,
but only if we have total control.
So, we look at a few places.
And then finally– finally we get excited about one, we make an offer,
and lo and behold, we get it.
我们好不容易拿到了 你现在又要退缩
We actually get the place. And now you wanna back down?
听着 如果你想掌控的话 我们就这么掌控
Listen, if you wanna take control, this is how we take control, honey!
我还要说露丝 这确实是一大笔钱
All I’m saying, Ruth, is this is a lot of money!
我知道 但是如果我们没有把握住这次机会的话
I know, but if we walk away from this,
we’ll just be acting like a couple of old fools!
嗨 有人在么
Hello? Anybody home?

Hey! Oh!
My God! Everybody is so crazy out there.
I wish they would go ahead and find this guy already.
Jesus. All right.
Here’s where we are.
蓝色打底裤 是最坚定的出价者 885
Blue Leggings is our last solid bid at 885.
But the Dog Ladies have called…
and they wanna come by in a few minutes with a counterbid.
Apparently, they wanna do it in person…
because they wanna make some kind of–
What’s the matter?
露丝阿姨 怎么了
Aunt Ruth, what happened? Oh. We–
我们今天早上看了个房♥子 什么意思
We saw a place this morning. What do you mean you saw a place?
我们今早去看了个房♥子 而且还挺喜欢的
We went to an open house this morning, and we loved it.
You went to an open house today?
如果你想看♥房♥♥子 我真不明白
If you knew you were ready to look– I don’t understand.
你为什么不先给我打电♥话♥呢 什么你等一下
Why didn’t you call me first? – Oh, what? Wait.
We don’t need to be asking you for permission.
我懂 但我也有房♥源啊
No, I-I realize that, but I have listings too.
我有的是房♥源 而且我为你们做了那么多事
I have stacks of listings, and I have done a lot of work for you.
这行本来就不好做 为什么不先给我打电♥话♥呢
This isn’t the easiest market. Why didn’t you call me first, Aunt Ruth?
对不起 莉莉
I’m sorry, Lily. I really am sorry.
不是她的主意 是我的主意
It wasn’t her idea. It was mine.
An apartment might not be the best idea for you right now.
还有别的 扯淡 等一下
There are other– – Bullshit! Wait a minute now!
我们已经决定我们想去哪住了 好的好的
We’ll decide where we’re gonna live. – Okay. Okay.
你随意 在哪
Have it your way. Where is it?
这个你那么喜欢的地方 在曼哈顿
This place that you like so much? – It’s in Manhattan.
是 在73街和一大道 太漂亮了
Yeah, it’s on 73rd and First. It’s just so beautiful.
