Tests, vivas, quizzes – 42 exams per semester
笔试 口试 测验 每学期42场考试
You scare easily, bro
这么容易退缩啊 老兄
Take your hand, put it over your heart, and say, ‘Aal izz well’
拿起手 放到胸口 说 All is Well 一切顺利
All is well? – Aal izz well
All is Well 一切顺利
Words of wisdom from His Holiness Guru Ranchhoddas
We had an old watchman in our village
On night patrol, he’d call out, ‘Aal izz well’
夜巡的时候 他会大喊 All is Well
And we slept peacefully. Then there was a theft
我们就睡得很香 后来还是发生了被盗情况
and we learned that he couldn’t see at night;
He’d just yell ‘Aal izz well’, and we felt secure
他总是在喊 All is well 一切顺利 我们就感到安全了
That day I understood this heart scares easily
那天我懂了 心很脆弱
You have to trick it
However big the problem, tell your heart, ‘All is well, pal’
不管碰到多大困难 告诉你的心 All is well 一切顺利
That resolves the problem?
No. But you gain courage to face it
不能啊 但你得到了面对问题的勇气
Learn it up, bro. We’re gonna really need it here
学着点 兄弟 在这里我们将非常需要它
When life spins out of control Just let your lips roll
当生活失控时 轻颤你的双唇
Let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
When life spins out of control Just let your lips roll
当生活失控时 轻颤你的双唇
Just let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
Yell: All is Well.
The chicken’s clueless about the egg’s fate
Will it hatch or become an omelette
No one knows what the future holds
So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
Whistle away the toll Yell: All is Well
让哨声吹走烦闷 喊吧 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Hey mate: All is Well
嗨 姐♥妹♥们♥ 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Confusion and more confusion No sign of any solution
困惑越来越多 方法却没有几个
Ah. finally a solution But wait. what was the question?
终于有了方法 不过等等 问题是什么
If the timid heart with fear is about to die
如果脆弱的心 害怕得快死去
Then con it bro, with this simple lie
用个简单的谎 就能让她平息
Heart’s an idiot, it will fall under that spell
心是一个傻瓜 会相信那咒语
Let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
Whistle away the toll Yell: All is Well
让哨声吹走烦闷 喊吧 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Hey mate: All is Well
嗨 姐♥妹♥们♥ 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Blew the scholarship on booze But that did not dispel my blues
酒能赶走奖学金 但赶不走我的忧郁
Holy incense lit up my plight And yet God’s nowhere in sight
薰香点燃悲惨命运 而上帝却不见踪影
The lamb is clueless for what it’s destined
Will it be served on skewers or simply minced
No one knows what the future holds
So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
Whistle away the toll Yell: All is Well
让哨声吹走烦闷 喊吧 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Hey mate: All is Well
嗨 姐♥妹♥们♥ 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
When life spins out of control Just let your lips roll
当生活失控时 轻颤你的双唇
Just let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
All is Well
The chicken’s clueless about the egg’s fate
Will it hatch or become an omelette
No one knows what the future holds
So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll
轻颤你的双唇 让哨声吹走烦闷
Whistle away the toll
Eureka! Eureka;
有了 有了 耶
Yell: All is Well
喊吧 一切顺利
Hey Mrs. Chicken: All is Well
嗨 鸡小姐 一切顺利
Hey Mr. Lamb: All is Well
嗨 羊先生 一切顺利
Hey bro: All is Well
嗨 兄弟们 一切顺利
Hey, take it up to Joy’s window
嘿 让它飞到乔伊的窗口
Take it higher
Look at Silencer: the nude dude;
看看沉默者 赤身裸体的家伙
Joy, come out
乔伊 快出来
Come to the window
Joy, look outside
乔伊 看外面
Good news, sir
好消息 院长
The police and Joy’s father have no clue
Everyone thinks this is suicide
The post mortem report –
Cause of Death: Intense pressure on windpipe
死亡原因: 气管气压过大
resulting in choking
All think the pressure on the jugular killed him
What about the mental pressure for the last four years?
That’s missing in the report
Engineers are a clever bunch
They haven’t made a machine to measure mental pressure
If they had, all would know.
如果造了 大家都将知道
this isn’t suicide. it’s murder
这不是自杀 是谋杀
How dare you blame me for Joy’s suicide?
If one student can’t handle pressure, is it our fault?
如果一名学生无法承受压力 难道是我们的错
Life is full of pressures. Will you always blame others?
生活充满了压力 那你总是怪罪别人么
I don’t blame you, sir. I blame the system
我没有怪你 院长 我在责备这个体制
Look at these statistics – India ranks N0.1 in suicides
看看这些统计数据 印度自杀率排名第一
Every 90 minutes, a student attempts suicide
每90分钟 就有一名学生企图自杀
Suicide is a bigger killer than disease
Something’s terribly wrong, sir
有些东西错大了 院长
I can’t speak for the rest
but this is one of the finest colleges in the country
I’ve run this place for 32 years
We were ranked 28th. Now we’re N0.1
What’s the point, sir?
那有什么意义 院长
Here they don’t discuss new ideas or inventions
They discuss grades, jobs, settling in the USA
他们关心成绩 工作 去美国定居
They teach how to get good scores. They don’t teach Engineering
教我们怎样拿高分 却没教我们工程学
Now you will teach me how to teach?
你现在是在教我 应该怎么教书是吧
No sir, I.
不是的 院长 我
Sir, my paper.
院长 我的资料纸
Vaidyanathan, please sit down
瓦迪阿森登 你坐下
Here is a self-proclaimed professor
who thinks he is better than our highly qualified teachers
Professor Ranchhoddas Chanchad will teach us Engineering
We do not have all day
You have 30 seconds to define these terms
You may refer to your books
Raise your hand if you get the answer
Let’s see who comes first, who comes last
看看谁最快 谁最慢
Your time starts. now
你们现在 开始
Time up
Time up, sir
时间到了 院长
No one got the answer?
Now rewind your life by a minute
When I asked this question, were you excited? Curious?
当我提出这个问题的时候 你们兴奋吗
Thrilled that you’d learn something new?
为获得新知识而激动吗 好奇吗
Anyone? . Sir?
有这样的人吗 院长
No. You all got into a frantic race
没有 你们都陷入了疯狂的竞赛中
What’s the use of such methods, even if you come first
即使你第一个找到了答案 这种方法又有什么用
Will your knowledge increase? No, just the pressure
你的知识会增加吗 不会 增加的只有压力
This is a college, not a pressure cooker
这是一所大学 不是高压锅
Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip
就算是马戏团的狮子也会因为 怕鞭打而学会坐在椅子上
But you call such a lion ‘well trained’, not ‘well educated’
可你们只会说这是训练得好 而不是教育得好

This is not a philosophy class. Just explain those two words
这可不是哲学课 解释下这两个词就行了
Sir, these words don’t exist
院长 这两个词压根儿不存在
These are my friends’ names. Farhan and Raju
其实是我朋友的名字 法涵和莱俱
Nonsense! Is this how you’ll teach Engineering?
荒谬 你就这么教工程学
Sir, I wasn’t teaching you Engineering
院长 我并非在教工程学
