亲爱的法官大人 我的父母待我不好
∮Dear ∮ ∮Kindly judge, your honor ∮ ∮My parents treat me rough ∮
抽了一大堆大♥麻♥ 却不给我一口
∮With all their marijuana ∮ ∮They won’t give me a puff ∮
他们也不想生我 只是我不小心生出来了
∮They didn’t wanna have me ∮ ∮But somehow I was had ∮
游手好闲的人 这是我这么坏的原因
∮Leapin’ lizards! ∮ ∮That’s why I’m so bad ∮
是的 克鲁克警官 您真是正直
∮Right! Officer Krupke, you’re really a square ∮
这孩子不需要法官 他需要心理分♥析♥师的帮助
∮This boy don’t need a judge ∮ ∮He needs an analyst’s care ∮
是他的精神官能症 需要被约束
∮It’s just his neurosis that ought to be curbed ∮
他有心理焦虑障碍 – 我有心理焦虑障碍
∮He’s psychologically disturbed ∮ ∮I’m disturbed! ∮
我们心理焦虑 我们心理障碍最严重
∮We’re disturbed, we’re disturbed ∮ ∮We’re the most disturbed ∮
就是 我们有心理障碍
∮Like, we’re psychologically disturbed ∮
听着 这个法庭认为…
Hear ye! Hear ye! In the opinion of this court, this child is depraved…
这个孩子的堕落 是因为他没有一个好的家庭
on account he ain’t had a normal home.
嘿 我堕落是因为我堕落
Hey, I’m depraved on account I’m deprived!
带他去看首席心理医生 你 – 谁 我
So take him to a head shrinker. You!
Who, me? – You be the head shrinker.
我爸打我妈 我妈痛揍我
∮My ∮ ∮Daddy beats my mommy ∮ ∮My mommy clobbers me ∮
我祖父是共♥产♥党 我祖母推销茶
∮My grandpa is a Commie ∮ ∮My grandma pushes tea ∮
我姐姐长胡子 我弟弟穿裙子
∮My sister wears a mustache ∮ ∮My brother wears a dress ∮
我的老天 我难怪我一团糟
∮Goodness gracious! ∮ ∮That’s why I’m a mess ∮
是的 克鲁克警官 他不该在这儿
∮Yes, Officer Krupke, he shouldn’t be here ∮
这孩子不需要心理医生 他需要一份有意义的工作
∮This boy don’t need a couch ∮ ∮He needs a useful career ∮
∮Society’s played him a terrible trick ∮
他得了社会病了 – 我生病了
∮Und sociologically, he’s sick ∮ ∮I am sick! ∮
我们生病了 我们生病了 我们生病了 我们生病了
∮We are sick, we are sick ∮ ∮We are sick, sick, sick ∮
∮Like, we’re sociologically sick ∮
我认为这孩子 不需要心理医生
In my opinion, this child does not need to have his head shrunk at all.
Juvenile delinquency is purely a social disease.
嘿 我得了社会病 – 带他去找社工
Hey, I got a social disease! So take him to a social vorker.
往哪儿去 – 往那儿去
Vich vay? – That vay.
和善的社工人员啊 他们叫我 “去找份工作”
∮Dear ∮ ∮Kindly social worker ∮ ∮They tell me, ‘Get a job’ ∮
∮Like, be a soda jerker ∮ ∮Which means like, be a slob ∮
我不是反♥社♥会♥的 我只是反对工作
∮It’s not I’m anti-social ∮ ∮I’m only anti-work ∮
老天啊 所以我是个废物
∮Gloriosky! ∮ ∮That’s why I’m a jerk ∮
克鲁克警官 你又来了
∮Officer Krupke, you’ve done it again ∮
这孩子不需要工作 他需要被关一年
∮This boy don’t need a job ∮ ∮He needs a year in the pen ∮
∮It ain’t just a question of misunderstood ∮
在骨子里就不好 – 我不好
∮Deep down inside him, he’s no good! ∮ ∮I’m no good! ∮
我们不好 我们不好 我们骨子里就不好
∮We’re no good, We’re no good ∮ ∮We’re no earthly good ∮
我们之中最好的 也不是好的
∮Like, the best of us is no damn good ∮
问题是他很懒 – 问题是他爱喝酒
∮The trouble is he’s lazy ∮ ∮The trouble is he drinks ∮
问题是他很疯狂 – 问题是他很臭
∮The trouble is he’s crazy ∮ ∮The trouble is he stinks ∮
问题是正在成长 – 问题是他已经长大
∮The trouble is he’s growing ∮ ∮The trouble is he’s grown ∮
克鲁克 我们有我们自己的问题
∮Krupke, we’ve got troubles of our own ∮
克鲁克警官 我们向你下跪
∮Officer Krupke ∮ ∮We’re down on our knees ∮
因为没有人要个 得社会病的人
∮’Cause no one wants a fella with a social disease ∮
天哪 克鲁克警官 我们要怎么办
∮Officer Krupke ∮ ∮What are we to do? ∮
天哪 克鲁克警官
∮Gee, Officer Krupke ∮
∮Krup you! ∮
宵禁时间到了 各位先生女士
Curfew, gentlemen and ladies.
小约翰 这么晚还不睡 – 我失眠 烦恼太多
Aren’t you up a little late, Baby John? – I got insomnia, Doc. Too many worries.
今晚有人看到东尼吗 – 有啊
Any of you seen Tony tonight? – You betcha we did.
He was supposed to clean up the store.
Maybe he decided to clean up the PR’s instead.
达克 现在不要关门 – 不关门
Doc, you ain’t gonna close up now. – I’m not?
我们要在这儿开战前会 – 和谁
Listen, we got a war council here. – A who?
来决定武器 我们要和波多黎各人打一仗
To determine weapons. We gotta set up a mix with the PR’s.
武器 你们不能打打篮球吗
Weapons. You couldn’t play basketball?
上道一点吧 – 你不了解
Get with it, buster. – You don’t understand.
We got special business comin’ here tonight.
找波多黎各人麻烦吗 – 他们找我们麻烦
Makin’ trouble for the Puerto Ricans? – They make trouble for us.
你啊 麻烦还算小问题呢 – 悍卫我们地盘是很重要的
For you, trouble is a relief. We gotta stand up to ’em, Doc. It’s important.
Fightin’ over a little piece of street is so important?
对我们而言是的 – 对混混而言是的
To us, it is! – To hoodlums, it is.
你叫谁“混混” – 战前会
Who you calling hoodlum? – War council… – Don’t start that.
打架 我在你们这个年纪时- – – 你像我们这么大时
Rumbles. Why, when I was your age… – When you was my age!
我爸像我这么大时 我哥像我 这么大时 你从没像我这么大过
When my old man was my age, my brother was my age… You was never my age, none of ya.
你早点知道 你早点了解(挖掘)我们
And the sooner you creeps get hip to that, the sooner you’ll dig us!
我会帮你挖个坟 – 挖 挖 挖
I’ll dig you an early grave, that’s what I’ll dig. Dig, dig, dig!
达克 每人一瓶可乐 – 谈正事吧
Okay, Doc, set ’em up. Cokes all around. – Let’s get down to business.
伯纳多还没学会 过好日子的程序
So, Bernardo hasn’t learned the procedures of gracious living.
我也不喜欢你 废话少说 – 达克 你可以走了
I don’t like you, either, so cut it. Okay, kick it, Dos.
大伙儿 你们不能- – – 走
Boys, couldn’t you maybe talk… – Kick it!
我们向你们挑战 全面性的 一次解决 接受吗
We challenge you to a rumble. All out, once and for all. Accept?
用什么方式 – 随便你们选
On what terms?
你们捞过界了 – 是你们开始的
Whatever terms you’re callin’. You crossed the line once too often. – You started it. – Who jumped Baby John this afternoon?
今天是谁揍了小约翰 – 我刚来时是谁揍了我
Who jumped me the first clay I moved here?
谁教你搬来的 – 谁问你了
Who asked you to move here? – Who asked you?
回你老家去 – 呸
Back where you came from. – Spies.
啐 – 啐
Mick! – Wop!
We accept.
时间 – 明天
Time? – Tomorrow?
After dark.
地点 – 公园
Place? – The park?
The river.
Under the highway.
达克 嘿 达克 – 东尼
Doc! Doc!- Tony!
你们决定 – 是你们挑战的
You call. – Your challenge.
Afraid to call?
管子 – 罐头
Pipes. – Cans.
砖头 – 球棒
Bricks. – Bats.
棍子 – 铁链
Clubs. – Chains.
瓶子 刀子 枪 一堆胆小鬼
Bottles, knives, guns! – What a coop full of chickens. – Who are you callin’ chicken?
谁是胆小鬼 – 物以类聚
Every dog knows his own. – I’m calling you all chicken!
你们都是胆小鬼 硬汉丢石头的 害怕近距离
Big, tough buddy boys gotta throw bricks. Afraid to get in close?
Afraid to slug it out? Afraid to use plain skin?
连垃圾都不行 – 那不是打架
Not even garbage? – That ain’t a rumble.
谁说的 – 你说要决定武器的
Who says? – You said call weapons.
打架可以是很公平的 如果你们敢冒这个险
A rumble can be clinched by a fair fight, if you’ve got the guts to risk that.
Best man from each gang to slug it out.
我很愿意冒这个险 好 公平地打一架
I would enjoy to risk that. Okay. Fair fight.
等一等 领导人说行或不行
Wait a minute! The commanders say yes or no.
Fair fight.
等我把你修理完 你会像是去皮的鱼儿一般
When I get through with you, you will be like a fish after skinning.
你们最行的 和我们最行的打一架
Your best man fights our best man.
And we pick him.
我以为我会和他打- – – 你已经握手同意了
But I thought I would be fighting with… – You shook on it.
是啊 我已经握手同意了 – 如果你改变心意- –
Yes. I shook on it. Look, Bernardo, if you wanna change your mind…
伯纳多 宝贝 来根烟吗 – 不 谢了 我不抽烟
Bernardo, baby, would you like a cigarette? No, thank you. I don’t smoke.
晚安 警官
Evening, Lieutenant.
I and Tony was just closing up.
各位 这才对嘛 看你们这样使我心头暖烘烘的
Now, this is more like it, fellas. Warms me all over to see you this way.
我在球场那里说了几句话后 就有这样的成效
And after only a couple of words from me at the playground. How about that?
介意吗 – 不 我是个白♥痴♥
Do you mind? I have no mind. I’m the village idiot.
总部得听话这件事的话 搞不好我还能升官呢
You know, headquarters hears about this, I may even get a promotion.
伯纳多 不错嘛 我升官…
Good deal all around, Bernardo? I get a promotion…
你们波多黎各人 得到你们一直想要的:
and you Puerto Ricans get what you’ve been itchin’ for…
使用球场 使用体育馆 街上 糖果店
use of the playground, use of the gym… the streets, the candy store.
就算他们把这里变成猪舍 又怎样呢
So what if they do turn this whole town into a stinkin’ pigsty?
别阻止他 他想回家的话 写封信回去…
Don’t stop him! He wants to get home, write letters to San Juan…
tell ’em how he’s got it made over here!
我的意思是 走人 我说 走人
What I mean is, clear out, you! I said, clear out!
是啊 我知道
Yeah, sure, I know.
这是个自♥由♥的国家 我没有权利 但我有警徽