玛丽亚 我会一直不停地呼唤
∮Maria ∮ ∮I’ll never stop saying ∮
∮Maria ∮
∮The most beautiful sound I ever heard ∮
∮Maria ∮
我说这些不是要扫你的兴 或是要你听我说话
Now, I do not say these things to spoil your evening… or to hear myself talk.
我来这儿比你久 – 是的 伯纳多
I am here longer than you, Maria. – Sí, Nardo.
等你结了婚 年纪大了以后…
Someday, when you’re an old married woman with five kids…
你来告诉我怎么做 现在是我告诉你怎么做
you can tell me what to do. But right now it is the other way around.
去睡觉 – 他才是结了婚的老女人
Now go to bed. He’s the old married woman.
你知道她有妈妈 也有爸爸的
You know, she has a mother. Also a father.
他们和她一样 不了解这个国家
They do not know this country any better than she does.
你才不了解呢 这儿的女孩一样可以享乐
And you do not know it at all. Girls here are free to have fun.
她现在美国 – 在美国的波多黎各女孩
She is in America now. – Puerto Rico is in America now.
有时我真搞不清楚 是你的口音还是脑袋比较拙
Sometimes I don’t know which is thicker, your skull or your accent.
Vámonos, muchachos!
让他们等 – 玛丽亚还好吗
Let them wait. Is Maria all right?
我还好 – 不会再发生了
I should be so all right. – It will not happen again.
今晚以后 事情就定了
Pepe, Indio, after tonight, things will be settled.
先定定你的胃吧 – 算了
First settle your stomach. – Never mind my stomach.
我管的是你断头裂鼻 – 断头裂鼻
I mind your nose and your head broken. – Broken?
是啊 他们用玛丽亚做藉口 来发动第三次世界大战
Sure! They use Maria for an excuse to start World War III.
不是那样的 – 不是那样的 她只不过在跳舞
It is more than that. – More than what? She was only dancing.
With an American who’s really a Polack.
Says the Spic.
You are not so cute.
那个东尼很可爱 – 他有工作
That Tony is. – And he works.
做跑腿的 – 你做什么呢
A delivery boy. – And what are you?
An assistant.
而且奇诺能赚 那个波兰佬赚到的一半
Sí, and Chino makes half of what the Polack makes.
广♥告♥上说“你的妈妈是波兰人 你的爸爸是瑞典人
Here comes the whole commercial! Your mother’s a Pole, your father’s a Swede…
只要你生在这里 不用管别的
But you were born here, that’s all that you need.
你就是美国人 可是我们呢 外国人
You are an American. But us? Foreigners!
虱子 蟑螂 – 是真的
Lice! Cockroaches! But it’s true!
我想到以前 我以为来到这儿后会是…
When I think of how I thought it would be for us here…
我们来时像个孩子一样- – – 信任别人 开敞着心胸
we came like children believing… – Trusting with our hearts open!
张开双臂 – 你来时是张开大嘴的
With our arms open. – You came with your mouth open.
会戴着手铐回去 – 坐着凯迪拉克回去
You’re the Spic, and you go back in handcuffs. I’m going back in a Cadillac.
有冷气 – 有小酒吧
Air-conditioned! – Built-in bar!
有电♥话♥ – 还有电视
Telephone! – And television!
Compatible color.
如果你拥有这一切 为什么会想回去波多黎各
If you had all that here, why would you wanna go back to Puerto Rico?
即使你没有这一切 为什么会想回去波多黎各
Or even if you didn’t have all that here, why would you wanna go back to Puerto Rico?
这儿好吗 – 那儿好吗
It’s so good here? – It’s so good there?
We had nothing!
我们还是一样什么都没有 只是更贵了
We still have nothing, only more expensive.
艾尼塔乔瑟芬碧亚翠斯- – – 不 现在只是艾尼塔了
Anita Josefina. – No. it’s plain Anita now.
玛格丽塔 诸如此类 – 别烦我 至少我让- –
Margarita, et cetera. – You leave me alone. At least I let…
一天是移♥民♥ 永远都是移♥民♥
Once an immigrant, always an immigrant!
看 她被洗♥脑♥了 – 住口
Look! Instead of a shampoo, she’s been brainwashed!
她放弃了波多黎各 现在是个假美国人
Stop it! She has given up Puerto Rico, and now she’s queer for Uncle Sam.
不 不是真的
No. That’s not true.
∮Puerto Rico ∮ ∮My heart’s devotion ∮
∮Let it sink back in the ocean ∮
∮Always the hurricanes blowing ∮
∮Always the population growing ∮
Sí! ∮And the money owing ∮
阳光流泻 人♥民♥拼命工作
That’s right. ∮And the sunlight streaming ∮ ∮And the natives steaming ∮
我喜欢曼哈顿岛 – 我知道你喜欢
∮I like the island Manhattan ∮
I know you do! ∮Smoke on your pipe ∮
∮And put that in ∮
Olé! Olé!
我喜欢在美国 我愿意在美国
∮I like to be in America ∮ ∮Okay by me in America ∮
美国什么都是免费的 – 只要一小笔费用
∮Everything free in America… ∮ ∮For a small fee in America ∮ Olé!
用信用付帐真好好 – 看我们一眼 马上要刷两倍价钱
∮Buying on credit is so nice ∮ ∮One look at us, and they charge twice ∮
∮I have my own washing machine ∮
∮What will you have, though, to keep clean ∮
高楼在美国鳞次栉比 – 凯迪拉克到处都是
∮Skyscrapers bloom in America ∮ ∮Cadillacs zoom in America ∮
工业在美国蓬勃发展 – 一间房♥里住12个人
∮industry boom in America ∮ ∮Twelve in a room in America ∮
许多新房♥子和新空间 – 更多摔在我们脸上的门
∮Lots of new housing with more space ∮ ∮Lots of doors slamming in our face ∮
我要买♥♥一个有阳台的公♥寓♥ – 最好去掉你的口音
∮I’ll get a terrace apartment ∮ ∮Better get rid of your accent ∮
美国生活可以很美好 – 如果你在美国奋斗
∮Life can be bright in America ∮ ∮If you can fight in America ∮
美国的生活很好 – 如果你是个美国白人
∮Life is all right in America ∮ ∮If you’re all-white in America ∮
∮America ∮
∮America ∮
∮America ∮
∮America ∮
在这里你是自♥由♥有尊严的 – 只要你有自己的地盘
∮Here you are free, and you have pride ∮ ∮Long as you stay on your own side ∮
自♥由♥地成为你想要的 – 自♥由♥地端盘子和擦鞋油
∮Free to be anything you choose ∮ ∮Free to wait tables and shine shoes ∮
美国到处都是尘埃 美国有犯罪组织
∮Everywhere grime in America ∮ ∮Organized crime in America ∮
在美国的日子真可怕 – 你忘了我在美国
∮Terrible time in America ∮ ∮You forget I’m in America ∮
∮I think I go back to San Juan ∮
我可以帮你找到船回去 再见
∮I know a boat you can get on ∮ ∮Bye-bye! ∮
∮Everyone there will give big cheer ∮
∮Everyone there will have moved here ∮
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Muchachos. Vámonos, muchachos. Es tarde.
喂 奇诺
Es tarde! Come on! Chino!
What are you doing?
等下在屋顶和我碰面 – “等下在屋顶和我碰面”
Meet me on the roof later. – “Meet me on the roof later.”
要不要嘛 – “要不要嘛 ”
Will you or won’t you? – “Will you or won’t you?”
Will you?
你要去开重要的战前会 你要战前会 还是要我
You have your big, important war council. The council…
第一 先开会…
or me? First, one…
然后见你 – 不 我现在是美国女孩
and then the other. No. I’m an American girl now.
我不等人的 – 在老家 女人都仅守本分的
I don’t wait. Back home, women know their place.
在老家 小男孩不开战前会的
Back home, little boys don’t have war councils.
但在这里他们会开 你要我做个美国人 不是吗
But they do here. You want me to be an American, don’t you?
晚安了 艾尼塔乔瑟芬泰瑞莎…
Buenas noches, Anita Josefina Teresita…
碧亚翠斯卡门玛葛丽塔 名字还没完呢
Beatriz del Carmen Margarita et cetera… et cetera, et cetera!
Buenas noches!
– Buenas noches, Maria! – Adiós, Maria!
晚安 玛丽亚 – 晚安
Good night, Maria! Good night!
玛丽亚 – 安静
Maria! – Quiet.
下来 – 不行
Come down! – No.
玛丽亚 – 拜托
Maria! – Please.
会吵醒我爸妈 – 下来一分钟
My mother and father will wake up. Just for a minute.
一分钟不够的 – 那么下来一小时
A minute is not enough. – For an hour, then.
我不能 – 那么永远吧
I cannot. Then forever. Then I’m coming up.
那么我上来 – 玛丽亚
Momentito, papá.
看你做了什么 – 等一下 玛丽亚
Now see what you’ve done? – Momentito, Maria. Cállate.
很危险的 如果伯纳多知道了- –
It is dangerous. If Bernardo knew… – We will let him know.
我们不会让他知道的 玛丽亚 我不是他们之一
I’m not one of ’em, Maria.
但你不是我们之一 我也不是你们之一
But you are not one of us, and I am not one of you.
你是最美丽的- – – 玛路卡
To me, you’re all the beautiful… – Maruca!
Sí, ya vengo, papá.
我爸给我的小名 – 我喜欢你♥爸♥ 他也会喜欢我
His pet name for me. I like him, and he will like me.
不 他和伯纳多一样 很害怕
No. He’s like Bernardo, afraid.
想想看他们竟然会怕你 – 你看吧
Imagine being afraid of you! – You see?
I see you.
玛丽亚 请你只看我一人
Oh, Maria, see only me.
∮Only you ∮
∮You’re the only thing I’ll see ∮
∮Forever ∮
在我眼中 在我口中 在我做的每件事里
∮In my eyes, in my words ∮ ∮And in everything I do ∮
除了你没有其他 永远
∮Nothing else but you ∮ ∮Ever ∮
∮And there’s nothing for me but Maria ∮
∮Every sight that I see is Maria ∮