好好看这球 射篮
Watch this shot now! Shoot, man! Go!
小鸡 吱 吱 吱 – 喷射机
Chickie! Chick, chick, chick! – Boy! Jet boy!
Jet boy!
Jet, Jet, Jets!
回来 – 胆小鬼
Come back! – Come over here! Chickens!
Beat it!
太好了 走吧 来吧
All right, go, Jets!
Come on!
Beat it!
Chico! Andale, chico!
好了 来吧
Okay, here we go! Over here, A-Rab!
喷射机 嘿 喷射机
Jets! Jets!
伯纳多 印地欧 把他们赶走 来
Bernardo! Indio! Chaco, come on!
喷射机 来 跟我来
Jets, come on! Follow me, baby.
– Mira, mira, mira! – Jets!
Andale, Chico!
来啊 来啊
Come on, Jets!
嘿 喷射机 你好
Hey, Jets! Hello!
喷射机 来啊 朱利欧 来
Jets, come on! Julio! Come on!
Come on, boys!

Come on, now!
不要打了 停手 我说 不要打了
Break it up, you punks! Cut it out! Come on, guys! Break it up, I said!
不要打了 要说几次 你们这些混混才不会再打
Come on, break it up! Come on! How many times have I told you punks to cut this stuff out?
可不是眩克警官吗 – 眩克警官 你今天好啊
Why, if it ain’t Lt. Schrank! – Top of the day, Lt. Schrank.
还有克鲁克警官 – 克鲁克警官 您今天好啊
And Officer Krupke. – Top of the day, Officer Krupke.
好你个头 – 你 下来
I’ll give you the top of the head. – Hey you, get down!
我们在玩呢 – 充分利用这片游乐场
But we’re having such fun. – We enjoy the playground.
让我们这些被剥夺的儿童 不致在街头玩耍
See, it keeps us deprived children off of the foul city streets.
闭嘴 – 我们就像是在红砖道上生的
Shut up! And born like we was on the hot pavement.
要我敲碎你脑袋吗 – 小约翰 过来这儿
You wanna get your skull broke? – Hey, Baby John, come here! Come here!
哪一个波多黎各人 把你打伤的
All right! Now, which one of these Puerto Ricans bloodied you?
嗯 长官- – – 哪一个
Sir… – Which one?
对不起 长官
Excuse me, sir.
As a matter of fact…
we suspicion that the job was done by a cop.
两个警♥察♥ – 至少两个
Two cops. – At the very least.
不可能 – 在美国 没有什么不可能的
Impossible. In America, nothing is impossible.
好了 聪明人 你们都听好了
All right, wise guys… now, you listen to me!
全部的人 这些街道不是你们的
All of you! You hoodlums don’t own these streets.
这里有其他的地方 我要好好管一管的
And I’ve had all the roughhouse I’m gonna put up with around here!
你们要杀来杀去 请便 但不要在我在的时候
You wanna kill each other, kill each other! But you ain’t gonna do it on my beat!
有没有问题 – 有 长官
Are there any questions? – Yes, sir.
您可不可以将那段话 翻成西班牙文
Would you mind translating that into Spanish?
伯纳多 把你的人带走
Get your friends out of here, Bernardo.
And stay out!
好吧 鲨鱼们
Okay, Sharks.
Boy, oh boy! As if this neighborhood wasn’t crummy enough!
大伙儿 我们讲理一点 嗯
Now, look, fellas. Fellas! Look, let’s be reasonable…
if I don’t get a little law and order around here…
我就得到 十字路口管交通
I get busted down to a traffic corner…
and your friend don’t like traffic corners.
所以现在开始 你们要和 这些波多黎各人好好相处
So, that means you’re gonna start makin’ nice… with the PR’s from now on.
好好相处 知道吗
I said nice! Get it?
‘Cause if you don’t…
让我发现你们 在我的地盘上有动作…
and I catch any of you doin’ any more brawlin’ in my territory…
我会揍扁你 关到牢里 让你在那儿待着等死
I’m gonna personally beat the livin’ crud out of each and every one of you… and see that you go to the can and rot there!
克鲁克 向这些好孩子说再见 – 再见 孩子们
Say good-bye to the nice boys, Krupke. – Good-bye, boys.
“再见 孩子们”
“Good-bye, boys.”
吃牢饭 天哪 – “这些街道不是你们的”
Jail? Gee. “You hoodlums don’t own the streets.”
“到公园去玩” – “不要践踏草坪”
Go play in the park. Keep off of the grass.
“出去房♥子外面” – “不要在这条街上”
Get out of the house! – Keep off the block.
“出去” – “离开世界 ”
Get outta here. – Keep off the world!
没有地盘的帮派 什么都不是
A gang that don’t own the street is nothin’!
We do own it!
来吧 喷射机 集♥合♥
Come on, Jets, round out!
不是指你 所有其他的人 滚吧 – 芮夫 让我加入
Not you, Anybodys! Beat it! – Riff, you gotta let me in the gang!
你没看到我吗 我很帅 我是杀手 我要打架
Didn’t you just see me? I was smash! I’m a killer, I wanna fight.
How else she gonna get a guy to touch her?
你这脏老鼠 – 小女孩 走人 上路
You dirty rat! – Come on, the road, little girl! The road!
Beat it!
滚吧 – 好了 来
Beat it! – Okay, come on.
我们很辛苦拿下这地盘的 不会就这样放弃的
Okay, now listen! Now, we fought hard for this turf, and we ain’t just gonna give it up.
翡翠帮宣称是他们的 但被打败了 老鹰帮曾想染指但没成功
The Emeralds claimed it, we shot ’em out. The Hawks, remember? They tried to take it away, we knocked them down the cellar.
这些波多黎各人不一样 – 他们增加得很快
But these PR’s are different. – They multiply. Like cockroaches.
吃掉所有的食物 – 呼吸了所有的空气
Shut the door! – They’re eatin’ all the food. – Breathin’ all the air.
救命 我被墨西哥菜淹死了 – 你听到眩克警官说的话了:
Help! I’m drowning in tamale. And you heard what that Lt. Schrank said…
we gotta make nice with them Puerto Ricans or else.
我们眼睁睁地看着他们 把一切夺走
We gotta let ’em move in right under our noses… – and take it all away from us or else. – No!
你说的对 绝不
You’re damn right, no!
那我们要怎么办 我告诉你怎么办
So what’re we gonna do, buddy boys? I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do.
We’re gonna speed back!
要如闪电一般 一次把鲨鱼帮剿清
We’re gonna move like lightnin’, and we’re gonna clean them Sharks up… once and for all.
So they ain’t never gonna set foot on our turf again!
We’re gonna do it in one all-out fight.
大干一场 – 冷静下来 猛♥男♥
A rumble! Chop, chop! – Now cool, Action Boy.
鲨鱼帮要一席之地 他们很猛的
The Sharks want a piece of this world, too. And they’re real down boys.
They might ask for blades…
动枪 我的天
zip guns. – Zip guns?
小约翰 我没说他们一定会
I ain’t finalizin’ and sayin’ they will, Baby John.
只是说他们可能会 我们要准备好
I’m just sayin’ that they might, and we gotta be prepared.
Now, what’s your mood, Jets?
我说干吧 – 动手
I say go, go! – I say mix!
打烂他们 – 扯烂他们
I say sock ’em! – Tear them!
可是如果他们动到刀枪… – 算了吧
Yeah, but if they say blades or guns… – I say let’s just forget the whole thing.
什么 – 你的意见呢 芮夫
What? – What do you say, Riff?
我们的地盘虽小 但却是我们仅有的
I say this turf is small, but it’s all we got.
我们要和从前一样 悍卫我们的地盘
I wanna hold it like we always held it, with skin!
如果他们用刀 我们就用刀
But if they say blades, I say blades.
如果他们动枪 我们就动枪
If they say guns, I say guns.
I say I want the Jets to be the number one!
出发 撑住一片天 – 发动了
To sail! To hold the sky! – Then rev us off! Voom va-voom!
好 伙伴们 我们动手
Okay, cats, we rumble!
礼仪上我们要先和鲨鱼帮开会 确定战争时间
Now… protocality calls for a war council… between us and the Sharks to set the whole thing up.
我们亲自通知伯纳多 这个坏消息
So I will personally give the bad news to Bernardo.
带个副手去 – 就是我了
You gotta take a lieutenant with you. – That’s me.
该是东尼 – 谁需要东尼
That’s Tony. – Who needs Tony?
我们需要东尼 他的名声大过整个西城
We need Tony! He’s got a rep that’s bigger than the whole West Side!
他不再是我们一份子了 – 不要说了 猛♥男♥
He don’t belong no more. – Now, cut it, Action!
我和东尼创下喷射机帮的 – 现在他在那儿
Me and Tony started the Jets. – So where is he?
他的工作怎么那么烂 – 青年会腐化了他
How come he takes a lousy, stinkin’ job? – Youth Board corrupted him.
暂时性的症状 等着看吧 – 记得我们打败翡翠帮的事吗
Yeah, temporary sickness! – Wait and see. Remember them fists the day we clobbered the Emeralds?
他救了我一命 – 他仍然会这么做的
He saved my ever-loving neck! – Sure! He’ll do it again, too!
他一直都帮着我们 以后也会一样
He always came through for us and he always will.
当你成为喷射机的一员 你永远都是
∮When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way ∮
从你的第一支烟 到你死的那天
∮From your first cigarette to your last dyin’ day ∮
当你是喷射机的一员 就让他们照顾你
∮When you’re a Jet let ’em do what they can ∮
四海之内皆你兄弟 你是家族的一份子
∮You’ve got brothers around ∮ ∮You’re a family man ∮
永远不寂寞 关系永远在那儿
∮You’re never alone ∮ ∮You’re never disconnected ∮
当你跟同伴在家 而且等着客人时
∮You’re home with your own ∮ ∮When company’s expected ∮
∮You’re well-protected ∮
一切都由喷射机 安排好了
∮Then you are set with a capital ‘J’ ∮
你不会忘记这一切的 直到你被抬走的那天
∮Which you’ll never forget till they cart you away ∮
∮When you’re a Jet ∮
∮You stay a ∮ ∮Jet ∮
我了解东尼就像了解自己一般 我们可以算他一份
Now, I know Tony like I know me, and I guarantee you can count him in.
走吧 – 去那儿找伯纳多
Let’s get crackin’. – Where will you find Bernardo?