不 这是我自己桌上的东西
No, it’s my stuff from the desk.
您的东西 是一种流行的说法 不 这就是我的东西
Your stuff? Now there’s a broad term. – No, it’s my stuff.
Maybe you can fool these guys with this saint act,
但是您永远不要 再跟我说 好像我们都不知道 事情的真♥相♥ 您懂吗
but do not ever speak to me again like we don’t know what really happened.
泰丝 这只是个生意 就让我们忘掉前嫌仇恨吧 好吗
Tess, this is business. Let’s just bury the hatchet, OK?
您知道在哪儿能忘掉前嫌仇恨吗 现在就带着您的瘦屁♥股♥滚出我的视线
You know where you can bury your hatchet? Now get your bony ass out of my sight.
如果您真的觉得我说我爱您是这个计划的一部分 那您真是可悲
And if you really think that I said I loved you as part of some scheme, then that is pathetic.
天啊 她真是不惜一切代价了 您们的人 这是在表演什么啊
My God. She’ll stop at nothing. – What kind of show are you people running?
奥伦 对不起让您看到了这些 但是这都与我们无关
Oren, I’m sorry you’ve had to see this, but it means nothing to us.
杰克 我们上楼吧
Jack, let’s get upstairs.
不能没有她 杰克
Not without her. – Jack.
崔纳 您想搞砸这个计划
Trainer, are you trying to blow this deal?
不 先生 我只是要确定 用正确的方式 完成这个案子
No, sir. I’m trying to make sure that it gets done right.
泰丝是这个案子的发起者 我们不能在没有她的情况下继续
Tess put this deal together. We shouldn’t proceed without her.
但您也不应该让您的小♥弟♥弟♥ 为您的生意做决定
And you shouldn’t go letting yourjohnson make business decisions for you.
我没有 先生 我只是要告诉您 她才是您需要的那个人
I’m not, sir. I’m telling you, she’s your man.
是吗 是什么让您 下这样的结论 是她这样说的 而我相信她
What brings you to that conclusion? – She said so and I believe her.
我想这个理由不够充分 现在 您到底要不要 跟我们一起走
I’m afraid that’s not good enough. Now, are you with us or not?

杰克 我原谅您 现在 马上进到电梯里面来
Jack, I forgive you. Now get on this elevator.
对不起 凯瑟琳 您会感到后悔的 杰克
Sorry, Katharine. – You will be sorry, Jack.
请让她告诉您 这个案子的隐忧在哪里
Ask her to tell you about the hole in your deal.
什么隐忧 她只是在玩把戏 我们走吧
What hole? – She’s playing games. Let’s get going.
那好啊 走吧 不 什么隐忧
Fine. Go. – No. What hole?
报纸的人物页 噢 真是荒谬
The People Page? Now, this is ridiculous.
前美国小姐道恩比克丝碧 开始涉猎房♥地♥产♥
“Former Miss America Dawn Bixby has been house-hunting.”
好像道恩和她大大有名的DJ丈夫 斯林姆斯利科尔
“Seems Dawn and hot, hot, hot DJ hubby Slim Slicker
正在准备大咬一口 这个大苹果
are getting ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple.”
那又怎样 斯林姆斯利科尔是 新城广播网的重要资产之一
So? – Slim Slicker’s one of Metro’s major assets.
包括他们的所有各台 是他们网络编辑的基石
Syndicated to all their stations. The cornerstone of their programming.
如果失去了他 新城广播网的价值 评估等级就会下降
Lose him and Metro’s just real estate with falling ratings.
那样 您就不应该去买♥♥它 而造成损失
And you’re not buying it for a write-off.
最好是在他们签字前 确定它的资产是搁置的
Better make sure he’s locked in before they sign.
奥伦 我有解决的办法 上楼吧 一起来
Oren, I have this covered. Upstairs. Shall we?
好 好
Yes. – Yes.
请听她说 先生 这边还有一部电梯
Hear the lady out, sir. There’s another elevator.
You’re on.

这是福布斯 它有进入广电市场的基本条款
This is Forbes. It’s the basic article about how you were looking to get into broadcasting.
好 在同一天 我在读邮报时看到 一个在鲍比斯坦上的案子
OK, the same day, I’m reading the Post and there’s this item on Bobby Stein,
那个专讲关于艾塞俄比亚 和贝蒂福特中心 粗俗笑话的播音员
the radio guy who does those gross jokes about Ethiopia and the Betty Ford Center.
不管怎样 这个蓝血的家伙 在主办这个慈善拍卖♥♥会 这不是很滑稽吗
Anyway, he’s hosting this charity auction – real blue bloods, and won’t that be funny?
然后 我翻到了社交页 就看到您的女儿的照片
Now I turn the page to the society stuff and there’s a picture of your daughter.
很漂亮的照片 她在帮助举办慈善舞会
Nice picture. And she’s helping to organise the charity ball.
于是 我开始想到特拉斯克 广播电台 特拉斯克 广播电台
So I started to think Trask, radio. Trask, radio.
然后我就找上了杰克 杰克联络到了新城广播网
And then I hooked up with Jack, and he came on board with Metro,
然后 然后就走到了今天
and… and so now here we are.
奥伦 我们真的没有空间时间 再听童话故事了
Oren, we really don’t have any more time for fairy tales.
帕克小姐 请允许我问您一个问题
Miss Parker, let me ask you a question.
您是怎么想到 让特拉斯克 去购买♥♥新城广播的呢
How did you come up the idea for Trask to buy up Metro?
How did I?
哇 您看 这
Well, let’s see. The…
是什么念头 让您把两件事 联♥系♥在一起的
The impulse. What led you to put the two together?
那好 我要查一下我的文件 我不能全部都记得
Well, I would have to check my files. I can’t recall exactly the…
简单说就可以 这又不是什么主流意识
Generally. It’s not as if it was in the mainstream.
您知道 这将是
You know, it would have to be the…
杰克 帮帮我
Jack, help me out here.
奥伦 对不起 但如果您是在影射
Oren, I beg your pardon, but if you are insinuating…
帕克小姐 如果我是您 就赶快回到自己的办公室 好好看最后的一眼
Miss Parker, if I were you, I’d go to your office and take a long last look around.
因为在五分钟后 我会亲自去确定 您已经被解雇了
Because in about five minutes, I’m going to see to it that you get the boot but good.
奥伦 这只是一个简单的误解 我 您不能
Oren, this is a simple misunderstanding. I… You cannot…
我能 而且一定能做到
I can and I will.
现在就带着您的 您是怎么说的
Now get your… What did you call it?
瘦屁♥股♥ 对了
Bony ass. – Right.
…bony ass out of my sight.
我很抱歉 但我实在无法忍♥受 这样的谈话方式
I’m sorry, but I simply won’t stand for that kind of talk.
抱歉 请让路
Will you excuse me, please?
您为什么不在那天的会议室里 就告诉我们这一切
Why didn’t you tell us all this in the boardroom that day?
没有人要听啊 先生 没有人听我的
No one was gonna listen, sir. Not to me.
您可以在高层 通融那些规矩 但您没法在爬上高层的时候通融
You can bend the rules upstairs, but not while you’re trying to get there.
像我这样的人 要是按照规矩办事 就没有办法爬上高层
And someone like me can’t get there without bending the rules.
您到底是真的有那些东西 在您的肚子里呢 还是只能玩一次的绝技
You’ve got a real fire in your belly. Or was this just a one-time stunt that you pulled?
我不太明白 我的肚子里确实有些东西 但我认为那是些点子
I’m not sure your mean,I have something in my belly, but I think it’s nervous knots.
我的意思是:您是否愿意走出去 辛苦工作每一天 是为我工作
Are you willing to go out on that limb every day, working for me?
合法的 好的 先生
Legitimately? – Yes, sir.
但是必须从入门初阶开始做起 有问题吗 没有 先生
Have to be at the entry level. Any problem? – No, sir.
保持进取心 麦吉尔小姐 一定做到 先生
Gumption, Miss McGill. – Yes, sir.
那就明天见 好
See you tomorrow. – OK.
崔纳 德韦恩 我们去我的办公室 看看那个斯林姆的合约 是怎么回事
Trainer, Dwayne. Let’s go to my office and see about Slim whatshisname’s contract.
马上就来 先生
Be right with you, sir.
好耶 泰丝 真有看头 真漂亮
Way to go, Tess. Way to go. – Beauty.
给您的 您喜欢吗
For you. You like it?
有花生酱和果冻三明治 还有奶粉钱
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Milk money.
钢笔 铅笔 尺子 给老师的苹果
Pen, pencil, ruler. Apple for the teacher.
记住 要跟其他小朋友好好相处 要确保天黑前赶回家
Remember. Play nice with the other kids and make sure you’re home before dark.
嗨 泰丝麦吉尔
Hi. Tess McGill.
早安 早安
Good morning. – Good morning.
主管今天请病假不在 她交代明天一早 第一件事就是见您
The director is out sick today, so she’ll want to see you first thing tomorrow.
巴克斯特小姐已经在那里了 她会向您介绍情况的
Miss Baxter’s already up there. She’ll show you the layout.
一直走到大厅的尽头 好了 谢谢您
It’s all the way at the end of the hall. – All right. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
任何想要对恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ 进行改造的人
Anybody’ll be an improvement over that terrorist.
我的意思是说 那些半人类的东西
I mean, something semi-human.
噢 我没有听到您进来
I didn’t hear you come in.
我是爱丽丝巴克斯特 泰丝麦吉尔
I’m Alice Baxter. – Tess McGill.
I was just using the phone.
是 通常都会那样
Yes, well, that happens.
来杯咖啡怎么样 当然 只需告诉我去哪里拿
How about some coffee? – Sure. Just tell me where.
不 我去拿 哦 加什么
No, I’ll get it. How?
Milk and sugar, please.
Thank you.
嗯 麦吉尔小姐 怎么
Miss McGill. – Yes?
那是您的办公桌 在里面
That’s your desk, in there.
I don’t think so.
噢 是的 我坐在这里
Oh, yes. I sit out here.
对不起 我以为秘书应该坐在外面
I’m sorry. I thought the secretary would sit out here.
对的 我就是秘书
That’s right. I’m the secretary.
如果您觉得合适 我比较喜欢叫助理
If it’s OK, I prefer “assistant”.
您10点钟有一个 和斯莱特先生的会议 在发展部 就是这里
You’ve got a 10 o’clock meeting with Slater from Development – here.
11点钟的会议 是和物流部的多诺霍 他的办公室在23层
11 o’clock with Donohue from Logistics – his office on 23.
1点钟和崔纳先生午餐 他的办公室在商业区
And lunch with Mr Trask – his office downtown, one o’clock.
所有这些都放在电脑里了 要查看日程表 只需要按转换键+S
It’s all right there on the computer. Just hit shift-S for your schedule.
当我看到您在这里 翘着脚打电♥话♥
When I saw you in here on the phone with your feet up,
I figured this was your office.
真的对不起 麦吉尔小姐 我保证永远都不会再发生了
I’m sorry about that, Miss McGill. It won’t happen again ever.
It’s OK.
也许现在是个好时机 说说您对我的期望
Maybe now would be a good time to go over what you expect of me.
我 我期望您叫我泰丝
I… I expect you to call me Tess.
我不期望您专门给我送咖啡 除非您自己也想喝
I don’t expect you to fetch me coffee unless you’re getting some for yourself.
其他的 我们再边做边协调就好
And the rest we’ll just make up as we go along.
我就在外面 有需要就叫我 很好
I’ll be right outside if you need anything. – Fine.

Guess where I am?
