这是勒索 不过你说得对 卡特
This is blackmail. But you’re quite right.
出院第一天 已经够 疯狂了 我也该上♥床♥了
For my first day this has already been rather hectic. I should be in bed.
我最好跟沃尔太太联♥系♥一下 请她过来
I’d better get in touch with Mrs Vole and have her come over.
Will you sit in?
谢谢了 不用 我现在可
Thank you no. I’m in no
condition to cope with emotional wives drenched in tears.
啊 普利姆索尔小姐 你这样子多迷人啊
Miss Plimsoll how alluring you look waiting
like a hangman on the scaffold.
好了 现在我归你了
Take me I’m yours.

About Mrs Vole.
你得小心应对 尤其是在告诉她逮捕消息的时候
Handle her gently especially when you tell her of the arrest.
记住她是个外国人 要准备好
Bear in mind she’s a foreigner so prepare
她会歇斯底里 甚至晕倒
for hysterics even a fainting spell.
最好准备好嗅盐 几盒纸巾 还有白兰地
Better have smelling salts ready box of tissues and a nip of brandy.
I do not think that will be necessary.
我从来不会晕倒 省得我没法姿态优美地倒下
I never faint in case I don’t fall gracefully
我也从来不用嗅盐 因为眼睛受不了
and I never use smelling salts because they puff up the eyes.
I’m Christine Vole.
你好 这位是布洛根·摩尔先生
How do you do? This is Mr Brogan-Moore.
How do you do?
-我是威尔弗莱德·罗巴茨 -你好
-I am Wilfrid Robarts. -How do you do?
亲爱的沃尔太太 恐怕我有个坏消息要告诉你
My dear Mrs Vole I’m afraid we have bad news for you.
Don’t be afraid I’m quite disciplined.
There’s nothing to be alarmed about yet.
伦纳德因为涉嫌谋杀被逮捕了 你就是想说这事儿吧
Leonard has been arrested and charged with murder. Is that it?
-正是 -我知道他会被捕我告诉过他
-Yes. -I knew he would be I told him so.
I’m glad you’re showing such fortitude.
随你怎么说 接下来会怎样
Call it what you like. What is the next step?
Your husband will have to stand trial I’m afraid.
你给她讲讲流程好吗 布洛根·摩尔先生会担任辩方律师
Will you explain the procedure? Mr Brogan-Moore will lead the defence.

-你不打算为伦纳德辩护 -很遗憾 不打算
-You will not defend Leonard? -Regrettably not.
My health or rather the lack of it forbids me.
真遗憾 梅休先生说你是
It is regrettable. Mr Mayhew described
you as champion of the hopeless cause.
难道说 这个案子的希望 是过于渺茫了
Is it perhaps that this cause is too hopeless?
I’ll have a serious talk with Dr Harrison.
It was a mistake to let you come back here.
我就该带你去疗养院 或者某个度假胜地
I should have taken you to a rest-home or a resort.
某个 很远的 地方 比如百慕大
Some place quiet far off like Bermuda.
闭嘴 你不就是想看 我穿那种恶心的小短裤吗
Shut up. You just want to see me in those nasty shorts.
好啦 威尔弗莱德爵士 别再胡思乱想了
Come now Sir Wilfrid you must not think of it.
你该为午睡酝酿一下 想点美好的事
You must get ready for sleep think beautiful thoughts.
好了 咱们把衣服脱了吧
Now let’s get undressed.
换上这个 从头换到脚 我帮你铺床
Put these on tops and bottoms while I make your bed.
等你休息好了 咱们就美美地喝一杯可可
After your rest we’ll have a nice cup of cocoa.
然后我们也许 可以去广场散散步
Then perhaps we’ll have a walk around the square.
知道吗 我很为那个 和善的沃尔先生感到不平
You know I feel sorry for that nice Mr Vole.
And not just because he was arrested
还因为他的妻子 她一定是个德国人
but that wife of his. She must be German.
That’s what happens when we let our boys
都送到海峡那头去了 他们昏了头
cross the Channel. They go crazy.
我认为政♥府♥应该管管外国妻子的事情 下达个禁令什么的
The government should do something about foreign wives. Like an embargo.
How else can we take care of our own surplus.
可怎么行 你说呢 威尔弗莱德爵士
Don’t you agree Sir Wilfrid?
好了 钻进被窝吧
All right. Hop in!
Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid!
Come back!
是啊 我当然知道伦纳德
Yes of course I knew that Leonard had
been seeing Mrs French quite frequently.
继续 继续
Go on.
我还知道他带回来过 一双她为他织的绿袜子
I knew when he came home with a pair of green socks she’d knitted for him.
那很正常 我敢肯定 这会讨陪审团的喜欢
That’s quite natural. I’m sure a jury will find it endearing.
伦纳德很会讨人喜欢 他讨厌那双绿袜子
Leonard can be very endearing. He hates that particular shade of green
and the socks were two sizes too large
但他还是照穿不误 就为讨她的喜欢
but he wore them just the same to give her pleasure.
Leonard has a way with women.
I only hope he has an all-woman jury.
They will carry him from court in triumph.
A simple acquittal will do.
那么 沃尔太太
Now you know Mrs French
left your husband money?
知道 一大笔钱
Yes. A lot of money.
那么您丈夫事先当然 对这笔遗赠一无所知
Of course your husband had no previous knowledge of this bequest?
Is that what he told you?
Surely you’re not suggesting different?
哦 不 不 我什么也没有暗示
Oh no no. I do not suggest anything.
很显然 弗伦奇太太把您丈夫看作了儿子
Clearly she had come to look upon your husband as a son
or favourite nephew.
你认为弗伦奇太太把 伦纳德看作儿子或者侄子
You think Mrs French looked upon Leonard as a son? Or a nephew?
是啊 这是非常自然 而且很好理解的关系
I do. An entirely natural and understandable relationship.
What hypocrites you are in this country.
请原谅 布洛根·摩尔
Pardon me Brogan-Moore.
Do you mind if I ask you a question?
你问吧 威尔弗莱德爵士
Go right ahead Sir Wilfrid.
沃尔太太 你是否了解你丈夫的辩护
You realise your husband’s entire defence rests
on his word and yours?
-我了解 -而且对于一个被控犯有谋杀罪的人来说
-I realise that. -And that the jury will be quite sceptical
of the word of a man accused of murder
则必然会使陪审团充满怀疑 你了解吗
when supported only by that of his wife?
-这我也了解 -那么就让我们确保
-I realise that too. -Let us then at least make sure
-这两者不发生抵触 -当然 应该的
-the two are not in conflict. -By all means let’s.
I assume you want to help your husband?
我当然希望帮助伦纳德 我也希望能帮助
Of course I want to help Leonard.
布洛根·摩尔先生 还有你 威尔弗莱德爵士
I want to help Mr Brogan-Moore and to help you.
好了 这样你是不是舒服一点
There. Isn’t that more comfortable for you?
听着 沃尔太太 这很重要
Now Mrs Vole. This is very important.
案发当晚 你丈夫是
On the night of the murder your husband
在21:30之前回家的 对吗
came home before 9.30. Correct?
千真万确 他就 希望我这么说对吗
Precisely. Isn’t that what he wants me to say?
Isn’t it the truth?
Of course.
不过当我告诉警♥察♥的时候 我觉得他们并不相信我
But when I told the police I do not think they believed me.
也许我说得不够好 也许是因为我的口音
Maybe I didn’t say it well. Maybe because of my accent.
亲爱的沃尔太太 在英国的法庭上
My dear Mrs Vole in our courts
即使是只会说保加利亚语的证人 我们也会接受他的证词
we accept the evidence of witnesses who speak only Bulgarian
and who must have an interpreter.
即使是不会说话的聋哑人 我们也会接受他的证词
We accept the evidence of deaf-mutes who cannot speak at all
as long as they tell the truth.
你是否明白 在证人席上你是要宣誓的
You’re aware that when you’re in the witness box you will be sworn
-你的证词必须谨遵誓言 -我明白
-and you will testify under oath? -Yes.
伦纳德是在21:26回到家的 后来就没有再出门
Leonard came home at 9.26 precisely and did not go out again.
这是事实 完完全全的事实
The truth the whole truth
除了事实别无其它 这样是不是好一点
and nothing but the truth. Is that better?
-沃尔太太 你爱你的丈夫吗 -伦纳德是这么认为的
-Mrs Vole do you love your husband? -Leonard thinks I do.
-嗯事实上呢 -我现在还得谨遵誓言吗
-Well do you? -Am I already under oath?
Whatever your gambit may be do you know
你是不是都得搞清楚一点 根据英国的法律
that under British law
你不可以提供有损于 你丈夫的证词
you cannot be called to give testimony damaging to your husband?
How very convenient.
We are dealing with a capital crime.
控方会想尽办法 把你丈夫送上绞架
The prosecution will try to hang your husband.
He is not my husband.
伦纳德和我在汉堡 履行过结婚的手续
Leonard and I went through a form of marriage
but I had a husband
生活在东德的某个地方 苏联占领区
living somewhere in East Germany in the Russian zone.
-你告诉伦纳德了 -没有那也太蠢了
-Did you tell Leonard? -I did not. It would have been stupid.
告诉他他就不会娶我 我就得留在那个地方挨饿
He would not have married me and I’d have been left to starve in the rubble.
