你最好快点过来 带够钱
You’d better get on over here and bring plenty of money.
嗯 等等 喂 喂
Now just a moment! Hello? Hello?
尽是…胡话 一定是喝醉了
That’s…bilge. Some drunken crank.
You get those in every murder trial.
给了我一个最后通牒 30分钟内必须
Giving me an ultimatum Euston Station
in 30 minutes.
Got the lowdown on Mrs Vole.
我又老又病 空跑一场我可受不了
I’m too old and too sick to go on a wild-goose chase.
-走吧 梅休 -去哪儿威尔弗莱德爵士
-Come on Mayhew. -Where to Sir Wilfrid?
尤斯顿火车站 还有哪儿
Euston Station where do you think?
可以试了 先生
Now sir?
威尔弗莱德爵士 你去哪儿
Sir Wilfrid where are you going?
你的温水澡 你的按♥摩♥ 你的晚餐 你的注射
Your bath your massage your dinner your injection!
谢谢你 普利姆索尔小姐
Thank you Miss Plimsoll.
-你就是威尔弗莱德爵士吧是不是 -我是
-You wouldn’t be Sir Wilfrid would you? -I would.
不戴假发我都认不出来了 你们戴假发的样子多有趣
Didn’t recognise you without your wig. Lovely you all look in them wigs.
两个人 我可不打算跟两个人谈
Two o’ yer? I’m not talking to two o’ yer.
这位是梅休先生 伦纳德·沃尔的法律顾问
This is Mr Mayhew Leonard Vole’s solicitor.
-嗯 那好吧 -请问你的大名
-Well that’s all right then. -And your name please?
没必要问我 告诉你
No need for mine. If I did give you
也不会是真的 对不对
a name it mightn’t be the right one might it?
来一杯吧 老兄 给这两位先生每人来一杯威士忌
‘Ave a drink boys. Two whiskies for me gen’lmen friends.
Now what is this information you allegedly have?
你是否明白 如果你手头有什么 证据的话
You realise that you’re duty-bound to give any evidence
that you might have?
-哦得了吧你们带钱了吗 -你手上有的是什么女士
-Come off it. Did you bring any money? -What is it you have madam?
信 那个德国妻子写的信 这就是我手上的东西
Letters. Letters that German wife of ‘is wrote. That’s what I’ve got.
Letters written to the prisoner?
写给犯人 别惹我笑了
To the prisoner? Don’t make me laugh.
Poor bleeder
他被她 骗得团团转 这些信就是证明
he’s been took in by ‘er all right. And these letters prove it.
If we could see these letters
we could advise you as to how pertinent they are.
嗯 我也没指望…
Well I don’t expect you…
嗯 是啊 我也没指望你们不看
Well as I say I don’t expect you
一眼就买♥♥下来 可生意就是生意
to buy without seeing but fair’s fair.
If these letters get the boy off
你们得付我100英镑 怎么样
it’s L100 for me right?
如果这些信里有对辩方 有利的信息
If these letters contain information useful to the defence
I’m prepared to offer L10.
什么 区区10英镑 就想买♥♥这些信
What? Ten bleeding pounds for letters like these?
把你眼睛上的玻璃片 拿掉吧 再会了
Take that piece of glass out o’ yer eye. Good night.
如果这些信能证明 我的委托人是无辜的
If these help prove my client’s innocence
我想 给你20英镑的 劳务费还是很公道的
L20 should I think not be an unreasonable sum for your expenses.
50英镑就可以成交 如果你们对这些信满意的话
50 and it’s a bargain. That’s if you’re satisfied with ’em.
-40英镑 -好吧 该死
-L40. -All right blast yer.
好了 拿去吧 这可是好几封呢
‘Ere take ’em. Nice little lot there.
我们怎么知道 这些信是沃尔太太写的
How do we know these are from Mrs Vole?
哦 是她写的没错 童叟无欺
Oh she wrote ’em all right. It’s all fair an’ square.
I ‘ope they fix ‘er good and proper.
我那儿有一张沃尔太太的便条 这看起来是她的笔迹
I’ve had messages from Mrs Vole. It looks like her handwriting.
我的天 看看这封
Good heavens look at this.
很有趣 是不是
Juicy ain’t they?
-还有一封更有趣 -你是怎么弄到这些信的
-There’s one that’s even better. -How did you get hold of these?
这有什么要紧呢 反正让她遭了报应就行了
What’s the difference so long as she gets what’s coming?
-你为什么要跟她作对 -嗐
-What have you got against her? -Ha!
来看一眼吧 你会 做好梦的 先生
I’ll give you something to dream about mister.
想吻我吗 宝贝儿
Want to kiss me ducky?
-料你们也不会 -是克莉丝汀·沃尔干的
-I didn’t suppose you would. -Christine Vole did that to you?
不是她 是我原来的相好
Not ‘er the chap I was going with.
他比我小一点 但是我爱他
He was a bit younger than me but I loved ‘im.
然后她横插一杠 开始跟他幽会
Then she come along started seeing ‘im on the sly.
Then one day he cleared out.
我找到了他们俩 我跟她说了
I found ’em together. I said what
她是什么货色 然后他就把我砍成这样
I thought of ‘er and he cut me face up proper.
-你去找警♥察♥了吗 -谁 我 不可能
-Did you go to the police about it? -Who me? Not likely.
这不是他的错 都是那个女人的错
It wasn’t ‘is fault. It was all ‘ers gettin’
都是那个女人把他抢走 让他对我反戈相向
‘im away from me turnin’ ‘im against me.
但是我会等待时机 让她付出代价 现在时机来了
But I waited me time to pay ‘er back. And it’s come now.
我非常遗憾 非常遗憾 我们再给你5英镑
I’m deeply sorry deeply sorry. We’ll make it another L5 for the letters.
对我很慷慨啊 是不是 我知道 我对你们挺温柔的
‘Olding out on me were yer? I knew I was being soft with yer.
真是冷血的报复 看看这封
Cold-blooded vindictiveness. Read this one.
We’d better have the full name of the man to whom these were addressed
小姐 嗯…
Miss um…
Where is she?
On that train I should think.
她不希望 另一边脸颊也被砍烂 也难怪她
Doesn’t want her other cheek slashed. Can’t blame her.
-再来一杯吗先生 -嗯
-Care for another sir? -Hm?
Good idea.
Be upstanding in court.
All persons who have anything to do before my lords
the queen’s justices of oyer and terminer
谨享有审理 判决和收监的权限
and general jail delivery for the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court
所有相关人等请准时出庭 天佑女王
draw near and give your attendance. God save the queen.
鉴于辩方只传唤了 一名证人 即犯人本人
Since the defence has called but one witness the prisoner
因此辩方享有 最后陈述的权利
it has the right to be heard last.
所以 梅耶斯先生 如果准备好了
Mr Myers if you are ready
let us have the final address for the prosecution.
法官大人 各位陪审员 我的结案陈词将很简短
My lord members of the jury I will be brief in my final speech
because I think we’ve proved
so obvious a case of murder against Leonard Vole
有罪的裁决 将是唯一的选择
that a verdict of guilty must be the only possible conclusion.
我将简单扼要地 总结一下事实…
I will briefly summarise these facts…
你最好从头开始 梅耶斯先生
You’d better begin again Mr Myers.
如果威尔弗莱德爵士 对此特别感兴趣的话
That is if Sir Wilfrid is at all interested in our proceedings.
我很感兴趣 法官大人
I am indeed my lord.
但是 现在进行结案陈词未免为时过早
The speech for the crown however is premature.
I ask that the case for the defence be reopened.
And that a witness be recalled.
法官大人 辩方在这最后时刻要求
I most strenuously object to the case
回到传讯阶段 对此我强烈反对
being reopened at this final stage.
我方最新掌握了 令人吃惊的证据
Evidence of a startling nature has come into my possession.
我博学的朋友所要求 的程序是前所未有的
The course my learned friend proposes is quite unprecedented.
I have anticipated this objection
and can meet it with ample precedent.
There is the king vs Stillman reported
in the criminal appeal reports of 1926
at page 463.
然后 是波特公诉案
Also the king vs Porter in volume
one of the king’s bench division reports
1942 at page 153.
And lastly there is the case of the king vs Sullivan
也发生了同样的情形 我相信法官大人应该记忆犹新
in which this issue was raised which I’m sure Your Lordship will remember
since you appeared for the prosecution.
是吗 哦 对 主审是斯温顿法官先生
I did? Oh yes before Mr Justice Swindon.
这个新证据是什么 威尔弗莱德爵士
What is this new evidence Sir Wilfrid?
是信件 法官大人
Letters my lord.
克莉丝汀·赫尔姆 的亲笔信件
Letters written by Christine Helm.
法官大人 控方 继续提出反对
My lord the prosecution continues its objection.
根据我的记忆 您在沙利文公诉案中
If my memory serves me well Your Lordship’s similar objection
提出的类似反对 被法官大人接纳了
in the king against Sullivan was sustained.
这一次 你的记忆 错了 梅耶斯先生
Your memory for once serves you ill Mr Myers.
我的反对被斯温顿 法官先生驳回了
My objection then was overruled by Mr Justice Swindon.