Silence! Silence!
真奇怪 时间还没到呢
Odd. It’s not time yet.
如果我博学的朋友 没有别的问题了 那我…
If my learned friend has no further questions I’d like…
I have not quite finished.
You are registered are you not under the National Health Insurance Act?
对 没错 我每星期要付四先令六便士
Aye that’s so. Four and sixpence I pay out every week.
对我这样一个劳动妇女来说 那可是一大笔钱
That’s a terrible lot of money for a working woman to pay.
I am sure that many agree with you.
那么 麦肯锡小姐
Miss McKenzie did you
你最近是否 向国民健康保险申请了…
recently apply to the National Health Insurance for…
-一个助听器 -申请了…什么
-…a hearing aid? -For…for what?
法官大人 我抗♥议♥这种提问方式
I protest against the way in which this question was put!
我重复一下我的问题 法官大人
I will repeat the question my lord.
我以正常的音量问你 法庭上的所有人都可以听见
I asked you in a normal tone of voice audible to everyone in open court
你是否向国民健康保险 申请了一个助听器
did you apply to the National Health Insurance for a hearing aid?
是的 没错
Yes I did.
-你拿到了吗 -还没有
-Did you get it? -Not yet.
可是 你却说你走过一扇房♥门
However you state that you walked past a door
which is four inches of solid oak
听到了有人说话 而且你发誓说
you heard voices and you are willing to swear
that you could distinguish the voice of…
…the prisoner Leonard Vole.
是谁 是谁
Who? Who?
No further questions.
啊哦 也许你可以帮我 法官大人
Och maybe you could help me Your Lordship.
六个月前我就申请了 助听器 直到现在都没拿到
Six months ago I applied for my hearing aid and I’m still waiting for it.
亲爱的麦肯锡小姐 鉴于这年月人们总是废话连篇
My dear Miss McKenzie considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays
你并没有错过很多 你可以离开了
you are missing very little. You may stand down now.
Call Police Constable Jeffries.
-杰弗瑞警士 -杰弗瑞警士
-Police Constable Jeffries. -Police Constable Jeffries.
我向万能的上帝起誓 我提供的证词将是事实
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give
完完全全的事实 除了事实别无其它
shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
梅耶斯先生 你的传讯是否完毕了
Mr Myers does that conclude your case?
没有 法官大人
No my lord.
我现在要传唤 最后一位控方证人 克莉丝汀·赫尔姆
I now call the final witness for the prosecution Christine Helm.
-克莉丝汀·赫尔姆 -克莉丝汀·赫尔姆
-Christine Helm! -Christine Helm.
我向万能的上帝起誓 我提供的证词将是事实
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give
完完全全的事实 除了事实别无其它
shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
法官大人 我要提出最强烈的反对
My lord I have the most serious objection
这位证人没有资格做控方证人 她是犯人的妻子
to this witness being summoned as she is the wife of the prisoner.
I call my learned friend’s attention
我传唤的并不是 沃尔太太 而是赫尔姆太太
to the fact that I summoned not Mrs Vole but Mrs Helm.
Your name in fact is Christine Helm?
是的 克莉丝汀·赫尔姆
Yes. Christine Helm.
And you have been living as the wife
伦纳德·沃尔同居 是不是
of the prisoner Leonard Vole?
-是的 -实际上你是他的妻子吗
-Yes. -Are you actually his wife?
I went through a marriage ceremony with him
but I already had a husband.
-他还活着 -克莉丝汀这不是真的
-He’s still alive. -Christine that’s not true!
法官大人 我们有证据证明 证人和犯人之间的婚姻
There is proof of a marriage between the witness and the prisoner
but is there any proof of a so-called
previous marriage?
My lord the so-called previous marriage is in fact well-documented.
Mrs Helm is this
这是你与奥托·路德 维格·赫尔姆的结婚证吗
a certificate of marriage between yourself and Otto Ludwig Helm
注册地点是布雷斯劳 时间是1942年4月18日
the ceremony having taken place in Breslau on 18 April 1942?
是的 这是我的结婚证
Yes that is the paper of my marriage.
I don’t see any reason why
this witness should not be qualified to give evidence.
赫尔姆太太 对于这个被你称为丈夫的人
You’re willing to give evidence against
the man you’ve been calling your husband?
你曾经对警方声称 弗伦奇太太被杀当晚
You stated to the police that on the night that Mrs French was murdered
伦纳德·沃尔是在19:30离开家 21:25回到家
Leonard Vole left the house at 7.30 and returned at 25 minutes past 9.
Did he in fact return at 25 past 9?
不是 他是22:10回来的
No. He returned at ten minutes past ten.
克莉丝汀 你在说什么呀
Christine what are you saying?
这不是真的 你知道这不是真的
It’s not true. You know it’s not true!
I must have silence.
你的辩护律师会告诉你 沃尔 很快你就有机会
As your counsel will tell you Vole you will very shortly
have an opportunity of speaking in your own defence.
你说 伦纳德·沃尔 是在22:10到家的
Leonard Vole returned you say at ten minutes past ten.
-然后呢 -他气喘吁吁 非常激动
-And what happened next? -He was breathing hard very excited.
他脱下外衣 看了看袖口
He threw off his coat and examined the sleeves.
然后他叫我 把袖口洗一洗
Then he told me to wash the cuffs.
-上面有血迹 -说下去
-They had blood on them. -Go on.
-我问 “伦纳德你做了什么” -犯人怎么说
-I said “What have you done?” -What did the prisoner say?
他说 “我杀了她”
He said “I’ve killed her.”
克莉丝汀 你为什么要撒谎 你为什么要这么说
Christine! Why are you lying? Why are you saying these things?
-多可怕的女人 -她坏透了我早看出来了
-What an awful woman. -She’s evil. I’ve known it all along.
如果辩方需要的话 我可以休庭片刻
If the defence so desires I will adjourn for a short time
so that the prisoner may gain control of himself.
多谢法官大人的体贴 不过请证人继续吧
My lord is most gracious but pray let the witness continue.
我们都等着观赏 这部恐怖小说的悬念揭晓
We are all of us caught up in the suspense of this horror fiction.
这时候中断恐怕 会让人心痒难耐
To have to hear it in instalments might prove unendurable.
-继续吧 梅耶斯先生 -赫尔姆太太
-Proceed Mr Myers. -Mrs Helm
when the prisoner said “I have killed her”
did you know to whom he referred?
我知道就是他经常 去见的那个女人
It was that woman he had been seeing so often.
When questioned by the police you told them
that the prisoner returned at 9.25.
是的 因为伦纳德 要我这么说
Yes. Because Leonard asked me to say that.
但是你现在改变了说法 为什么
But you’ve changed your story now. Why?
I cannot go on lying to save him.
他要我对警方说的话 我都说了 因为我感激他
I said to the police what he wanted because I’m grateful to him.
他娶了我 把我带到这个国家
He married me and brought me to this country.
但凡他要我做什么我都做了 因为我感激他
What he has asked me to do I have because I was grateful.
这并不是因为他是 你的丈夫 以及你爱他
It was not because he was your husband and you loved him?
I never loved him.
那么 完全是出于感激 你才在警方问话时
It was gratitude then that prompted you to give him an alibi
-提供了他的不在场证明 -就是这样一点不错
-in your statement to the police? -That is it. Exactly.
-但是现在你觉得那样做是错误的 -因为这是谋杀
-But now you think it was wrong to do so. -Because it is murder.
That woman she was a harmless old fool
他这样做是使我 成为了谋杀案的同谋
and he makes of me an accomplice to the murder.
I cannot come into court and swear
that he was with me at the time it was done.
我不能这么干 我不能这么干
I cannot do it! I cannot do it!
Then this is the truth?
伦纳德·沃尔 是在22:10回到家
That Leonard Vole returned that night at ten minutes past ten
he had blood on the sleeves of his coat
他告诉你 “我杀了她” 这是事实吗
and that he said to you “I have killed her”?
That is the truth.
这是事实 你向上帝起誓
That is the truth before God?
That is the truth.
Thank you.
沃尔太太 或者赫尔姆太太 你更喜欢哪个称呼
Mrs Vole or Mrs Helm which do you prefer to be called?
-这无关紧要 -这无关紧要吗
-It does not matter. -Does it not?
In this country
we are inclined to take a rather more serious view of marriage.
然而赫尔姆太太 当你在汉堡第一次见到犯人的时候
However it would appear that when you first met the prisoner in Hamburg
you lied to him about your marital status.
I wanted to get out of Germany so…
你撒谎了 对吗 只要说是或不是 谢谢
You lied did you not? Just yes or no please.
-是的 -谢谢
-Yes. -Thank you.
在办理结婚手续的时候 你对政♥府♥部门撒谎了
And in arranging the marriage you lied to the authorities?
我 嗯 向政♥府♥ 部门隐瞒了实情
I um did not tell the truth to the authorities.