wiggle 英 [ˈwɪɡl] 美 [ˈwɪɡl]


[verb] move or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapid movements
[动词] (使)以小而快速的动作上下或左右移动


Wiggle 是一个与小站推送过的 haggle, juggle 有着相同结尾的单词,可以一并联想记忆。


  • 那个调情老手走路时卖弄风情地扭着屁股。
    The flirt wiggled her hips seductively as she walked.

除了运动、跳舞时会扭动以外,常常为了摆脱某个事物的束缚也会进行扭动,这在英语中则可以用 wiggle out of sth 指“从……挣脱出来”,多用来喻指通过不正当的手段摆脱某个事物,比如:

  • 贝丝从歹徒的怀里挣脱出来,跑向妈妈。
    Beth wiggled out of the bandit’s arms and ran to her mother.
  • 那个小捣蛋鬼正试图逃避他的约定。
    The little fiend is trying to wiggle out of his agreement.

用作名词时, wiggle 除了表示轻微的“扭动、摆动、摇动、起伏”外,还可以引申指“扭动状线、凹凹凸凸的线”,比如:

  • 把大海画成一条条波纹线
    draw the sea as a series of wiggles


He took out his wand, tapped the board, and the arrows began to wiggle over the diagram like caterpillars.

出自英国作家J.K.罗琳奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第二本《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)。


  • Unemployment rates may wiggle only a bit from month to month, but beneath that calm, labour markets are a roiling mess.
  • But he might be wishing he’d left himself more wiggle room on timing.



  1. Wiggle your fingers – 摇动你的手指
  2. Wiggle your toes – 摇动你的脚趾
  3. Wiggle your hips – 摇动你的臀部
  4. Wiggle a pencil – 摇动一支铅笔
  5. Wiggle a key – 摇动一把钥匙
  6. Wiggle a toy – 摇动一个玩具
  7. Wiggle in your seat – 在座位上扭动身体
  8. Wiggle your nose – 扭动你的鼻子
  9. Wiggle a worm – 摇动一条蠕虫
  10. Wiggle a snake – 摇动一条蛇

小动作(Small Movements):

  1. Gentle wiggle – 轻轻摇动
  2. Subtle wiggle – 细微的摇动
  3. Playful wiggle – 玩耍的摇动
  4. Quick wiggle – 快速的摇动
  5. Delicate wiggle – 精巧的摇动
  6. Slight wiggle – 轻微的摇动
  7. Squirm and wiggle – 扭动和摇动
  8. Energetic wiggle – 精力充沛的摇动
  9. Carefree wiggle – 无忧无虑的摇动
  10. Excited wiggle – 兴奋的摇动

其他短语(Other Phrases):

  1. Wiggle room – 活动空间
  2. Wiggle your way out – 挣脱出来
  3. Wiggle a solution – 努力找到解决方法
  4. Wiggle through a crowd – 在人群中穿行
  5. Wiggle with joy – 欢喜地摆动
  6. Wiggle out of trouble – 摆脱麻烦
  7. Wiggle into a tight space – 挤进一个狭小空间
  8. Wiggle and jiggle – 摇摆晃动
  9. Wiggle your way to the top – 费力地爬升
  10. Wiggle your ears – 扭动你的耳朵


jiggle: shake (something) lightly up and down or from side to side
wriggle: twist and turn with quick writhing movements
wobble: move unsteadily from side to side
