
vitriolic (vit ri OL ik) Here’s a particularly strong adjective that means “scathing” or “bitterly cruel.” It‘s reserved for the most acidic humor or criticism. The noun form is “vitriol.”

  • The humor of comedian Lenny Bruce could be particularly vitriolic when he was mocking conventional mores and ideas.
  • Put off by his vitriol, Angela decided not to see Charles anymore and began dating a very gentle pharmacist.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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尖酸刻薄的(vit ri OL ik)这里有一个特别强烈的形容词,意思是“严厉的”或“残忍的”。它是为最尖刻的幽默或批评保留的。名词形式是“尖酸刻薄”
