
vacillate (VASS ill ate) A good verb for a section on words about change, it means to swing indecisively from one idea or action to another. The noun form is “vacillation.”

  • Casey vacillated between going to school with a cold because she had a math test and staying home and getting some rest.
  • After work, the busy mother vacillated between ordering in Chinese food and cooking a simple chicken dinner.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
动摇(VASS illate)是一个很好的动词,用于关于变化的单词部分,意思是犹豫不决地从一个想法或行动转到另一个。名词形式是“摇摆不定”

  • 凯西在因数学考试而感冒上学和呆在家里休息之间摇摆不定
  • 下班后,这位忙碌的母亲在点中餐和做一顿简单的鸡肉晚餐之间摇摆不定

