
定义:形容词 titillating 指的是令人感到兴奋、刺激或挑逗的,尤指性方面的刺激或引起好奇心的东西。


  1. 刺激性的:titillating 描述的是一种让人感到刺激和兴奋的感觉或体验。它可以用来形容引起性兴奋、好奇心或兴趣的事物。例如:”The novel contains titillating scenes that capture the reader’s attention.”(这本小说包含引人入胜的场景,引起读者的注意。)
  2. 挑逗性的:titillating 可以用来形容挑逗或引起好奇心的事物。它暗示着一种激发欲望或激发情感的效果。例如:”The movie’s titillating trailer sparked anticipation among the audience.”(电影的刺激预告片引发了观众的期待。)
  3. 引人入胜的:titillating 还可以表示引人入胜或令人兴奋的事物,不一定涉及性方面的内容。它描述了一种激发好奇心或欲望的效果。例如:”The magician’s titillating performance kept the audience on the edge of their seats.”(魔术师令人着迷的表演让观众坐立不安。)

titillating 这个词强调了引起兴奋、刺激或好奇心的感觉。它通常用来形容那些引人入胜、挑逗性或令人兴奋的事物。


  1. Titillating sensation: 刺激的感觉
  2. Titillating entertainment: 刺激的娱乐
  3. Titillating story: 刺激的故事
  4. Titillating movie: 刺激的电影
  5. Titillating music: 刺激的音乐
  6. Titillating performance: 刺激的表演
  7. Titillating adventure: 刺激的冒险
  8. Titillating mystery: 刺激的神秘
  9. Titillating romance: 刺激的浪漫
  10. Titillating sensation: 引人入胜的感觉
  11. Titillating anticipation: 令人期待的刺激
  12. Titillating flirtation: 令人振奋的调情
  13. Titillating conversation: 令人兴奋的对话
  14. Titillating intrigue: 令人着迷的阴谋
  15. Titillating atmosphere: 刺激的氛围


titillating (TIT ill ate ing) From the Latin word for “tickle,” this adjective means “to excite pleasurably,” often erotically. The noun form is “titillation.”

  • In the 1950s, many love scenes were cut from popular films because Hollywood censors felt they would be too titillating to audiences.
  • In last Sunday’s book review, the plot description of James Harmon’s new novel sounded so full of titillation that bookstores were sold out of the first printing by the end of the week.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
titillating(TIT illeating)这个形容词来自拉丁语中“tickle”的意思,意思是“令人愉快地兴奋”,通常是色情的。名词形式是“挑逗”

  • 在20世纪50年代,许多爱情场景被从热门电影中删除,因为好莱坞审查人员认为这些场景对观众来说太刺激了。
  • 在上周日的书评中,詹姆斯·哈蒙新小说的情节描述听起来充满了挑逗,以至于书店的第一本书在本周末就卖光了。

