


  1. Soft tintinnabulation: 轻柔的铃声
  2. Melodic tintinnabulation: 旋律般的铃声
  3. Joyful tintinnabulation: 欢乐的铃声
  4. Echoing tintinnabulation: 回响的铃声
  5. Distant tintinnabulation: 遥远的铃声
  6. Enchanting tintinnabulation: 迷人的铃声
  7. Delicate tintinnabulation: 纤细的铃声
  8. Harmonious tintinnabulation: 和谐的铃声
  9. Magical tintinnabulation: 魔幻的铃声
  10. Heavenly tintinnabulation: 天堂般的铃声
  11. Charming tintinnabulation: 迷人的铃声
  12. Serene tintinnabulation: 宁静的铃声
  13. Enveloping tintinnabulation: 包围的铃声
  14. Celestial tintinnabulation: 天上的铃声
  15. Resonant tintinnabulation: 共鸣的铃声
  16. Soothing tintinnabulation: 抚慰的铃声
  17. Mystical tintinnabulation: 神秘的铃声
  18. Captivating tintinnabulation: 迷人的铃声
  19. Ethereal tintinnabulation: 空灵的铃声
  20. Echoic tintinnabulation: 回声般的铃声
  21. Joyous tintinnabulation: 欢乐的铃声
  22. Reverberating tintinnabulation: 回响的铃声
  23. Enthralling tintinnabulation: 迷人的铃声
  24. Crystal-clear tintinnabulation: 清澈的铃声
  25. Tranquil tintinnabulation: 宁静的铃声
  26. Mysterious tintinnabulation: 神秘的铃声
  27. Enigmatic tintinnabulation: 难以捉摸的铃声
  28. Alluring tintinnabulation: 诱人的铃声
  29. Dreamy tintinnabulation: 梦幻般的铃声
  30. Bells’ tintinnabulation: 铃声的铃声
  31. Heavenly choir’s tintinnabulation: 天使合唱团的铃声
  32. Sacred tintinnabulation: 神圣的铃声
  33. Enchanted tintinnabulation: 迷人的铃声
  34. Delightful tintinnabulation: 令人愉悦的铃声
  35. Rustling tintinnabulation: 细微的铃声
  36. Mesmerizing tintinnabulation: 令人着迷的铃声
  37. Quivering tintinnabulation: 颤抖的铃声
  38. Mystifying tintinnabulation: 令人神秘的铃声
  39. Luminous tintinnabulation: 发光的铃声
  40. Enveloping tintinnabulation: 包围的铃声
  41. Blissful tintinnabulation: 快乐的铃声
  42. Heavenly bells’ tintinnabulation: 天堂钟声的铃声
  43. Transcendent tintinnabulation: 卓越的铃声
  44. Sparkling tintinnabulation: 闪耀的铃声
  45. Harmonic tintinnabulation: 和谐的铃声
  46. Euphonious tintinnabulation: 悦耳的铃声
  47. Graceful tintinnabulation: 优美的铃声
  48. Whispering tintinnabulation: 低语般的铃声
  49. Sacred chimes’ tintinnabulation: 圣钟的铃声
  50. Enthralling chimes’ tintinnabulation: 迷人的钟声的铃声



tintinnabulation (tin ti NAB yoo lay shun) You won’t have many chances to use this noun meaning the sound of the ringing of bells, but when you see it in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Bells,” you’ll feel very learned. (If that doesn’t impress your friends sufficiently, you can produce the fact that in earlier centuries Oxford University had on its staff a “tintinnabularius”— yes, a bell ringer.) A related additional bit of the lore of sound is the word tinnitus (tih NIGH tus) meaning a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in one or both ears.

•As Poe says, “…the tintinnabulation that so musically wells/From the jin-gling and the tinkling of the bells.”

•While we generally think of the sound of bells as pleasant, anyone who has suffered even briefly from tinnitus can tell you the sound is maddening.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
tintinnabulation(tintinnab yoo lay shun)你不会有很多机会使用这个名词,意思是钟声,但当你在埃德加·爱伦·坡的诗歌《钟声》中看到它时,你会觉得很有学问。(如果这没有给你的朋友留下足够的印象,你可以得出这样一个事实:早在几个世纪,牛津大学的员工中就有一个“tintinnabularius”(是的,一个敲钟人)。)声音的另一个相关知识是耳鸣(tih NIGH tus)一词,意思是一只耳朵或两只耳朵发出持续的铃声或嗡嗡声。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
