自从人类有了思想 就有了飞翔的念头
Ever since man started to think, he’s wanted to fly.
But flying was strictly for the birds…
and continued to be so for thousands of years.
人类总是那么地乐观 不断地尝试
Man, eternally optimistic, kept trying.
Encouraged by his many successes,
man kept trying.
Through his genius and his inventiveness…
he managed to get his machines off the ground…
and sometimes he brought them down again.
好! 好!
Bravo.! Bravo.!
All over the world,
early pioneers were making flying history.
在意大利 艾米里奥·波堤切利伯爵
And in Italy, Count Emilio Ponticelli…
made what many people claimed was the first longdistance flight.
There was no doubt about it…
1910年 飞行变成了时髦的运动
by 1 9 1 0, flying had become the rage.
Man had conquered the air…
and people everywhere were all agog about…
those magnificent men in their flying machines.
你好 理查德!
Hello, Richard!
哦 理查德! 哦 理查德 带我一起飞吧
Oh, Richard! Oh, Richard, please take me up.
哦 不 今天不行 不 今天风太大了
Oh, no, not today. No, it’s much too windy.
来 我们把它转过来
Come on. We’ll swing her around.
而且 严格来讲 我还没下班呢 抬起来
And anyway, strictly speaking, I’m still on duty. Lift!
It isn’t too windy for you to fly.
快 搭把手
Come on. Give a hand.
哦 理查德 看那鸟儿
Oh, Richard, look at that bird.
它可以去任何它想去的地方 任何地方
It can go wherever it likes, whenever it likes.
你太幸运了 是啊 我知道
You’re so lucky. Yes, I know.
哦 我真想翱翔在空中 俯视大地
Oh, I’d like to soar through the air and look down on the world.
好 放下来
Right, let her down.
I think I’d make a very nice bird.
是的 我想是的 谢谢 卡特
Yes, I daresay. Thank you, Carter.
理查德 这绳子是不是绑得太紧了?
Richard, isn’t the rigging a bit tight?
It seems to be stretching the fabric.
You’re getting rather good at noticing things.
那是当然 谢谢 卡特
Well, I should jolly well hope so. Thank you, Carter.
After all the work I’ve done on this contraption.
呃 帕崔莎
Uh, Patricia…
did you get a chance to talk to your father about my idea?
嗯 他很感兴趣 不过你还是要去跟他谈谈
Yes, he’s very interested, but you’ll still have to talk to him.
好 我会的 没问题
Oh, well, I can do that, all right.
Tell him it will increase the circulation of his newspaper.
你要摇旗呐喊 大不列颠控制着海域
Wave the flag. You know, Britannia rules the sea…
但她并不控制着天空 这一类的东西
but she doesn’t rule the sky, and all that sort of thing.
对 我知道该怎么说
Yes, I know exactly what to say.
好 然后 当他同意了你的想法
Good. Then, when he’s agreed to your idea…
you’re to ask him if you can take me flying.
嗯 我会的
Hmm. Yes, I might.
This afternoon?
好吧 哦!
All right. Oh!
帕崔莎 现在不行 我还在工作呢
Patricia, not now, I’m in uniform.
哦 理查德 别这么傻
Oh, Richard, don’t be so silly.
骑你的摩托车跟上我 我会试着骑得慢点
Follow me in your motorcar. I’ll try not to go too fast.

怎么了? 哦 没事
What’s the trouble? Oh, nothing.
我爸不知道我骑这车 哦
Father doesn’t know about this. Oh.
Won’t be a minute.
怎么样? 很漂亮
Well? Very nice.
You look just like a girl.
Thank you.
总有一天 你♥爸♥会发觉的
You know, one of these days, your father’s going to find you out.
嗯 我知道
Mmm, I know.
Exciting, isn’t it?
The trouble with aviation today is that too many good ideas…
are being dissipated in too many aeroplanes.
If we could bring together all these different types from all over the world…
then everyone could learn from each other.
From all over the world?
这是有可能的 罗斯利老爷
It’s possible, Lord Rawnsley.
The French and the Americans are well ahead of us.
我从不知道这些 这就是我们的不足了
I never knew that. Well, it’s our own fault.
信不信由你 三年前英国人还不知道怎么飞
Believe it or not, no Englishman flew until three years ago.
Britannia may rule the waves, sir…
但是她并不能统治天空 至少现在不行
but she doesn’t rule the skies, not yet anyway.
Have some more Madeira.
哦 你还没喝完啊
Oh, you haven’t finished.
该死的 我们应该是统治天空的
Damn it. We should rule the sky.
我现在看到您的热情了 先生
I can see you’re going to be a real enthusiast, sir.
Anytime you should care to come up
不 谢了 梅斯 我可能是个守旧派
No, thank you, Mays. I may be an old fogy…
but I think that if the Lord had intended me to fly…
他会给我的是… 翅膀
he would have given me… wings.
你出行都坐火车 父亲 我也没见你有轮子啊
You travel by train, Father, but you haven’t any wheels.
Do you really mean no Englishman flew until three years ago?
没错 先生
That’s right, sir.
Come and see me again in a few days.
Meanwhile, I’ll discuss your idea with my circulation people.
哦 谢谢您 先生 非常感谢
Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you very much.
呃 对了 先生 还有件事
Uh, by the by, sir, there’s one other thing.
I wonder if I might take Patricia up this afternoon.
上去? 去哪?
Up? Where?
上去空中 父亲 飞
Oh, into the sky, Father, flying.
当然不行了! 我绝对禁止你去飞
Certainly not! I absolutely forbid you to go up…
and I absolutely forbid you…
带我女儿去飞 今天不行 以后也不行!
to take my daughter flying, today or any other day.
听明白了没有? 是的 先生
Is that understood? Yes, sir.
完全明白 先生 谢谢 先生
Absolutely, sir. Thank you, sir.
我绝对禁止你 带我女儿去飞
“I absolutely forbid you to take my daughter flying,
今天不行 以后也不行!
today or any day.
帕崔莎 亲爱的 听明白了没有?
Patricia, darling Is that absolutely understood?”
哦 是的 先生 完全明白 先生 窝囊废!
“Oh, yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.” Three bags full, sir!
这不是我的错 帕崔莎 你不能责怪你父亲
It’s not my fault. Now, Patricia, you can’t blame your father…
觉得飞行是件很危险的事情 就是很危险
for thinking that flying is dangerous. It is.
But when he gets enthusiastic about the idea,
he’ll change his mind.
别这么急 帕崔莎
Now, you’ll see. Oh, Patricia.
不 理查德 你穿着制♥服♥呢(正工作呢)
No, Richard, you’re in uniform.
如果你不带我飞 我就另找个能带我飞的人
If you won’t take me flying, I shall find someone who will.
哦 好啊
Oh, all right.
I suppose you wouldn’t like to go have lunch at Windsor?
你可以开那辆车 如果你想的话
You could drive the car if you like.
我? 是啊
Me? Yes.
哦 快走吧
Oh! Come on.
我的想法是这样的 先生们
Well, that’s my idea, gentlemen.
不算是个节日 但是能点燃全世界的想象力
Not a festival but something which will fire the imagination of the world…
which will bring together all the different types of flying machines…
同时 也能增加报纸的发行量
and, at the same time, increase the circulation of my newspaper.
一个空中大赛 先生们
An air race, gentlemen…
initiated, sponsored and rewarded by the Daily Post.
An air race which will show
that Britannia not only rules the waves…
还暗示着 在将来 我们将统治天空
but intends, in future, to rule the skies.
An air race between the two most important capitals of the world
London and Paris.
But that means flying across the English Channel.
当然了 这就是整个的想法 凯斯考恩
Well, of course it does. That’s the whole idea, Gascoyne.
Well, the French fellow did it last year.
I presume some progress has been made since then?
