
thespian (THESP ee un) This noun is a fancy term for, simply, an actor. It derives from the poet Thespis, who supposedly originated Greek tragedy. It can be used as an adjective meaning “related to plays.”

  • “All you thespians out there, listen up,” blared the public address system. “There will be tryouts Friday afternoon for the Springfield High School version of Spam-a-lot.”
  • Jo is equally interested in acting and singing; so far no critic has encouraged her as a vocalist, but her thespian aspirations have met with some success.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
thespian(THESP ee un)这个名词是演员的一个花哨的术语。它源于诗人忒修斯,据说他是希腊悲剧的始作俑者。它可以用作形容词,意思是“与戏剧有关”

  • “你们这些演员,听好了,”公共广播系统大声说道。“周五下午,斯普林菲尔德高中版的Spam-a-lot将进行选拔赛。”
  • 乔对表演和唱歌同样感兴趣;到目前为止,还没有评论家鼓励她成为一名歌手,但她的戏剧抱负取得了一些成功

