Don’t worry. They don’t understand a word of English.
这边走 笨蛋 走这边 笨蛋
This way, dummies. Step this way, dummies.
Over here is Frank Correll, the Lord Byron
of the New York City Subway System.
Observe the way fire and smoke shoot out of his ears.
别捣乱 加伯 我有麻烦了
Don’t bug me, Garber. I got troubles here.
What’s the matter?
一班列车挂了 无线电不通 电力中断 乘客在车外
A train is down, its radio’s dead, the power’s off, and it’s dumped its load.
除此之外 其它都还好
Aside from that, everything’s ginger-peachy.
几点了 绿色先生?
What time is it, Mr. Green?
好 该跟他们讲话了
Right. Time to talk to them.
你在烦什么? – 我想我今天会死掉
ls something troubling you? -I think I’m gonna die today.
That’s entirely possible.
佩勒姆 123 呼叫行控中心
This is Pelham One Two Three to Command Center.
佩勒姆 123 呼叫行控中心 听到回答
This is Pelham One Two Three to Command Center. Do you read me?
好 他有麻烦 就放他一马
OK, we’ll leave him alone to his problems.
你到底在哪 想干什么?
Where have you been? What are you tryin’ to do?
Screw up this entire railroad single-handedly?
I want an explanation and it better be good!
Your train has been taken.
什么? – 再说一次 你们的列车被劫持了
What? – Repeat, your train has been taken.
喂 不要讲话!闭嘴!
Hey, shut up in here! Shut up!
I said shut it, everybody!
通通闭嘴 妈的!
Shut it up, everybody, goddamnit!
What do you mean the train has been taken?
你是什么意思 你是司机吗? – 不是
Are you the motorman? – [Blue] Negative.
那你是谁?除了司机外其他人不许进驾驶室 表明你的身份
Nobody’s authorized to be in that cab except the motorman. Identify yourself.
喂 调度总长
Listen, Train Master,
有群重武装人士 劫持了你们的列车
Your locomotive has been hijacked by a group of heavily armed men.
It what?
我们在第一节车厢扣押 17名乘客和车长 当作人♥质♥
We are holding 17 passengers and the conductor hostage in the first car.
I am quite prepared to kill any or all of them
我很乐意杀几个 或全杀掉
if you do not obey my commands to the letter.
我的话你听清楚了吗? – 你发什么神经!
Have I made myself quite clear? – You’re outta your skull!
不管怎么样 笔拿出来 记下我们的要求
Be that as it may, get out a pen, take down our fist of demands.
喂 等一下 不要挂电♥话♥
Hey, now wait a minute. Hold on. Stand by.
有人劫持地铁列车 为什么?
Why would anybody hijack a goddamn subway train?
按六号♥ 弗兰克 叫地铁警♥察♥来处理
Hit your six button, Frank. I want the TA police in on this.
What are all these Chinamen doin’ in here?
天呐 我都忘了
[Garber] Holy Christ, I forgot.
查理 带这些猴子上 13楼
Charlie, take these monkeys up to 13.
不用了 加伯队长
It is all right, Lieutenant Garber.
I am sure we can find it by ourselves.
获益良多 感恩啊 队长
And thank you for a most instructive visit, Lieutenant.
高♥潮♥迭起 队长 高♥潮♥迭起
A most exciting tour, Lieutenant. Most exciting.
Most exciting.
加伯 呼叫 帕绰尼 加伯 呼叫 帕绰尼
Garber to Patrone. Garber to Patrone.
听到回答 帕绰尼
Come in, Patrone.
This is Patrone.
里科 我要你尽可能
Rico, I want you to plug everythin’ you got
into the IRT train master’s circuit.
And all units stand by on the double.
召请纽约警♥察♥ 打 911报案专线 让他们的计算机受理
Call in the City cops. Put it on a 911 so their computer gets it.
什么事 扎?
What’s up, Z?
你不会相信的 – 我什么都相信
You won’t believe it. – I’ll believe anythin’.
A train’s been hijacked.
I don’t believe it.
When did the power go?
车长 什么时候停的电? – 谁想知道?
Hey! Conductor, when did the power go? – [man] Who wants to know?
Me! The supervisor of the Grand Central Tower wants to know!
喔 是 长官!几分钟之前! 嘿 那儿出了什么事?
Oh, yes, sir! A couple of minutes ago! Hey, what happened down there?
Who wants to know!
不 没人受伤!
No, nobody’s hurt!
出了什么事? – 我不知道出了什么事!
[man] What’s goin’ on? – I don’t know what’s goin’ on!
怎么回事? – 没事 小姐
What happened? – Nothin’ happened, lady.
有人被杀了? – 没人被杀
Was anybody killed? – Nobody’s killed.
要走向左边了 看清楚第三支铁轨 现在往左了
[man] On the left now, watch out for the third rail. On the left now.
这是怎么回事 天呐?
What the hell is this, for Christ’s sake?
Your attention, please, ladies and gentlemen.
我相信你们大多数人都已知道 你们全都是人♥质♥
I’m sure the more intelligent of you have worked out you’re all hostages.
啊 我的天!
Oh, my God! – [nervous chatter]
Isn’t that wonderful.
人♥质♥ – 难不成会是 客人?
Hostages. – What did you think? Guests?
等我们的要求获得响应 你们就可安全获释
When we get what we want, you’ll be released unharmed.
但在那以前 你们都要乖乖地听话
Until then, you’ll continue to do precisely as you’re told.
对不起 先生 要是你们的要求未获响应 那我们会怎样?
Excuse me, sir. What’s going to happen to us if you don’t get what you want?
对不起 先生 我们的要求会获得响应的
Excuse me, sir. We are going to get what we want.
[Caz] I don’t give a damn what they were armed with.
They were gonna kill me!
你就像船长一样! 应该与船共存亡的!
You’re like the captain of the ship! You’re supposed to go down with it!
狗屁啦! – 喔 女人家别管闲事!
[woman] Horseshit! – Oh, lady, butt out!
告诉行控中心 我要去调查了!
Tell Command Center I’ll be on my way to investigate!
如果我是你 我就不会去那里了!
[Denny] I wouldn’t go down there if I was you!
I know you wouldn’t!
你在地铁工作吗 先生?
You work for the subway, mister?
你去告诉他们 我要告他们!告到他们屁滚尿流!
Tell ’em I’m gonna sue! I’m gonna sue their ass off!
佩勒姆 123 呼叫行控中心
Pelham One Two Three to Command Center.
Do you read me? Are you ready to take down our list of demands?
我在听 你这禽兽 你要什么?
I’m listening, you animal. What do you want?
笔准备好了吗? – 请说!
Do you have your pen? – Go on, for Pete’s sake!
首先 你要先了解三件很重要的事
It’s important you understand three things.
一 佩勒姆 123 已完全在我们掌控中
One, Pelham One Two Three is completely within our control.
二 我们全都配备自动武器
Two, we are all armed with automatic weapons.
三 我们杀人不眨眼
Three, we have no scruples whatsoever about killing.
这些你都听清楚了吗? – 很清楚 你这疯子
Do you understand me so far? – I understand you tine, you lunatic.
You’ll never get away with this.
Inform the mayor that we demand one million dollars cash
for the release of the car and all the hostages.
哪有这种事 – 现在的时间是 2:13
That’ll be the day. – The time is now 2:13.
钱必须在 3:13之前交到我们手上
The money must be in our hands not later than 3:13.
One hour from now.
If the money is not in our hands,
we’ll kill one hostage for every minute you’re late.
做你的梦去吧 杀人魔
Keep dreamin’, maniac.
如果有人想破坏我们的好事 不管是谁 用什么方式
If anybody attempts to interfere – anyone, in any way –
we will begin killing the hostages immediately.
Confirm, please.
Zach! Zach!
佩勒姆 123 请回答 – 我是佩勒姆
Pelham One Two Three, come in, please. – [Blue] This is Pelham.
Identify yourself, please.
This is Lieutenant Zachary Garber of the Transit Police.
Identify yourself, please.
I’m the man who stole your train.
先生 你们在地道里
Sir, there is no way you can get away with this.
You are underground in a tunnel.
Why do you concern yourself with that?
3:13 一到 我们准时开始处决人♥质♥
At precisely 3:13 we are going to begin executing the hostages.
你最好和市长联♥系♥ 再来我这里
You’d better get in touch with the mayor and get back to me
听候进一步的指示 通话完毕
for my further instructions. Over and out.
Son of a bitch has got me backed up all the way to the Bronx!
好啦 这里又不是马戏团 都回去工作
What is this, a circus? Let’s get back to work!
里科 听到了吗?
Rico, did you get that?
我只听到你后面那段 但我可以拼凑出全貌 真是疯狂
I only got your end of it, but I could piece it together. it’s crazy.
这家伙有浓重的英国口音 可能是同性恋
The guy’s got a heavy English accent. He could be a fruitcake.
我们有人在 28街吗?
We got anybody at 28th Street?
我查一下 有 他就在那附近
Just checkin’ it out. Yeah, he’s around there somewhere.
告诉他要坚守岗位 可能要等个一整天 纽约警♥察♥才会到
Tell him to hold the fort. Could be all day before the City cops show up.
需要他们时 总是不在身边
They’re never around when you need ’em.
莱克斯 28 莱克斯 28 听到回答
