Look, on Christmas Eve, my dad pushed Santa off the roof.
别 查理 – 圣诞老人消失了
No, Charlie. – Santa disappeared
我爸爸代替了他 查理
and my dad took his place. – Charlie!
Then I went with him to deliver all the presents.
然后驯鹿飞着把我们带到了北极 在那里 精灵头头
Then the reindeer flew us to the North Pole where the head elf
伯纳德给了我这个 – 查理
Bernard gave me this. – Charlie…
听着 我在一家玩具公♥司♥上班 我向全国各地派送玩具
Look, I work for a toy company. I deliver toys all over the country.
所以在某种意义上说 我像个圣诞老人
So, in a way, I’m like Santa Claus.
你说 亲爱的 – 你做了那些玩具吗
Yes, sweetheart? – Do you make the toys?
不是的 傻瓜 精灵做
No, stupid, the elves do!
波比 我们不说”傻瓜”
Bobby, we don’t say “stupid,”
我们也不说”精灵” 他们是些小人
and we don’t say “elves.” They’re “little people.”
不 他们真的是精灵
No, but they really are elves.
不管叫什么 宝贝 – 你最喜欢的驯鹿是哪只
Whatever, honey. – Which one’s your favorite reindeer?
考米特 – 哦 我 我 我没有最喜欢的
Comet. – I don’t have a favorite.
我直接说吧 圣诞老人
So, let me get this straight, Santa.
你的意思是说 如果我长大了想当圣诞老人
You mean, when I grow up, if I wanna be Santa Claus,
all I gotta do is push you off a roof?
好了 他说了 他说那是他过得最开心的圣诞节了
He said that it was the best Christmas he ever had?
惊喜啊 你觉得呢
Oh, big surprise!
听他那么说我很高兴 – 你觉得这样有问题
It’s just nice to hear it from him. Is that a problem with you?
好了 那么?
All right. So?
我能说句话吗 我是个医生
May I speak, please? I am a doctor.
不 他不是 他是个精神病医师
No, he’s not. He’s a psychiatrist.
说吧 米勒医生
Please. Go ahead, Dr. Miller.
I guess we know who’s the teacher’s pet.
斯加特 成熟点
Scott! Oh, grow up.
The reason we’re here is that this is far more serious
这远比孩子是否相信 圣诞老人的存在严重得多
than a boy believing or not believing in Santa Claus.
没错 因为查理认为 整件事情确实发生过
That’s right, because Charlie thinks that this whole thing actually happened.
斯加特 你们平安夜晚上
Scott, what was the last thing you and Charlie did
before you went to bed Christmas Eve?
我们一起喝了一碗糖水 喝了一点点烈酒
We shared a bowl of sugar, did some shots of brown liquor,
玩了我的鸟枪 阉了一只猫
played with my shotguns, field dressed a cat,
looked for women.
I read him a book!
什么书 – “好莱坞主妇”
What book? – Hollywood Wives.
“圣诞前夜” 各位 别这样
The Night Before Christmas, folks. Come on!
And did you go to the North Pole?
这 这太荒谬了 我没时间浪费
This is ridiculous. I don’t have time for this.
不管是不是荒谬 斯加特 对查理来说 这不是梦 是真的
or not, Scott, for Charlie, this isn’t some dream, it is real.
你要坐下来和查理好好谈谈 跟他解释你不是圣诞老人
You need to sit down with Charlie. Explain to him you are not Santa Claus.
爸爸 他们像北极的熊
They’re like the bears at the North Pole, Dad.
查理 我告诉过你了 我们没去北极
Charlie, I already told you, we did not go to the North Pole.
那是个梦 – 你在否认 爸爸
That was a dream. – You’re in denial, Dad.
否认 你甚至不知道那是什么意思
Denial! You don’t even know what that means.
你确实在否认 我知道发生过什么
Well, you are. I know what happened.
你怎么知道 怎么知道 你没证据
How do you know that? How? You don’t have any proof.
证据 为什么我们不能
Proof? – Why can’t we both
认为那只是梦 然后忘了它呢
think of it as just a great dream and forget about it?
那么这个呢 还记得里面那些好东西么
What about this? Remember all the neat stuff inside?
查理 这是个玩具
Charlie, this is a toy.
我们以前做过这种东西 不过没人买♥♥
We used to make things like this at work, but no one bought ’em.
给你 我不想再说这件事了
Here. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.
我知道你是谁 爸爸
I know who you are, Dad.
You’ll figure it out soon enough.
有很多孩子相信你 你不能让他们失望
There are a lot of kids that believe in you. You can’t let them down.
查理 你错了
Charlie, you’re wrong.
What’s so funny?
He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
跑啊 让这些驯鹿跑啊
Rollin’. Keep those reindeer rollin’
好啊,你最好注意 你最好别叫!
Okay! You better watch out You better not cry
快点 党斯 快点 帕朗斯
Come on, Dancer. Come on, Prancer.
圣诞老人进城来 – 哇
Santa Claus is coming to town – Whoa.
We can’t stop.
But I have to go to the bathroom!
我告诉你了 你应该 在我们离开北极之前就离开
I told you, should’ve gone before we left the North Pole.
…and rummy tum-tums

就在那 在那转弯
Right here. Turn over here.
Curly-haired dolls that toddle and coo
Elephant spokes and kiddie cars, too
Where is he?
他可能在他屋里 在床上上跳上跳下的
Well, he could be in his room jumping up and down on his bed,
带着红帽子 穿着橡胶鞋
wearing a red hat and galoshes.
尼尔干什么我没兴趣 查理在哪
I don’t care what Neal’s doing. Where’s Charlie?
哦 我知道了 知道了
Oh, I see, I see.
Well, if you can’t be father of the year,
为什么不圣诞老人呢 是吧
why not be Father Christmas, huh?
Charlie, it’s just not logical.
How can one man, in one night,
visit all the children of the world?
Not everyone celebrates Christmas.
And I think there’s some sort of time continuum
一旦圣诞老人坐上雪橇 它就断开
that breaks down once Santa’s in his sleigh.
那么壁炉呢 很多人没有壁炉
What about fireplaces? A lot of people don’t have them.
How does Santa visit those people?
他会变形 然后…
He turns into Jell-O and…
壁炉会出现 他像这样的就进去了
The fireplace kind of appears and he goes through it like this.
What about the reindeer?
Have you ever seen a reindeer fly?
是的 – 我没有
Yes. – Well, I haven’t.
你看见过百万美元么 – 没
Have you ever seen $1 million? – No.
你只是没看到 不代表它不存在
Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
嘿 尼尔 好啊 运动小子
Hi, Neal. Howdy, sport.
嗨 爸爸 – 要散散步么
Hi, Dad. – You wanna take a walk?
我想和你聊聊 – 当然 我拿上外套
I wanna talk to you. – Sure. I’ll get my coat.
好的 快点
Okay, hustle up.
斯加特 能说句话么
Scott? Can I have a minute?
I think Charlie is conflicted at the moment.
Wow. Really?
Boy. Hmm.
谢谢你的分♥析♥ 真的非常感谢
Appreciate your analysis, I really do.
但是 伙计 你有更重要的事情要担心
Boy, you got more important things to worry about, you know.
Like, where are you gonna get more sweaters
after the circus pulls out of town?
斯加特 你怎么一点都听不进去
Scott! I mean, you’re not listening.
我们都很担心这事 担心什么
We are very concerned about this. – Concerned about what?
担心查理和你在一起 是不是对他有好处
If Charlie spending time with you is the best thing for him.
关于毛衣 你是对的 好吗
You were right about the sweater, okay?
Do you think by next year
我可以长得足够大 能独自驾驶雪橇么
I’ll be big enough to drive the sleigh all by myself?

可是我一直在练习 不 那不是我要说的
But I’ve been practicing. – No, that’s not what I’m talking about.
查理 你听着 我们要谈谈圣诞老人这个事情
Charlie, hold on a second. We’ve got to talk about this Santa Claus thing.
查理 没有…
Charlie, there is no…
没什么 爸爸
No what, Dad?
There’s no reason why we have to tell anybody about the North Pole.
Why not?
有时候 有些事 一些重要的事
Well, sometimes some things, big things,
嗯… 不该说出去 就像两个人之间…
should remain unsaid, like between two people…
哦 你说就像个秘密 -是 像一个秘密 让它成为个秘密
Oh, you mean like a secret. – Yes. Like a secret. Let’s keep it secret.
How come?
Because of Mom and Neal.
不只因为他们 还有学校
