The plane has taxied to a stop.
Any minute now we expect the doors to open
and we’ll get a glimpse of the Queen,
上一次还要追溯到五年前 女王第一次访问洛杉矶的时候
as she begins her first visit to Los Angeles in five years.
那次也是这样一个温和 美丽的夜晚
lt’s a balmy, beautiful evening too.
She’s going from here to a formal reception…
– 珍 – 弗兰克
-Jane! -Frank!
我正在做晚餐 你饿吗
l’m just making some dinner. Are you hungry?
Maybe just a bite.
Ludwig wanted me to ask you to meet him tonight.
这里有些事你要清楚 我昨晚去他那里了
There is something you should know. l was in his place last night.
真好 他给你看他收藏的明代瓷瓶和珍贵的油画了吗
How nice! Did he show you his Ming vases and rare oil paintings?
珍 我想他参与了几起犯罪活动
Jane, l think that he’s involved in a number of criminal activities.
弗兰克 别说了
Frank, stop it!
文森特 拉德维格 是个很受尊敬 而且大方的好人
Vincent Ludwig is a well-respected, generous, kind man.
– 你不像我那样了解他 – 怎么了
-You don’t know him like l do. -How’s that?
– 你说这些话是什么意思 – 对不起 我很担心你
-What’s that supposed to mean? -l’m sorry. l’m worried about you.
我不相信他 而且我不希望你卷进任何危险的事中
l don’t trust him and l don’t want you mixed up in anything dangerous.
吴的店重新开张了吗 它们不是三年前就关门了吗
Are Woo back in business? They closed down three years ago.
天哪 有那么长时间吗 不管怎么说我今晚不想吃中国菜
Gee, has it been that long? l don’t feel like Chinese tonight anyway.
你对我这么关心我感到好幸福 但是你对文森特的想法是错误的
lt’s sweet of you to be concerned, but you’re wrong about Vincent.
他是那么的绅士 而且是那么的有风度
He’s such a gentleman. He’s so generous.
He just wants to talk with you
to clear up any doubts you might have.
– 什么时候 – 今晚
-When? -Tonight.
Meet him at the 7th Street stockyards.
好的 但你要保证照顾好自己
All right, but promise you’ll be careful.
当然我会的 滑稽脸 给你的
Of course l will, funny-face, for you.
我该走了 明天见
l’ve got to go. See you tomorrow.
Are you sure you won’t have something to eat?
– 卓斌 – 是的 我是卓斌
-Drebin? -Yeah, l’m Drebin.
文森特 拉德维格让我给你带个话
l have a message for you from Vincent Ludwig.
对不起 我听不清你说什么
l’m sorry, l can’t hear you!
Don’t fire the gun while you’re talking.
好了 放下你的枪然后举起手
All right, put your gun down and your hands up!
马泰 你监视后面
Matthews, stake out that end,
and card-check for anyone suspicious looking.
弗兰克 你来这儿干什么
Frank, what are you doing here?
l’ve been trading shots with one of Ludwig’s goons.
They’re planning to do her tonight, here.
– 我们最好小心点 – 对不起 女士 保安
-We better be on the lookout. -Excuse me, ma’am, security.
– 这是什么意思 – 放松 什么事都不会发生的
-What’s the meaning of this? -Relax! Nothing will happen.
– 我什么都没做 – 是吗 这是什么
-l didn’t do anything. -Yeah? What about this?
你以为我们昨天才生的吗 你什么也没做 嗯
You think we were born yesterday? You didn’t do anything, huh?
l got rights!
埃德 他有你妻子的照片
Ed, he’s got a picture of your wife!
注意 这里还有谁见过他老婆
All right, anyone else here seeing his wife?
没事 弗兰克 我们去大厅吧
That’s all right, Frank. Let’s get in the hall.
你高兴吗 亲爱的
Are you enjoying yourself, my dear?
我能在这里太激动了 非常感谢你邀请我来
l’m so excited to be here. l appreciate your inviting me.
非常荣幸 也许宴会之后我们能
Pleasure’s all mine. Perhaps afterwards we can…
– 卓斌 – 弗兰克
-Drebin! -Frank!
你们俩都对 看到我惊讶吗 拉德维格先生
You’re both right. Surprised to see me, Mr Ludwig?
This is not the time or place to talk.
lt’s way past the time we talked.
我把手套脱掉了 现在我要跟你玩篮球
The gloves are off, l’m playing hardball.
现在比分是14和15 而且你正看见全场紧逼
lt’s fourth and fifteen, and you’re looking at a full court press.
卓斌先生 如果你有证据 那就用它
Mr Drebin! lf you have evidence, then use it.
如果没有 我警告你离我远点
lf not, l am warning you get off my back!
Or it will cost you dearly.
– 弗兰克 出什么事了 – 很多事 甜心
-Frank, what’s wrong? -A lot of things, sweetie-pie.
A meeting that turned into a peek-a-boo session with bullets,
set up by someone who’s been playing me like a violin.
滑稽脸 你在说什么
Funny-face, what are you talking about?
我的屠宰场会面 奶油翅膀 你难道不记得是你设计的这一切吗
My stockyard meeting, butter-wings. Don’t you remember setting that up?
拉德维格先生说你打电♥话♥取消了 相信我
Mr Ludwig said you’d called it off! Believe me!
又在骗我 你失败了
Thumb me another one, shuckie-lumps!
弗兰克 我说的都是真的
Frank, it’s the truth!
他们说的对警♥察♥和女人不能调和 就像吃满满一勺Drano
Cops and women don’t mix. Like eating a spoonful of Drano.
它将彻底把你忘记 但是让你觉得内心空虚
lt’ll clean you out, but it’ll leave you hollow inside.
太糟了 随风飘
Too bad, sugar-puff.
We could have been something.
l only did what l was told to do!
– 就像和我做♥爱♥ – 弗兰克
-Like make love to me? -Frank!
事情好办多了 公主殿下
That makes things easier, Princess.
想想我那么信任你 我犯了个大错
To think l trusted you! l made a big mistake.
– 你可以把这个拿回去 – 这是谁的
-You can take this back. -Whose is that?
不重要了 照顾好你自己 宝贝
Doesn’t matter. Take care of yourself, baby.
By the way…
l faked every orgasm.
And to commemorate our friendship,
the city of Los Angeles is proud to present to the Royal Family
自♥由♥战争火枪 是由文森特 拉德维格捐赠的
this Revolutionary War musket, donated by Mr Vincent Ludwig.
女士们先生们 我们的女王殿下
Ladies and gentlemen, Her Royal Highness,
Queen Elizabeth ll!
lt’s disgusting the way they splash this stuff all over the newspapers!
What is journalism coming to?
You’re laying on top of the Queen with her legs wrapped around you
and they call that news!
他们不能把你开除队伍 这不公平
They can’t kick you off the Force, it’s not fair.
我知道 生活不总是公平的
l know. Life isn’t always fair.
想一想吧 下一次我要开枪打人 我就要被抓起来了
Just think, the next time l shoot someone, l could be arrested.
嗨 看看这个
Hey, look at that!
这是奇尔勒案件丢失的证据 我的天 他是无罪的
The missing evidence in the Kilner case! My God, he WAS innocent!
他两年前就座电椅了 弗兰克
He went to the chair two years ago, Frank.
这样 那还有什么用
Well…what’s the use?
What good are these damn awards and citations?
弗兰克 那不是你的桌子
Frank, that’s not your desk!
弗兰克 我到处在找你
Frank! l’ve been looking all over for you!
Running another errand for your boyfriend?
我昨晚给你打电♥话♥ 而且去了你哪 你上哪去了
l tried to call last night. l went by your place. Where were you?
我只是散步 整个晚上
l was out walking. All night.
听我说 我有个很重要的消息
Listen to me! l have important information.
There was never anything between Vincent and me.
– 他喜欢一个东德男人 – 那你呢
-He likes East German men. -What about you?
l like cops.
– 真好 耶 – 冷静 放松点
-All right! Yeah! -Settle down. Take it easy.
– 你得到什么了 – 我无意中听了拉德维格的谈话
-What’ve you got? -l overheard Ludwig.
你是对的 他正在计划派人刺杀女皇
You were right. He is planning to have someone assassinate the Queen!
– 在哪 – 在棒球比赛的时候
-Where? -At the baseball game.
拉德维格邀请了女换去看比赛 我要和他一起出席
The Queen will be there as Ludwig’s guest.
ls Ludwig going to shoot her in front of 60,000 fans?
不 一个球员会去做 在第七局结束的什么时候
No, a player, during the 7th inning stretch.
– 还有20分钟就开始了 – 我最好马上赶过去
-lt starts in 20 minutes. -l’ll go.
– 我跟你去 – 跟拉德维格在一起
-l’ll go with you. -Stay with Ludwig
– 去监视他的行动 – 好的 我们出发吧
-to allay suspicion. -OK, let’s go!
等等 等等
Wait! Wait!
我给你们已经惹了足够的麻烦了 我自己去
l’ve gotten you into enough trouble already. l’ll go alone.
不 这件事可以让你重返队伍 我么都在支持你
No! This’ll get you back on the Force. We’re right behind you.
弗兰克 我现在想让你知道
Frank? l wanted you to know now,
我从第一天见到你的那时就爱上了你 而且永远不会停止对你的爱
l’ve loved you since the first day l met you, and l’ll never stop.
l’m a very lucky woman.
So am l.
下午好 这是我们从大A体育场为您发回的现场直播
Good afternoon. We’re coming live from the Big A,
where the California Angels meet the Seattle Mariners
in their showdown for the Division League.
大家好 我是科特 郭迪 和我在一起的是 吉姆 帕姆尔