Of course.
Please be very careful.
♪ 愿神怜悯我 ♪
♪ Have mercy upon me ♪
♪ 愿神怜悯我 ♪
♪ Have mercy upon me ♪
♪ 抹去我的罪愆 ♪
♪ Blot out my transgressions ♪
♪ 抹去我的罪愆 ♪
♪ Blot out my transgressions ♪
♪ 以牛膝草净化我… ♪
♪ Purge me with hyssop… ♪
Thank you.
♪ 洗净我, 洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me, wash me ♪
♪ 我将比雪洁白… ♪
♪ And I shall be whiter than snow… ♪
Hold him by his hair.
He hasn’t got much hair to hold.
这么老了还当她的情人, 真是恶心 -和你一样老
Disgusting to be that old and to be her lover. -Same age as you.
我是她的丈夫, 不是情人 -丈夫是唯一的, 别人不行吗?
I’m her husband, not her lover. -You can only be one and not the other?
如果他还年轻, 我还可以理解, 他应该只是过渡的, 你个王八蛋!
If he’d been younger, I could’ve understood. He’d just be a passing fancy. You bastard!
对了, 米丘, 你的机会来了, 你要咬掉他的睾丸
Right, Mitchel, now’s your chance. You are gonna chew bollocks.
他太老了 -这什么意思?
He’s too old. -What’s that mean?
他差不多和我一样, 40岁左右吧
He’s the same age as me, 40, almost.
如果他年轻一点, 你就会咬了吗?
If he was younger it would’ve been all right?
我的天, 如果你17岁, 会像40岁吗?
My God. When you’re 17, is being 40 old?
他最近应该没洗过澡 -天啊, 米丘, 你真是蠢得可以
He probably hasn’t had a bath recently. -God, Mitchel, you are a prize mule.
我的意思是… 很显然…
Well, I mean, certainly…
他昨天晚上一定和乔琪娜上♥床♥了 -不! 闭嘴
He must’ve been with Georgina last night. -No! Shut up.
闭嘴! 闭嘴! 闭嘴! 闭嘴!
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!
You pissing little worm.
天啊, 你真是白♥痴♥, 米丘
God, you are an idiot, Mitchel.
You can be guaranteed to say the wrong thing at the right time.
I didn’t mean that you literally had to chew his bollocks off.
I meant it metaphorically.
到底什么意思, 亚伯特?
What does that mean, Albert?
“Jewish Book-keeper Savaged By Young Sex Maniac.”
I don’t want this to look like a sex murder.
It’s a revenge killing, an affair of the heart, a crime passionnel.
I want no evil gossip spread around about me.
大家不会说… 大家会说, 这是一场为正义的仇杀
They are not going to say… They are going to say this was a dignified revenge killing.
They’re gonna admire the style.
“他被塞饱了, 而亚伯特喜欢美食”
“He was stuffed. And Albert liked good food.”
大家甚至会微笑, “他被自己的谋生工具塞饱了”
They might even smile. “He was stuffed with the tools of his trade.”
“他被书塞饱了, 这个肮脏的小店员是…”
“He was stuffed with books. The crummy little book-keeper was…”
米丘, 不要停… 不要停
Mitchel, no unnecessary… No unnecessaries.
叫他吃完! 掐住他的嘴, 封住他的鼻子, 把那该死的书塞进他的喉咙
Finish him off! Shut his mouth, hold his nose, ram the bloody books down his throat.
Suffocate the bastard!
现在教你们如何吃小龙虾, 先把虾头去掉
OK, so this is how you eat the crayfish. First, you snap off the head.
Then you pull out the whiskers,
then you strip off the legs.
And then you poke out the soft part of the body.
你关灯了吗? -什么灯?
You turn the light out? -What light?
白♥痴♥, 你就只记得放臭屁, 里面有这么多书会烧起来
Idiot. You wouldn’t remember to fart. Place might burn down with all them books.
正好, 烧光所有的证据 -我不要烧光, 白♥痴♥!
That would nicely destroy the evidence. -I don’t want it destroyed, idiot!
I want Georgina to see it.
What did he say?
The French Revolution was easier to swallow than Napoleon.
拿破仑是个笨蛋, 他搞掉了一切
Napoleon was a prat. He threw everything away.
拿破仑喜欢海鲜, 他最喜欢义式牡蛎
Napoleon liked seafood. His favourite dish was oysters Florentine.
没想到, 对吧? 邱吉尔也喜欢海鲜
It’s amazing, isn’t it? Churchill liked seafood.
All the great generals were keen on seafood.
What did Julius Caesar like, or Hitler?
希♥特♥勒♥爱吃蚌壳, 墨索里尼爱吃乌贼
Hitler liked clams. And Mussolini liked squid.
你的心愿完成了 -你懂个屁, 赫里斯?
You’re making it up. -What do you know, Harris?
书店店员吃了什么? -看他的呕吐物就知道了
What did the bookseller eat? -You could tell from his vomit.
关我屁事! 反正最后都是大便
What do I care what he ate? It all comes out as shit in the end.
I’m so tired.
I’m going to sleep.
I’ve got a lot to tell you in the morning.
And I want you to listen.
别人也可以听, 但只想告诉你
Somebody should know. And who can I tell but you?
And then…
when I wake up in the morning,
I want you to kiss me.
And then I want breakfast.
呃… 要咖啡, 还有奶油蛋卷
Erm, coffee and fresh rolls and butter
and marmalade.
And toast.
晚安, 麦可
Good night, Michael.
I’ll see you in the morning.
I love you.
你这样做不值得 -怎样做?
You shouldn’t have done it. It wasn’t worth it. -You what?
乔琪娜不值得? 你好大胆说这种话
Georgina wasn’t worth it? How bloody dare you say that?
乔琪娜比一千个, 对着法国大革命手♥淫♥…
Georgina’s worth a thousand snooty little Jewish book-keeping clerks
who masturbate over the French Revolution.
这件事会让我们惹上麻烦, 这个书店店员不值得, 你冷静一点
The book-keeper will get us into trouble and he wasn’t worth it. Calm down.
这个割过包皮的混♥蛋♥搞我的太太! 我无法冷静!
Little circumcised mediocrity was screwing my wife! I will not calm down!
赫里斯, 我知道你的眼睛盯着乔琪娜, 看着别人的太太
I’ve seen you, Harris, eyeing Georgina, looking at another man’s wife.
我发现乔琪娜下车时, 你偷看她的裙底
I’ve seen you watch her skirt fly up when she got out of the car.
没错, 我还发现你闻着她的味道, 赫里斯
Yes, I’ve seen you sniffing her, Harris.
And to think I ever trusted you with her,
喝醉得时候, 我还信任让你开车送他回家
that I ever trusted you to drive her home when I was drunk.
你给我滚出餐厅! -冷静
You get out of this restaurant! -Calm down.
米丘, 叫理查来, 我要求餐厅拒绝这个人, 滚出去!
Mitchel, get Richard. I want this man banned. Get out!
如果你大吵大闹… -我高兴! 这是我的餐厅!
If you want to shout… -I can shout in my own restaurant!
这是我的餐厅, 滚出去! 去你的!
I own this restaurant. Get out! Fuck you!
快走吧, 蠢驴! 理查, 我要关掉餐厅
Go, you mule! Richard, I’m closing you up.
是吗? -你完蛋了, 理查
Really? -You are finished, Richard.
你让正直的人和勾引人♥妻♥的小王一起用餐, 你完蛋了!
Allowing decent people to dine with wife snatchers. You’re finished!
我不会完蛋, 史毕卡先生
I think not, Mr Spica!
如果我完蛋, 你去哪里用餐? 谁会招待你?
And if I did, where would you eat? Who would have you?
现在, 如果你心平气和地离开, 我们就能开始清理你造成的一切
Now, if you’d kindly leave, we can start clearing up the mess you have made.
我警告你, 餐厅明天就会变成停车场
I’m warning you. Tomorrow your restaurant will be just one big car park.
停车场 -我怀疑你办得到
Nothing more. -I wonder how you will do that.
我用推土机! 理查, 你的美食会埋在20尺的瓦砾堆底下
A bulldozer, Richard. Your cuisine will be 20 feet under brick dust.
滚出去, 赫里斯, 你给我滚出去
Get out of it, Harris. You get out of it.
我们走, 我终于知道什么是忠心耿耿了
Go on. I can tell loyalty when I see it.
天亮了, 麦可
Well, Michael,
you didn’t kiss me
我想… 我应该只做自己的早餐
I suppose I have to make my own breakfast.
Don’t get up yet.
那么, 麦可
Well, Michael,
that’s that.
Short and very sweet.
虽然你没在听, 我还是要告诉你亚伯特的事
Now you’re not listening, I suppose I could tell you about Albert.
我不想说得太清楚, 因为… 我觉得好羞耻
I meant to tell you eventually but I’d have to know you better because…
但是… 还是想让你听明白
Well, because I’d be so ashamed.
我现在要说的事很重要, 如此才能完成接下要做的事
But it’s important that I tell you now so that I can have done with it.
亚伯特打我, 你见过我身上的瘀伤
Albert beat me. Well, I know you know that. You saw the bruises.
He was regular in his habits.
每当我们从餐厅回家, 他都要我准备热热的湿毛巾
When we got back from the restaurant, he’d make me get a hot, wet towel
and accompany him to the toilet.
And I’d have to wipe his…
结束后, 他… 他继续… 噢…
After I finished, he… he made… Oh…
帮助我, 麦可
Help me, Michael.
在他的床边, 有一个箱子, 里面装着各式各样的小物品
On his side of the bed he had a suitcase with all kinds of objects in it.
呃… 有牙刷
Er, a toothbrush,
a wooden spoon,
a plastic train,
a wine bottle.
And he’d use them.
