Richard, don’t get into trouble over me. -Georgie!
我们去面对他 -别傻了, 他会杀了你
Let’s go and face him. -Don’t be mad. He’ll kill you!
快点, 跟我来
Come quickly. Come with me.
五分钟就好 -我们会冻死
Wait here five minutes. -We’ll freeze to death.
他不会找来这里, 五分钟就好, 我去拿衣服
He will never look in here. Only five minutes. I will get your clothes.
乔琪, 你在哪里?
Georgie, where are you?
乔琪娜! 乔琪, 你在哪里?
Georgina! Georgie, where are you?
乔琪, 乔琪
Georgie. Georgie.
她在哪里? 我太太在哪里?
You! Where is she? Where’s my wife?
发生什么事? -你知道什么事
What’s the matter? -You know. Fetching her cigarettes.
我太太在哪里? -那是你的事
Where’s my wife? -Your wife is your affair.
This is not a lost property office.
我要我太太! 她在哪里?
I want my wife! Where is she?
你! 你这个白♥痴♥鼠辈! 我太太在哪里? 她在哪里?
You! You stupid little rat. Where’s my wife? Where is she?
如果你闹够了, 我要求你离开厨房♥
If you have finished, I’ll ask you to leave the kitchen.
I have other diners to consider. -Oh! Uh!
我才是必须被考虑的人, 这是我的餐厅
I’m the only diner who matters here. I own this restaurant.
我要我太太, 你把她藏起来, 她在哪里?
I want my wife. You’ve hidden her. Where is she?
老天我要冷静! 他们在哪里?
God keep me calm! Where are they?
乔琪娜! 乔琪娜!
Georgina! Georgina!
乔琪娜! 乔琪娜!
Georgina! Georgina! -Ahh!
乔琪娜! 她在哪里, 柏斯特?
Georgina! Where is she, Boarst?
柏斯特, 她在哪里? 乔琪! 乔琪!
Boarst, where is she? Georgie! Georgie!
乔琪, 你这个贱♥人♥!
Georgie, you bitch!
Hard around.
乔琪! 我要我的太太
Georgie! I want my wife!
I’ll bloody find her.
I’ll bloody find her.
我要找到他们, 我他妈要找到他们
I’ll find them. I’ll bloody find them. I knew it. Scheming tart!
我他妈要找到他们, 而且要杀死他!
I’ll bloody find them and I’ll bloody kill him!
And I’ll bloody eat him!
杀了他, 还要吃了他!
I’ll kill him and I’ll eat him!
杀了他, 还要吃了他! -喔, 该死!
I’ll kill him and then I’ll eat him. -Oh, shit!
I’ll eat him!
I’ll eat him!
伊甸开车送你们走, 你们有地方去吗?
We can get you out. Eden can drive you. Where do you want to go?
I know a place.
我们的衣服呢? -我会送过去, 快吧
What about our clothes? -I’ll get them to you. Quickly.
Quickly. Quick.
不… 不…
No. No. No, no.
不, 拜托!
No, please. Aah! No.
What is this place?
It’s a book depository.
书店打烊后, 我就整理存货
When my bookshop is quiet, I do a stocktaking job.
I’m cataloguing French history.
There’s a kitchen and a bathroom.
这里有点简陋, 但是风景很好
It’s a bit primitive but there’s an extraordinary view.
Have you read all these books?
It’s not necessary for the book-keeper to read all the stock.
With a job like this, you could be very boring.
Are we safe here?
Does Albert read?

如果你不读书, 会不会觉得安全?
If you don’t read, does that make you safe?
Only from bad books.
You could spend a lifetime in here reading.
你也可以, 我们加起来两辈子
You could. Two lifetimes, yours and mine.
这是我在这里的原因? -不是
Is that what I’m in for? -No.
这些书有什么好? 又不能吃
What good are all these books to you? You can’t eat them.
How can they make you happy?
I’ve always found them very reasonable.
即使你不读, 它也不会改变内容
They don’t change their minds when you’re not looking.
That sounds like a disadvantage to me.
Kiss me.
♪ 彻底洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me thoroughly ♪
♪ 远离罪恶 ♪
♪ From my iniquity ♪
♪ 抹去… ♪
♪ And blot out… ♪
我… -♪ 抹去… ♪
I… -♪ Blot out… ♪
我想… 也许… -♪ My? ♪
I think perhaps… -♪ My? ♪
I think perhaps we’ll leave the singing.
如果你同意的话, 晚一点, 好吗?
Do you agree, until later, maybe?
How is the restaurant?
很好 -理查·柏斯特先生呢?
It’s all right. -And Richard? Mr Boarst?
He’s fine.
Is there any more trouble,
er, like last night?
没有, 先生 -一起来吃吧?
No, sir. -Would you like to join us?
不用了, 谢谢, 我等一下和柏斯特先生一起吃
No, thank you. I’ll eat later with Mr Boarst.
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you.
呃… 还有别的消息要通知吗?
Erm, have you any other news to tell us?
柏斯特先生要我转告, 请二位待在这里
Mr Boarst says… He told me to tell you to stay put
and he wishes you bon appétit.
Thank you.
When you’re finished, I’m to take the dishes back.
噢… 有喜欢的书就借去看吧
Oh, if you find any of those books interesting, you can borrow them.
Wa-woo! Di-di-di-di-dah-da!
他们在哪里? 他们在哪里?
All right, where are they? Where are they?
我不知道 -你不知道?
I don’t know. -You don’t know?
我不相信这些都是你吃的, 这里面都有什么? 来瞧瞧
I don’t suppose you ate all this yourself. What have we got in here? Let’s see. Ah.
鱼酱佐蛋黄酱和罗勒, 我喜欢罗勒
Fish sauce with mayonnaise and a touch of basil. I like basil.
还有什么? 啊哈
What else we got in here? Aha.
黏黏的, 别说, 是巧克力蛋卷
It’s sticky. Don’t tell me. Chocolate sauce, profiteroles.
Georgina liked profiteroles.
哦, 毛巾上面还有乔琪娜的口红
Oh, and serviettes with Georgina’s lipstick on them.
还有一瓶好酒, 好极了
And a nice bottle of wine. Very nice.
理查死定了, 我要亲手料理他
He’s for the chop, Richard. I’ll get my hands on him.
丢掉那个面包卷, 我要知道他们在哪里? 他们在哪里?
Leave that bread roll alone. I need to know where they are. Where are they? Eh?
哈哈, 好极了, 张嘴, 快点, 张嘴
Ah. Ah. That’s good. Open your mouth. Come on, open it.
对你自己的食物有兴趣吧 -我们别这样做吧
Take an interest in your food. -We don’t need to do this.
你快昏倒了吧? -他只是小孩子
Getting squeamish? -He’s just a kid.
让他站好, 脱裤子 -别搞他了
Stand him up and get his trousers down. -Leave him alone.
滚开, 谁需要你来展现神迹, 带走你的四眼亲戚
Get out. Who needs fairies like you? And take your four-eyed cousin with you.
滚到街上去, 没有我看你怎么混, 快滚!
See how you get on in the streets without me to wipe your noses. Get lost! Righto.
好啦, 吃扣子的小鬼, 告诉我他们在哪里
OK, button eater, tell me where they are.
好啦, 吃扣子的小鬼, 他们在哪里?
OK, button eater, where are they?
扣子吃完了, 但是你还有一个扣子
We’ve run out of buttons. But there is one more button.
就是你的肚脐眼, 你要吃下去吗?
It’s your belly button. How’d you like to swallow that?
亚伯特! -你还在呀?
Albert! -You still here?
那好, 让你瞧瞧
Well, then, watch this.
叫醒他! 叫醒他, 叫醒他, 我要知道她在哪里!
Wake him up! Wake him up, wake him up. I must find out where she is!
Wake him up!
Wake him up!
他们在哪里? 如果他醒过来, 最好从实招来
Where are they? If he comes to, he better start to talk.
找到了! (猎鹰堡书店)
I got ’em!
I have brought your dinner.
Where’s the kitchen lad?
他在医院 -什么?
He is in hospital. -What?
他什么也没说, 我相信他
He said he told them nothing and I believe him.
我要去探望他 -这样不好
I must see him. -I don’t think that’s wise.
I’m coming.
You must take me to him.
开始打包 -我们要带什么?
Start packing. -What have we got to pack?
理查, 理查, 带去给普波
Richard. Richard, bring that for Pup.
你帮不上忙, 你只会更危险
What can you do? You only endanger yourself.
I’ll only be gone an hour.
理查, 你送我回来, 好吗?
Richard, you can bring me back, can’t you?
喔, 可怜的帕普, 可怜的帕普
Oh, poor Pup. Oh, poor Pup.
Leave me something to eat.
