Geoff’s a very good dancer.
这里不准跳舞 -我都在家吃饭
There’s no dancing allowed. -I always eat at home.
好地方 -没有食物中毒
Best place. -No food poisoning.
理查·柏斯特的餐厅和家里一样安全, 厨房♥很干净, 你可以去检查
Ricky Boarst is as safe as houses. He keeps a very clean kitchen, go and see.
I’d like to see.
米丘, 带这位女士去看厨房♥ -让我来, 史毕卡
Mitchel, take the lady to see the kitchen. -I’ll take her myself, Spica.
厨房♥在哪里? -穿过那道门
Show me the way. -Through that door.
我会去浴室叫乔琪”tout de suite”回来
I’ll call in the bathroom and send Georgie back tout de suite.
That means immediately.
你的新马子真是下♥贱♥, 柯瑞 -她只是在练习法语
Your new girlfriend’s cheap, Cory. -She’s only practicing her French.
这是法式餐厅, 对吧?
It’s a French restaurant, isn’t it?
Someone’s having pheasant for dinner.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…
我们会被打断… 呃… 700次
We could be interrupted, um… 700 times.
你的男友给你钱吗, 柏翠莎? -给钱? 根本没有
What’s your boyfriend paying you, Patricia? -Paying me? He doesn’t pay me.
He buys me meals and drinks.
没有给你零用钱? -没有
Doesn’t he give you no pocket money? -No.
Nothing for a tuna fish sandwich late at night or a bottle of gin
好让你忘了晚餐? -没错
to make you forget what you had for lunch? -No.
Phew, it stinks here.
听着, 如果…
Listen, how about if…
if I gave you some pocket money?
What do I have to do to earn it?
好了, 脱衣舞娘来了, 费区在哪里?
OK, here they are. Where’s Fitch?
菲利浦, 清掉那些桌子, 我们需要空间
Phillipe, clear those tables. We need more space.
史毕卡先生, 客人还在用餐 -搬到别处去
But Mr Spica, they are eating. -Move them.
你们挡到现场表演了, 你们要搬走
You are in the way of the floor show. You’re gonna have to move.
We’re in the middle of our meal.
如果你快点乖乖吃饭, 你还可以喝汤
If you’re going to eat quite quickly, you can finish your soup.
你也不想被表演踩到, 对吧?
After all, you don’t want to get trampled on, do you?
Hold him. Hold him.
你竟然没听我的劝, 真是太可惜了
It’s a pity you didn’t take my advice.
看看这些美食, 理查会很失望的
All that lovely food. Richard will be disappointed.
现在, 罚你去厨房♥吃饭, 就像顽皮的小孩一样
Now, you’re gonna have to eat in the kitchen like naughty little children, eh?
嘿, 你叫什么名字?
Hey, what is your name?
你说什么? 你叫威廉吗?
What did you say? Did I hear you say William?
好啦, 顽皮的小威利
Well, naughty little Willie, tiny little Willie,
how would you like to be spanked on your big, fat bottom?
Seeing as you’re so keen on Richard’s mushrooms, William,
我会送你五锅, 整整五锅
you, I’m gonna give you five, the count of five
and I want to see you on the way to the kitchen
or you’ll be out in the street!
Get out.
♪ I am waiting, I am waiting ♪
♪ Come up with something sometime now ♪
♪ We’re only here for love… ♪
糟糕, 我要回去了 -再一分钟
Oh, look at the time. I must go back. -One minute more.
不行 -30秒
No. -30 seconds.
Oh! Oh!
Oh. What the hell are you doing?
我正在爽, 能不能别动?
I bought meself a ride. Why don’t you keep still?
抱歉, 我吓了一跳
Sorry, I had a surprise.
What bloody surprises could there be possibly left for you?
我放弃了, 臭三八
I give up, you bitch.
I’m sick of jumpy whores.
我只能给你一颗星, 不是因为你漂亮, 而是因为你有洞
You’re only worth a Fitch one star, that ain’t for looks, that’s for availability.
♪ I am waiting ♪
♪ I am waiting ♪
♪ Come up with something sometime now ♪
♪ We’re only here for love ♪
♪ Outside the reach of money ♪
♪ Beyond the reach of fame ♪
♪ We’re not for buying or lending out… ♪
Look who’s just come out of the woodwork.
♪ Be quick and be tight ♪
♪ And be it not and be right ♪
♪ Then be slow and… ♪
你刚刚在干嘛? -刚刚在帮你赚钱
What’ve you been doing? -I’ve just been earning you good money.
现在看到的事情, 会让我们赚更多
And I’ve just seen how we can earn ourselves some more.
♪ Then go ♪
我们接到投诉, 餐厅外的货车发出恶臭
We have complaints of offensive smells from two vans on the restaurant premises.
餐厅否认和他们有关, 完毕
The restaurant denies any responsibility. Over.
Why can’t we meet somewhere else?
那不可能, 最危险的地方就是最安全的地方
That’s impossible. It’s better to do it under his nose.
他不会相信, 会发生在他眼皮底下
He’ll never believe I do it right under his nose
between courses,
between the hors d’oeuvres and the canard à I’orange,
between the dessert and the coffee.
I’m learning fast
how to cut corners, save time.
我越来越行了, 对吧, 麦可?
I’m getting good at it, aren’t I, Michael? Aren’t I?
我越来越行了, 对吧?
Aren’t I getting good at it? Aren’t I?
我越来越行了, 对吧?
Aren’t I getting good at it? Mm.
我越来越行了, 对吧?
Aren’t I getting good at it? Oh.
昨天晚上真♥他♥妈♥糟糕, 这都要怪你, 柯瑞
Last night was bloody awful and you’re to blame, Cory.
今晚你不许吃饭 -反正我也不喜欢外国菜渣
Tonight you’ll starve. -I don’t like the foreign muck anyway.
不许对我这样说话, 你没教好柏翠莎, 妓院里面没有强♥奸♥这回事
Don’t talk to me like that, you uneducated prat! You couldn’t organise a rape in a brothel!
脱衣舞娘很烂, 音乐很烂, 你搞砸了所有的事
The girls were lousy, the music was lousy, you mucked the whole thing up.
还管不住你的女人, 呿!
Couldn’t keep your own girl under control at all. Tch!
她又招摇… -我没有
First she shows off… -I didn’t.
你闭嘴, 谁和你说话?
Shut your face, who’s talking to you?
Then she goes and plays hard to get.
如果她是你的女人, 柯瑞, 她怎么可能是贞洁烈女?
I mean, if she’s been with you, Cory, how the hell can she be hard to get?
史班格勒, 快去拿喝的来, 她还把费区给惹毛了
Spangler, get us a drink, quickly. Then she upsets Fitch in some way.
费区是头猪 -费区有礼貌
Fitch is a pig. -Fitch has got manners.
他像是脑袋有病的熊, 你尿在他的裤子上吗?
He was like a bear with a sore head. Did you piss in his pants?
然后她就像是玩着按♥摩♥棒♥的处♥女♥, 咯咯笑个不停
Then she’s giggling like a virgin playing with a candle.
你必须补偿他, 他喜欢你, 虽然你像男人一样
You’ll have to make it up to him. He likes you, though you look like a bloke.
也许他喜欢男人 -不许说这些同性恋的话
Perhaps he likes blokes. -None of that homosexual talk.
这样他就会记住我了, 昨天晚上就该记住了
He’ll remember. Yesterday evening’s got my name on it.
我不要和他一起, 他又臭又多汗, 而且老二不行了
I’m not going with him. He sweats and stinks and he can’t make it.
叫你的臭女人闭嘴, 柯瑞 -像乔琪一样?
Shut your whore up, Cory. -Like Georgie?
闭嘴! -她是好女人, 从没让我失望
Shut up! -She’s a fine woman. She’s never let me down.
你在说笑 -闭嘴, 柏翠莎
You must be joking. -Shut up, Pat!
她很忧伤 -我在说笑, 这什么意思?
She’s upset. -What do you mean, I must be joking?
把她甩了 -别这样对待女人
Here. Get rid of her. -Don’t do that to a woman.
我高兴 -那是你的问题
I do what I like to a woman. -That’s your trouble.
No wonder Georgie looks like she does and hates your guts.
你♥他♥妈♥在说什么? -难怪她到处偷♥情♥
What are you talking about? -No wonder she screws around.
什么? -你♥他♥妈♥瞎了才没发现
You what? -You’re so bloody blind, you’d never notice.
闭嘴! 她在胡说 -我没有, 我都看见了
Shut up! She’s raving. -I’m not. I saw them.
谁? -乔琪和那个犹太人
Who? -Georgie and that Jew.
什么犹太人? -坐在那边看书的男人
What Jew? -That bloke who sits over there, reading.
你没发现吗? 他们总是一起去上厕所
Haven’t you noticed? They always go off to the john together.
你说什么? -你以为乔琪在厕所做什么?
You what? -Why do you think Georgie’s always in the john?
你这个瞎蝙蝠, 她没有五分钟就去拉屎
You blind bat. She doesn’t have the shits every five minutes.
嘘… 没事, 没事, 嘘… 安静
Shh. It’s all right. It’s all right. Shh. Quiet.
Shh. Shh.
I’m going to the loo.
乔琪娜, 你在哪里, 贱♥人♥? 乔琪娜!
Georgina, where are you, you bitch? Georgina!
你在干嘛, 滚出去! -出去, 三八, 乔琪娜!
What are you doing? Get out! -Get out, you bitch. Georgina!
你在哪里? 出去!
Where are you? Get out!
Go on, get out!
Where are you?
拜托不要! -滚出去! 出去…
No, please! -Get out of here! Get out, you…
拜托不要! 拜托不要!
Please, no! Please, no!
快出来, 乔琪 -拜托不要
Go on! Georgie! -Please, no.
你在哪里, 乔琪?
Where are you, Georgie?
糟糕, 他发现了
It’s over. He has found out.
乔琪娜? 乔琪娜!
Georgina? Georgina!
乔琪! 滚出来
Georgie! You get out.
I’ll get him to leave.
理查, 别为我惹祸上身 -乔琪!
