他是犹太人, 帮他准备一些肋排, 不要猪肉
He is Jewish, so maybe you could find him some spare ribs. No pork.
他不需要书, 我们要闲话家常, 对吧?
He won’t need those. We’re going to hold a conversation, aren’t we?
你可以开始了, 乔琪, 告诉麦可你的事
You can start, Georgie. Tell Michael all about yourself.
我相信你太太想要平静的晚餐 -没有, 说吧, 乔琪娜
I’m sure your wife would rather eat in peace. -No. Talk, Georgina.
Here’s your chance to improve your table conversation.
Tell Michael you live in a big house
and you spend £400 a week on clothes.
I spend £400 a week on clothes.
You have a petrol allowance of £40 a week.
我每周有40英镑的油钱, 但从未用过
I have a petrol allowance of £40 a week, which I never use.
你戴漂亮的首饰 -我戴漂亮的首饰
You wear beautiful things. -I wear beautiful things.
你在最好的餐厅用餐 -我在最好的餐厅用餐
You eat in the best restaurants. -I eat in the best restaurants.
乔琪娜, 拜托投入一点
Georgina, try a little harder, please.
我上最好的美容院 -没错, 最好的
I go to a good hairdresser. -Yes, the best there is.
我看最好的牙医 -没错, 对了, 牙医也是犹太人
I go to a good dentist. -Yes, yeah, oh, yeah. He’s Jewish.
我看最好的妇科医生 -你说什么?
I go to a good gynaecologist. -You what?
医生说我不可能有小孩 -麦可不想听这个
Who says it’s unlikely I’ll ever have a baby. -Michael doesn’t want to know that.
That the three miscarriages have ruined my insides.
那不是事实, 麦可不想知道这个
That isn’t true, Michael doesn’t need to know that.
把酒喝了, 麦可, 我们谈谈你吧, 你做哪一行的?
Now, drink up, Michael, let’s talk about you. What do you do?
I’m a gynaecologist.
你说什么? -欢迎你来找我看诊
You’re a what? -You could always come and see me.
We don’t need to discuss that subject.
因为无法生育, 所以我可以和人乱搞
Being infertile makes me a safe bet for a good screw.
闭嘴, 乔琪!
Shut up, Georgie!
我为我太太道歉, 麦可
I must apologise for my wife, Michael.
如果你再不回座, 你的位子会没了
If you don’t get back to your table, you’re in danger of losing it.
The place gets very full about now.
米丘, 带麦可回座, 和他聊聊马匹
Mitchel, take Michael back to his table. Tell him about horses.
别麻烦了, 史毕卡先生, 谢谢你
Oh, it’s all right, Mr Spica, thank you.
I prefer to read my book.
而且, 我吃饱了, 谢谢
Besides, I’ve finished. Thank you.
Thank you for introducing me to your wife.
我喜欢你的… 名字
I like your name.
What the hell do you think you’re doing? Eh?
Telling a complete stranger intimate details about us?
不是我们的私密, 是我的
It’s not about us. It’s about me.
It’s about us!
又想到, 你到底在厕所待了多久?
And what’s all this, how much time you spend in that loo?
妇科医生是怎么回事? 他是谁?
What’s all this about a gynaecologist? Who is he?
最好她是女的, 我不准别的男人摸你
It’d better be a she. I don’t want some bloke fingering my wife about.
他是男人, 他是犹太人
It’s a man. He’s Jewish.
而且他来自衣索比亚 -什么?
And he’s from Ethiopia. -What?
他妈妈是罗马天主教♥徒♥, 他曾经在南非坐牢
His mother is a Roman Catholic, he’s been in prison in South Africa,
他是黑人, 可能还喝自己的尿尿
he’s as black as the ace of spades and probably drinks his own pee.
我打死你, 贱♥人♥!
Take that, you bitch! -Oh!
你这个说谎不知感恩的婊♥子♥! 给我上车!
You lying, ungrateful bitch! You get in that car.
我要关你进狗笼, 贱♥人♥
It’s the doghouse for you, you bitch.
该死的妇科医生! 天杀的妇科医生!
Bloody gynaecologist. Blasted gynaecologist.
起来, 起来
Get up. Get up.
上车, 垃圾
Get in the car, you slag.
上车, 快点
Get in there. Go on.
Maiser came here.
还有特拉尼和他的黑人女友, 头上还戴着桃子
And Trelawny with his black lady friends who wore peaches in their hair.
桃子? -头饰
Peaches? -Imitation.
还有来自澳洲的走钢索兄弟, 就坐在门边
And the Austrian brothers sat by the door, high-wire professionals.
平衡感很好, 用钱糊里糊涂
Great balancers, sloppy with money.
还有提姆·川特下巴被打断的时候, 在餐厅用吸管喝汤
And Tim Tranter drank soup here out of a cup with a straw when his jaw was broken.
There used to be a mark up there where Goshy Capps threw a plate of kippers.
烟燻鲑鱼? -拜托, 没错
Kippers? -Yes, kippers, for God’s sake.
You wouldn’t find kippers here.
以前餐厅早餐都有鲑鱼 -以前有早餐?
They serve kippers for breakfast here. -You’ve had breakfast here?
The ferryman and his lady ate here every morning.
渡船夫是同性恋, 水里的鱼也不认同他
The ferryman was a poofter. And fish disagreed with him.
这些是什么人? -骗子、皮条客…
Who are all these people? -Small-time crooks and pimps…
柏斯特把鲑鱼痕迹油漆掉了, 我会叫他漆回来
Boarst painted it out. I’ll get him to paint it back again.
…gigolos, busted boxers, cheap whores…
I’ve got the clippings at home.
… 恶霸、美发师、同性恋
…bullies, hairdressers, faggots.
罗宾·汉 -不, 只有汉
Robin Hoods. -No, just hoods.
你聪明多了 -聪明? 他说话的方式都过时了
You’re getting very smart. -Smart? Even his slang’s out of date.
现在我是客户, 你了解吗?
Now I’m the clientèle, you understand? Me.
乔琪和柯瑞·彼得森也是, 红酒炖鸡很好
And Georgie here and Cory Peterson. The coq au vin is good.
什么鸡? -鸡放进红酒煮啦, 你个蠢驴
Cock a what? -Chicken cooked in wine, you mule.
贝丝·里度靠红酒炖鸡维生 -她的”鸡”比红酒多
Bess Riddle lived on coq au vin. -More of the coq than the vin.
史塔基, 有女士在场
Starkie, there are ladies present.
刚才还在, 她上哪去了 -葛蕾丝不是女士, 对吧?
Or there were. Where’s she gone? -Gracie’s no lady, are you?
她一定是膀胱感染了 -她和我们一起的
She must have a bladder infection. -She’s one of us.
只要她不见, 就是去厕所, 司空见惯
There’s nothing wrong except she disappears to the john.
你得了什么膀胱感染, 史塔基?
And which of the bladder infections do you have, Starkie?
女士都去盥洗室, 不是厕所
Ladies go to the toilet, not the john.
真正的女士不去盥洗室, 她们去浴室
Real ladies don’t go to the toilet, they go to the bathroom.
餐厅没有浴室 -闭嘴
Boarst hasn’t got a bathroom. -Shut your mouth.
在你认得可敬的厕所前, 你已经尿在裤子里面了
You’d pee in your pants before you’d recognise a respectable WC.
So, he’s broken the silence for us
and your name is Georgina.
没错, 而且别叫我乔琪
Yes. And don’t ever call me Georgie.
你的眼睛很美, 乔琪娜
You have beautiful eyes, Georgina.
你的老二也很美, 妇科医生
And you have a beautiful prick, Mr Gynaecologist.
是吗? -没错, 无论你的老二种族信仰为何
I have? -Yes, whatever its racist beliefs.
你的丈夫生性多疑 -是吗?
Your husband is a curiosity. -He is?
Why what?
Why am I married to him?
Why aren’t you married?
你怎么知道我没有? -你没有
How do you know I’m not? -You’re not.
我没有 -为什么?
I’m not. -Why?
我看过一部电影, 男主角前半个小时都没有说话
I once saw a film in which the main character didn’t speak for the first half an hour.
像我们一样? 我们在一起的时间, 加起来有半个小时吗?
Like us? Do all the minutes we’ve been together add up to half an hour?
I was completely absorbed as to what would happen because anything was possible.
And then?
男主角毁了一切, 他开口了
He spoilt it, he spoke.
然后? -五分钟以后我就失去兴趣了
And? -Within five minutes, I’d lost interest.
因为你开口说话, 所以我会对你失去兴趣?
So now you’ve opened your mouth, do you expect me to lose interest?
It was only a film.
呃… 我们已经说了一分钟的话
Erm, now, we’ve been talking for one minute.
在你失去兴趣前, 我们还有四分钟
We’ve got four minutes left before you lose interest.
四分钟, 足够了
Four minutes. That’s enough.
Where’s the bomb?
他正在… 吃着鳄梨香醋和大虾
He’s, er… He’s eating avocado vinaigrette and prawns.
With his fingers.
Kiss me.
餐厅吵死人了, 史毕卡 -周日夜很热闹
Your restaurant’s noisy, Spica. -It’s popular on a Sunday night.
我喜欢安静的餐厅, 还有现场表演
I like a quiet restaurant, with floor shows.
柏斯特是烹饪艺术家, 不是花俏的艺人
Boarst is a culinary artist, not a fancy entertainer.
但是我们愿意取悦你, 泰瑞, 给你看看现场表演
But we’re here to please you, Terry. We’ll get you a floor show.
柯瑞, 打给山提尼, 找五个脱衣舞娘
Cory, phone Santini. Five girls, strippers.
正经一点好吗? 我女儿在场
Make it decent, will you? My daughter’s present.
五位歌♥舞♥女♥郎, 保证不低俗, 有品味
Five dancing girls with music. Strictly no filth, only class.
让餐厅安静一点, 我的耳朵要用到九十岁
And make it quiet. I want to keep my ears till I’m 90.
天啊, 泰瑞, 你到底喜欢哪一种现场表演? 哑巴修女吗?
God, Terry, what sort of floor show do you like? Mute nuns?
如果她们称我为费区先生, 我会喜欢, 对我太太来说, 我叫泰瑞
If they call me Mr Fitch, I might. I’m only Terry to my wife, Spica.
像我一样 -你也是泰瑞吗?
Like me. -You’re Terry and all, are you?
对乔琪娜来说, 我叫亚伯特 -即使她在厕所也一样?
I’m only Albert to Georgina. -Even when she’s in the loo?
叫你的臭女人闭嘴, 柯瑞! -天啊, 你真吵, 史毕卡
Shut your whore up, Cory! -God, you’re noisy, Spica.
让人消化不良了, 对吧, 小姐? 你叫什么名字?
Makes for indigestion. Don’t you find, love? What’s your name?
我叫柏翠莎, 费区先生
Patricia, Mr Fitch.
你很会跳舞? 你看起来很会跳舞
Are you a good dancer? You look as if you might be a good dancer.
We’d like to see you get up and dance, with Geoff.
