That’s woman’s work, ain’t you got what it takes? Hey!
我的天, 盔甲护身, 挡得好, 小子
My God, armour plating. You protect yourself, son, you need it.
天真无邪, 我遇见乔琪以前像你一样
Innocence. That’s what I had before I met Georgie.
女人就喜欢天真无邪 -亚伯特, 你喝醉了
That’s just what they want. -Albert. Come on, you’re drunk.
快过来! -要我唱歌♥吗?
Come on! -Shall I sing for you?
什么? -亚伯特, 来吧, 他只是个孩子
What? -Albert, come on, he’s only a child.
为我唱歌♥, 是啊, 你可以为我唱歌♥
Sing for me, yes. Yes, you can sing for me.
站上去, 开始唱
Get up there. You sing, yeah.
我小时候也很会唱歌♥, 对吧, 乔琪?
I was a good singer when I was a little boy, wasn’t I, Georgie?
快点唱, 为我唱歌♥
Come on, now. You sing to me. Eh?
快点唱呀, 唱! 他妈的
Come on. Sing, damn you!
♪ 彻底洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me thoroughly ♪
♪ 远离罪恶 ♪
♪ From my iniquity ♪
♪ 然后清洁我… ♪ -唱不上去了吧, 行不行啊?
♪ And cleanse… ♪ -You can’t keep it up, can you? No.
I was a choirboy once.
是啊, 女人都爱唱诗班的
Yes. Women like choirboys.
我遇见乔琪前, 差点就是唱诗班的
I was almost a choirboy when I met Georgie.
但是你破坏了一切, 对吧?
But you spoilt all that, didn’t you?
乔琪受过良好的教育, 她可以教年轻人任何事
Georgie was a very good education, she could teach a young man anything.
来吧, 乔琪, 给小伙子看看你给我看的东西
Come on, Georgie, show the young boy what you showed me.
亚伯特 -来呀, 给小伙子看看…
Albert. -Go on, show the little boy…
亚伯特! -照我的话做!
Albert! -You do what I tell you, will you?
跟我到停车场来, 一起来, 快点
You come out in that car park with me, both of you. Come on.
到停车场来, 快点
Out in the car park. Come on.
我要好好地教教你, 让你看看伟大的乔琪能教你什么事
I’ll give you the best education, show you what a great teacher Georgie can be.
Don’t touch him!
别捉弄他 -我要让你看看伟大的…
Leave him alone. -I’ll show you what a great teacher…
喔, 我不能这么做吗? 我要好好教教你
Oh, I see. So I’m not supposed to do that? I’ll give you an education.
亚伯特, 拜托放他走 -不行
Albert, please leave him alone. -Oh, no.
Stand there and don’t you move.
放他走吧 -你看着
Just leave him be. -Watch this.
不, 回家再说吧, 亚伯特 -乔琪… 过来
No. Wait till we get home, Albert. -Georgie. Georgie, come here.
这就对了, 怎么回事? 你竟然没穿该死的内♥裤♥
Right. What’s all this? You’re not wearing any bloody knickers.
You’ve been sitting in that restaurant with no knickers on?
和柯瑞、米丘坐在一起竟然没穿内♥裤♥? 这他妈什么意思?
With Cory and Mitchel and all those people? What’s this mean?
内♥裤♥呢? 马上交给我
Where are they? Give them to me at once.
继续, 看着, 上车, 你这个下流的婊♥子♥
Go on. Look at this. Get in that car, you dirty whore.
Why don’t you take everything off?
上车, 快点! 上车!
Get in there. Go on! Get in that car!
还有你! 你也上车 -不要!
Now you! You get in there as well. -No!
快点, 上车, 上车 -拜托! 不要!
Go on. Get in there. Get in. -No! Please!
不要! … -上车! 进去
No! No! No! -Get in there! Get in.
Aah! Ah!
♪ 彻底洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me thoroughly ♪
♪ 远离罪恶 ♪
♪ From my iniquity ♪
♪ 然后清洁我的罪愆 ♪
♪ And cleanse me from my sins ♪
♪ 愿神怜悯我… ♪
♪ Have mercy upon me… ♪
I have two minutes.
♪ 以牛膝草净化我 ♪
♪ Purge me with hyssop ♪
♪ 而我将… ♪
♪ And I shall be ♪
♪ 洁净 ♪
♪ Clean ♪
♪ 洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me ♪
♪ 洗净我 ♪
♪ Wash me ♪
♪ 我将比雪洁白 ♪
♪ And I shall be whiter than snow ♪
♪ 让我听见 ♪
♪ Make me to hear ♪
♪ 您的喜乐 ♪
♪ Thy joy and gladness ♪
♪ 即使骨头全断 ♪
♪ That the bones ♪
♪ 亦使我欢欣 ♪
♪ That Thou hast broken may rejoice ♪
你知道什么是”山牡蛎”吗, 米丘?
Do you know, Mitchel, what prairie oysters are?
如果有人请你吃山牡蛎, 你觉得会吃到什么?
So if someone feeds you a prairie oyster, what would you be eating?
鱼类, 生长在湖泊里面那种…
Fish. Like from the lakes and that. They’re the…
The clams with the little pearls in.
Prairie oysters would be very precious to their owners. No.
不是你形容的那样, 想像…
No, look. Imagine…
Just imagine that this is a prairie oyster.
来, 吃吃看, 放进嘴巴里面
Now, go on. Eat that. Go on. Put it in your mouth. Go on. Go on.
Now, what’s it taste like?
像湿面包 -不是
Wet bread. -No.
It’s all squishy with gritty bits in it.
That’s the sand.
就是沙子, 你真好笑
That’s the sand. You’re a comic.
不对, 你个蠢驴, 那是一层外皮
No, you mule. It’s got a skin round it.
你会吐皮吗? -不会
Do you spit the skin out? -No.
从牙齿后面捞出来, 嚼一嚼
Pick it out of your teeth afterwards, chump it up.
现在, 吞下去, 来呀, 吞吧…
Now, swallow that, go on, swallow it. Swallow it.
吞下去, 这就对了
Go on, that’s right.
米丘, 你吃的是羊睾丸
Now, Mitchel, you have just eaten a sheep’s bollock.
下回你为我做事的时候, 米丘
The next time I ask you to work for me, Mitchel,
I’ll be expecting you to chew someone’s bollocks off on demand.
喔, 你回来啦
Oh, you’re back.
你在厕所发现什么有趣的事? 我也要尿尿去瞧一瞧
What do you find in that toilet that’s so fascinating? I’ll go and have a pee and a look.
他们在厕所装了什么新玩意? 丝绒马桶座, 还是下流的图画?
What have they got since I was last in there? Velvet seats, dirty pictures? Hah.
免费香水? 私人迷你酒吧?
Free perfume? A private drinks bar?
该死, 里面臭死了!
Cor, what a disgusting smell in here!
臭猪用过厕所了吗? 真是恶心
Must be the pigs using it, eh? How disgusting it is.
恶… 真可怕, 恶心
Ha! Urgh, how horrible. Disgusting.
一团乱, 必须通风, 这写什么?
Revolting place, needs airing out. What’s this?
Gaw, phwoar, phwoar…
“一个来自尤金汉的年轻人, 被逮捕时正在…”
Look. “There was a young man from Uckinham who got caught while he was…”
真是下流! 写这个东西的人必须关起来
That is disgusting! People ought to be locked up for that.
吓死我了, 完全不能接受
Absolutely appalling. Not what I’m used to at all.
真是可耻, 你觉得呢?
It’s disgraceful. Don’t you reckon, don’t you think?
Yes. God.
你在看哪里? -你在胡说什么?
‘Ere, what are you looking at? -What are you talking about?
别装了, 你在等我掏小鸡鸡, 对不对?
Don’t pretend. You’re waiting for my young associates, aren’t you?
A man ought to be able to piss without harassment.
你好大胆, 我要向餐厅经理投诉 -我就是经理
How dare you? I’m getting the manager. -I am the manager.
你因为在厕所游荡, 所以被赶到街上
And you are out on the street. Caught loitering in a toilet.
Ow! -Yeah.
That’s what these people need. Short, sharp, shock treatment.
哈罗, 你在干嘛? 又在读书?
Hello. What are you doing? Reading again?
这里不是图书馆, 餐厅里面只能读菜单
This is not a library. The only thing you’re allowed to read in here is the menu.
You are insulting the chef.
Reading gives you indigestion, didn’t you know that?
Don’t read at the table.
I’ve just been reading stuff to make your hair curl.
Out there, in the toilet.
大家都读那种东西, 不是这个书
That’s the sort of stuff people read, not this.
Don’t you feel out of touch?
Does this stuff make money?
You know, I bet you’re the only man who’s read this book.
But I bet you every man here has read that stuff out there.
这值得深思, 对吧?
It makes you think, doesn’t it?
我觉得你会读书, 是因为没人陪你说话
You know, I reckon you read because you got nobody to talk to.
这样吧, 你别一个人吃饭, 过来加入我们
I tell you what. So you shouldn’t eat alone, why don’t you come and join us?
Come and meet my wife.
她见过你, 你一个人坐在这里她很难过
She’s seen you. I know she’s sorry for you sitting here all alone.
她也喜欢读书, 她常坐在床上读个几小时
She likes to read too. She spends hours sitting on the bed reading.
She even reads on the john.
This is Cory.
这位是米丘, 他不识字, 对吧, 米丘?
This is Mitchel. He can’t read, can you, Mitchel?
我识字 -是啊, 你只看漫画和色情杂♥志♥
Yes, I can. -Yeah. Comics and dirty magazines.
这位是乔琪娜, 她是我的太太
And this is Georgina. She is my wife.
What’s your name?
麦可 -好, 麦可, 这是犹太名字吗?
Michael. -Well, Michael. Is that a Jewish name, Michael?
你吃犹太餐吗, 麦可? 坐下, 告诉我们什么是犹太餐, 麦可
Do you eat kosher food, Michael? Sit down, Michael, and tell us all about kosher food, Michael.
很抱歉我不是犹太人 -干嘛隐瞒?
I’m sorry but I’m not Jewish. -Why hide it?
餐厅里的人多数算是犹太人, 麦可
60% of the people in this restaurant are a touch Jewish, Michael.
理查, 把麦可的东西移过来
Richard, set another place for Michael.
