扣好你那昂贵外套的扣子, 史毕卡先生
Do up the third button of your expensive jacket, Mr Spica.
就不会觉得那么饿了, 史毕卡先生
You’ll feel less empty inside, Mr Spica.
You can’t make me wait.
♪ 拯救我 ♪
♪ Deliver me ♪
♪ 远离血腥罪恶 ♪
♪ From blood-guiltiness ♪
♪ 喔, 神啊 ♪
♪ O God ♪
♪ 我的话语将大声吟唱 ♪
♪ My tongue shall sing aloud ♪
♪ 您的公义 ♪
♪ Of Thy righteousness ♪
♪ 愿神怜悯我 ♪
♪ Have mercy upon me ♪
♪ 抹去我的罪愆 ♪
♪ Blot out my transgressions ♪
♪ 喔, 神啊, 开启我的唇 ♪
♪ O Lord, open Thou my lips ♪
♪ 我的口 ♪
♪ And my mouth ♪
♪ 将显示您的礼赞 ♪
♪ Shall show forth Thy praise ♪
♪ 我的口 ♪
♪ And my mouth ♪
♪ 将显示您的礼赞 ♪
♪ Shall show forth Thy praise ♪
♪ 我的口 ♪
♪ And my mouth ♪
♪ 将显示您的礼赞 ♪
♪ Shall show forth Thy praise ♪
♪ 我的口 ♪
♪ And my mouth ♪
♪ 将显示您的礼赞 ♪
♪ Shall show forth Thy praise ♪
不, 你不能这样吃! 我来示范给你看
No, you don’t eat it like that! Let me show you.
想像你在吸吮女人的手指, 或…
Oh. Imagine you are sucking the little fingers of a lady or…
不, 你不可能和女人那么接近, 哪个女人敢接近你?
No, you’d never get that close to a lady. Who’d wanna get that close to you?
我对女人的手指没兴趣 -我就知道你会这么说
I wouldn’t be interested in her fingers. -I’d expect you to say that.
你只会把手甩来甩去, 然后抹在外套上
You’d just whip it in, whip it out and wipe it on your jacket.
看看你的外套, 脏得像猪圈
Look at your jacket, it’s like a pig field.
你的手应该很干净吧, 我看看
And your nails could do with a clean. Show me.
天啊, 为什么我身边的人, 都他妈的没水准?
Gawd. Why can’t I have some bloody quality in my associates?
从现在起, 服装邋遢的人晚餐自己出钱
From now on, anyone not properly dressed for dinner will pay for it.
我会把规定写出来, 乔琪娜负责打字
I’ll write lessons down for you. Georgina can type them out.
美食家要点, 没错吧, 柏斯特?
“Notes For Gourmets”. That’s French for a good eater, isn’t it, Boarst?
美食家不会打嗝 -相反的… 他们会
Gourmets don’t belch. -On the contrary, on the contrary. They do.
It shows that you are enjoying a meal.
别用手吃, 史班格勒! 大家都知道…
Not with your fingers, Spangler! That’s all you understand…
things you eat with your hands whilst walking down the street.
You told Mews to eat the celery with his fingers.
那不一样, 你个笨蛋, 你那是芦笋, 不是芹菜
That’s different, you dope. And it’s asparagus, not celery.
如果大家都没有用餐礼仪, 餐厅花那么多钱干什么?
What’s the point of sinking thousands into a restaurant if you refuse to eat properly?
告诉他, 乔琪娜 -要说什么?
Tell him, Georgina. -Tell him what?
学学乔琪娜, 她知道怎样用餐, 柯瑞, 叫理查过来
Just copy Georgina. She knows how to do it. Cory, get Richard in here.
I want my sign fixed up and put on that wall over the kitchen door.
如果理查多多注意宣传, 就会赚更多钱, 对吧?
If Richard was more interested in slogans, he’d make more money, eh?
This place is too dark.
应该重新粉刷, 多一点♥金♥色
Could do with a respray. Gold, it needs more gold.
How about gold and blue?
觉得如何, 亨利? 一万英镑应该够了, 用两个月的时间粉刷
What do you think, Henry? 10,000 should do it, two months’ takings.
只要一走进餐厅, 就会四处看到柏斯特的身价
You should get in there. Boarst’s prices are all over the place.
把他的肖像放在云端上, 优秀的主厨, 伟大的主厨!
His head’s in the clouds. Good cook. Brilliant cook!
只要他别在每道菜里面都放上蘑菇, 亨利, 把香烟熄了
Except he puts mushrooms on everything. Henry, put that cigarette out.
我在吃饭的时候, 别抽烟可以吗?
Do you mind if I eat whilst you smoke?
戈登吃饭的时候抽烟, 把舌根烧坏了
Gordon choked on a cigarette whilst eating, burnt his epiglottis.
米丘, 你也有舌根, 你不会把它藏在长裤里面
Mitchel, you’ve got one. And you don’t keep it in your trousers.
别把橘子切片推到盘子边, 你个笨蛋!
You don’t put orange rind on the edge of your plate, it goes there, you dolt!
你们要知道, 聪明的主厨, 会把不一样的东西摆在一起
What you’ve got to realise is that a clever cook puts unlikely things together
像是鸭肉和橘子, 或是凤梨和火腿
like duck and orange, like pineapple and ham.
It’s called artistry.
我也是艺术家, 我把事业和乐趣摆在一起
I’m an artist, the way I combine my business and my pleasure.
金钱是我的事业, 饮食是我的乐趣
Money’s my business, eating’s my pleasure.
乔琪也是我的乐趣, 比吃饭和拉屎
And Georgie’s my pleasure too, though in a more private kind of way
than stuffing the mouth and feeding the sewers.
Though the pleasures are related,
因为爽快的地方和拉屎的地方, 是如此地接近
because the naughty bits and the dirty bits are so close together
that it just goes to show how eating and sex are related.
乔琪爽快的地方就非常的相关, 对吧?
Georgie’s naughty bits are nicely related, aren’t they?
尤其是她注意我的时候, 乔琪!
Especially when she’s paying me attention. Georgie.
叫菲利浦来! 以后在家吃饭也要折好餐巾, 乔琪娜, 叫艾黛儿教你
Get Phillipe! In future, I want my napkins folded at home, Georgina. Get Adele to teach you.
史班格勒, 去叫菲利浦来
Spangler, get up and get Phillipe.
叫理查过来, 我要给他一个提议
Bring Richard here, I’ve got to make him a proposition.
叫艾黛儿送杯水来, 里面要加龙胆苦酒…
Get Adele to get that water with the angostura bitters in it
还有一些柠檬, 另外再送一碗冰水给我洗手…
and some lemon in the water and a bowl of ice water for me fingers…
亨利! 把那一桌的杯子收掉, 还有花也收掉
Henry! Give me those glasses off that table. And the flowers.
This should look the most important table here.
我喜欢一大堆玻璃杯, 看起来比较高雅
I like a load of glasses around, it highers the tone.
这是什么? -这是专为史毕卡夫人准备的
What’s that? -For Madame Spica, compliments of the house.
她不是夫人, 为什么我没有?
She’s no Madame. Why haven’t I got one?
史毕卡先生, 我很怀疑你会喜欢这道菜 -试试看吧
I doubt, Mr Spica, if you’ll like it. -Try me.
We have grown accustomed to you being a conservative eater.
这不是真的, 我很勇于尝试
That’s not true. I’m as adventurous as the next.
你的妻子品味绝伦, 史毕卡先生
Your wife has an excellent palate, Mr Spica.
It is always a pleasure for us to serve her.
我要一条湿热的毛巾, 理查, 给我夹钳
I want one of those hot, damp towels, Richard, served to me with tongs.
艾黛儿对金钱和数字都不行, 她只是花瓶, 只靠脸蛋和奶♥子♥
Adele is no good with cash and figures. She’s just decorative, all lips and tits.
我们会换掉她 -我能负责换掉她吗?
We’ll replace her. -Can I do the replacing?
闭嘴, 米丘, 狗嘴里吐不出象牙
Stuff your mouth, Mitchel. Every time you open it, you just show how vulgar you can be.
乔琪娜! 欢迎回座
Georgina! Welcome back.
屁♥股♥坐上马桶前, 有没有先擦一擦?
Did you wipe the seat before you parked your bum?
现在都不知道会沾上什么, 所有的马桶就像地雷一样
You never know what you can catch these days. Every toilet seat is a minefield.
这是为你准备的, 理查以为我会品尝这道主厨个人特餐
That’s for you. Richard thought I might like to taste it, personal compliments of the chef.
吃吧, 我不喜欢, 味道好怪
Eat it. I didn’t fancy it, it smelt off.
艾芮丝上厕所的时候, 屁♥股♥上烂了一块
Iris got a canker on her bum from sitting on a loo seat.
The mechanic across the road poured battery acid down the WC to clear it.
有一些酸液喷到马桶盖, 艾芮丝尖叫着跑过对街
Some of it splashed on the seat. Iris ran screaming into the street,
her backside hissing.
She hasn’t been the same since.
她还是跳脱衣舞, 但是从不背对观众
She strips the same but never with her back to the audience.
她改变了表演方式, 现在只做正面的表演了
She had to change her act. Now it’s more full-frontal.
你要去哪里? -打火机忘在厕所了
Where are you going? -I left my lighter in the toilet.
他妈的, 你不需要打火机 -我需要
Gawd’s sake. You don’t need it. -I need it.
理查, 我要餐厅禁烟, 明天就公告
Richard, I’m going to ban smoking in here. Tomorrow, the signs are going up.
伙计, 你想加重你的法国腔调
You want to thicken your French accent up a bit, mate,
like you’ve just come over from Paris.
给客人一些新奇的事物, 多一点”喔… 你会说法文?”的情境
Give them a bit of that ooh-la-la stuff. Bit more of that “parlez-vous français?”
那你听不懂我的话, 史毕卡先生
Then you would not understand me, Mr Spica.
我不懂, 但我一直都懂法文字母
I don’t know. I’ve always been able to understand French letters.
What the hell are you doing in here?
你在厕所很久了, 你在干嘛? 生小孩吗?
You’ve been in here for ages. What are you doing, having a baby?
我… 呃… 我只是…
I’m, er, I’m just…
我只想安静抽烟 -抽烟?
I’m just having a quiet smoke. -Smoke?
You know how you hate me smoking at the table.
他妈的, 乔琪娜
Gawd’s sake, Georgina.
Why tell me lies about a lost lighter?
我没说谎, 我把打火机忘在镜子前面了
I didn’t, I left it here on the ledge in front of the mirror.
I’ll be out in a few moments.
你别待在女厕, 你会吓到客人
Don’t hang around the ladies, you’ll embarrass the customers.
Show me the lighter.
Do you want a cigarette as well?
Don’t be so bloody stupid.
你在里面做什么呀, 乔琪娜?
What are you doing in there, Georgina, eh?
You playing with yourself?
那可不行, 这是我的财产, 你不可以自己来
That’s not allowed, that’s my property. You’re not allowed to fiddle with it.
闭嘴, 亚伯特 -让我进来, 我教你如何擦屁♥股♥
Shut up, Albert. -Let me in, I’ll show you how to wipe yourself.
快出去, 我快出来了
Go away. I’ll be out in a minute.
好吧, 别太久
Well, don’t be long.
I’ll order you some gâteau aux poivres.
Some profiteroles.
And wash your hands.
You don’t know the women who use this place.
You took your time.
