Thank you.
一种情感 四个字母
A desert animal with two humps?
爱情 -对了
Camel. -Perfect.
我要说 知识贫乏
Intellectual starvation I would say.
It’s completed, sir. Signal decoded.
One moment.
应该是可以的 五 六 七
It could just about do it. Five, six, seven…
八 -是新航向 长官
Eight. -New course, sir?
One minute.
信♥号♥♥的方位 长官
What’s the signal position, sir?
“船队在Ak 22 46”
“Convoy square at AK 22,46.”
“大致航向 60度 速度 8哩 U-37”
“Mean course: 60 degrees. Speed: 8 knots. U-boat 37.”
U-37 那是马坦的潜艇 正在追击
U-boat 37. That’s Marten’s boat moving in to attack.
太远了 我们不可能了 -运气真糟
Too far away. We’d never make it. -Bad luck.
可惜 什么时候我们能有任务
Damn it! When do we get some orders?
来吧 把它拉出来 多涂些油脂
Come on, pull it out! Slap more grease on it!
为你的航海日记 -是的 很好的素材
For your journal? -Yes, wonderful stuff.
你那边 往这里看
You there, this way a moment.
凡士林涂好了 我们来把它安上
It’s nicely greased with vaseline. We’re ready to ram it in!
你能往这边看吗 就这样 很好
Can you just look this way? Yes, good.
别太快了 这边 太棒了
Not quite so fast. This way. Great!
站到这显眼的位置 我们拍些不同
Stay here in the foreground. Let’s have some with a different…
Who did that?
Who did that?
告诉我 你鼻子里有毛吗
Tell me now… Have you got any hairs up your nose?
为什么 -我的鼻子里有
Why? -I’ve got some up mine.
Maybe we could knit them together.
警报 -警报
Alarm! -Alarm!
舱口关紧 -打开所有主排水口
Hatch secured! -All main vents open!
右舷有船只 -下潜30米
Shadow off the starboard beam. -Take her down 30 metres.
轻轻上升 表盘指零
Bring her up easy. Planes on zero.
右舷方向听到什么 -螺旋桨的声音
Anything on the starboard beam? -Propeller sounds.
110 degrees.
Way aft of us.
Contact growing fainter.
离去得很快 先生
Fading fast, sir.
我们现在最好潜到水下 行进120
All right… we’d better stay down now. Steer 120.
那是只开得很快的船 这种光线我们没有机会
A lone ship traveling fast. We have no chance in this light.
“It’s more than superficial to take care in personal appearance.”
“也表明人的灵魂是 健康和富有生气的”
“It denotes that the inner man is wholesome and upstanding.”
“军人的举止和装束 应该是大方而得体”
“An officer should be unpretentious in his dress and deportment.”
“过去的军人 尤其注重这一点”
“In the old days young officers were treated indulgently in this.”
“知道他们冒着生命危险 而他们的上级 ”
“Knowing they risked their lives, their superiors…”
It’s comfortable here.
没有邮件 没有电♥话♥
No mail. No telephone.
通风良好的船 密致的木质镶板
A well-ventilated boat. Solid wood panelling.
还有免费食物 我们坐在长满三叶草的草地上
Free food, too. We’re in clover here.
就像三叶草上铺满了 新鲜的马粪蛋
Like fresh horse droppings.
在三叶草上打滚 不需要工作谋生
They’re rolling in clover, too. No need to work to make living.
They’re even allowed to smoke.
潜艇的特制鸡尾酒 来点
U-boat special cocktail. Want some?
Stop that!
Our recent triumphs.
“下潜 躲避敌机”
“Dived to evade enemy aircraft.”
“下潜 躲避驱逐舰 深水炸♥弹♥”
“Dived to avoid destroyer. Depth charged.”
The British have stopped making mistakes.
Cut off extra supply of fuel to the engines!
鱼雷舱 检查旋转角
Torpedo rooms… carry out lateral… check the gyro-angles.
小心 -矫正潜望镜
Watch out! -Check periscope alignment.
怎么啦 -快来吧
What’s going on? -Here we go, girls.
U-32发现了一支英国船队 我们要在10小时内到达
U-32 has spotted a British convoy. We should be there in 10 hours.
U-32正在迎面开去 我们也去追赶
U-32 is operating against a convoy. We are joining in the hunt.
Contact expected any time after 18:00 hours.
These beauties are ready for blast off.
Over 30 freighters.
伯特豪在等着我们 他正尾随敌人
Berthold is waiting for us to arrive. He’s following the convoy.
对我来说 最棒的 船莫过于潜艇和帆船
For me it’s the best craft afloat, the U-boat and sailing ships.
Skimming across the sea like a bird on a wing…
我曾开过一艘三桅帆船 无与伦比
I’ve sailed on a three-masted schooner. Wonderful ship.
宽敞的空间 大得像个教堂
Lots of room. Hulls big as churches.
那是浪费燃料的好办法 -神经病
That’s a fine way to waste fuel. -Lunatic!
Damn this weather!
We could pass the British completely without seeing them.
我们应该已经在附近了 为什么伯特豪不给我们信♥号♥♥
We should be within range. Why doesn’t Berthold signal us?
Why haven’t we heard from H.Q.?
能见度为零 长官 不好使
Visibility is nil, sir. It’s useless!
Prepare to dive!
Clear the bridge now!
下潜状态 准备主阀门
Diving positions. Stand by main vents.
艏翼0 艉翼0
Bow planes zero. Stern zero.
上面怎么了 为什么潜下
What’s up? Why are we diving?
潜听器侦测 -什么
A hydrophone check. -What?
坏天气里水下听到的 比上面看到的更多
In bad weather you can hear more than you can see on the surface.
尾上5 慢点 首尾为0
Stern planes up 5. Easy. Both planes zero.
Can’t you make a contact?
艇长 过来
Captain, come here.
在方位060 很弱
Contact bearing 060. Quite faint.
Depth charges.
They are blasting someone.
What’s the bearing from us now.
向右 045度
Moving right. 045 degrees.
Moving away from us.
升到海面 行驶330 -全速三分之二向前
Surface. Steer 330. -All ahead two-thirds.
记在航海日记上 不顾天气恶劣 下令追击
Note this in our log book. Despite bad weather, commencing operation.
见鬼 这种臭天气 敌人有多远
Damn this stinking weather! How does it look?
我们在这儿 敌人应该在这 -敌船在右舷前方
We’re here. The enemy should be here. -Freighter on the starboard bow.
在那里 040 正开过来 -真见鬼
Over there! 040 and closing. -Damn it!
那不是货船 噢 不 驱逐舰
That’s no freighter. Oh no! A destroyer!
直向我们开来 离开船桥
It’s coming straight at us. Clear the bridge.
Take her down!
Diving stations.
降到潜望深度 -头尾上10
Come to periscope depth. -All planes up 10.
Steady at 2 metres.
Both planes zero.
Stern down 5.
Come up.
准备战斗 -准备战斗
Stand by battle stations. -Stand by battle stations.
准备战斗 -让开 见鬼
Stand by battle stations. -Out of the way, damn it!
快 快
Faster! Faster!
保持水平 轮机长
Keep her level, Chief.
鱼雷♥管♥1到4准备 -鱼雷♥管♥1到4准备
Flood tubes one to four. -Flood tubes one to four.
他想进攻驱逐舰 在这种鬼天气 真是发疯了
He wants to attack the destroyer. Crazy in this weather.
注意水深 轮机长 -艏翼上2 艉翼上2
Watch your depth, Chief. -Bow planes up 2. Stern down 2.
Come on.
头尾0 13.5米
Both planes come to zero. 13.5 metres.
Open bow caps now.
敌人速度 10 距离 6000米
Enemy’s speed: 10. Range: 6,000.
深度 2米
Depth: 2 metres.
鱼雷速度 40 发射1号♥和3号♥
Torpedo speed: 40. Spread torpedoes one and three.
发射角度 3度
Angle of spread, 3 degrees.
发射1号♥和3号♥ 角度3度
Spread shots one and three. Angle of spread, 3 degrees.
Tubes one through four ready for submerged firing.
见鬼 怎么回事
Damn it! What happened to them?
关闭鱼雷盖 下潜
Close bow caps! Take her deeper!
Depth charges dropped.
去拿些保险丝 快 -检查所有阀门和隔板
Get some fuses, quick! -Check all valves and closures.
No serious damage.
