Wait a minute. You’ve been doing a lot more than just reading palms.
你今天上午一定是在 艾尔的办公室里听到的
You might add a pinch of listening in Earl’s office this morning.
– 你在他的办公室干什么? – 我们是老朋友
– What were you doing in his office? – We’re old friends.
Perhaps I should say we were.
Didn’t think he had any friends.
Thought all he was crazy about was clocks.
Maybe I have a clock.
听见你今天上午说听话 让我觉得我们有很多的共同点
What you said this morning made me think we have a great deal in common.
你不了解乔纳森的内心 我了解他的外表 我们合作…
You know the inside Janoth. I know the outside. And together we…
哦 哦 乔治特 你迟到了
Oh, oh, Georgette! Say, you’re late.
– 哦 这位女士进… – 宝琳·约克
– Oh, oh, this is Miss… – Pauline York.
She was telling my fortune.
哦 兴高采烈
Oh. With tea leaves, I see.
– 不打扰你们了 – 恐怕我不会那么想
– Don’t let me disturb you. – I’m afraid the psychic vibrations are unsympathetic.
再见 乔治
Good-bye, George.
她是个搞迷信的 我才不会同情
She is psychic. I’m definitely unsympathetic.
– 听我解释 – 说得那么好听
– Let me explain. – It better be good.
相信我 真的没什么 第一: 她只是坐了一会儿
Believe me, it is good, because A: She just sat down.
第二: 我没有给她暗送秋波
And B: I wouldn’t make a pass at her on a bet.
– 第三: 你知道我来了 – 第四: 这些可以证明…
– C: You knew I’d be along. – And D: This proves it…
预留的桌子 香槟 一切都可以证明
a reserved table, champagne, everything.
– 你买♥♥到票了吗? – 嗯
– Now, did you get the tickets? – Mm-hmm.
嗯 火车站722次列车
A drawing room on the 722 from Penn Station.
下一步: 就是去西弗吉尼亚
Next stop: Wheeling, West Virginia.
我还是不相信我们能去 有时候我很担心
I still can’t believe we’re going. I get so worried sometimes.
– 担心? 渡蜜月不能以这样的心情 – 我知道
– Worried? That’s no mood for a honeymoon, darling. – I know,
但是有时我觉得 你是和杂♥志♥结婚了
but sometimes I think you married that magazine.
– 我们都有结婚证了 – 但是我们两个就象是陌生人
– We got a certificate that says different. – But we’re like two strangers.
你回家不是因为太累 不愿意跟我聊天
Either you come dragging home too tired to talk to me,
or you’re having fun with some dancer in San Francisco.
– 我告诉过你 那是为了写文章 – 我应该写一篇文章
– I told you. That was an article. – I could write an article:
“How to Look at a Wall in Six Easy Lessons.”
我们应该定居西弗吉尼亚 已经是一家了
We should have stayed in West Virginia. We’d be a family now,
an honest-to-goodness, full-time family.
乔治 整个事情都不对
Oh, George, the whole thing is wrong.
小乔治不认你 孩子需要父亲
Little George doesn’t know you. A boy needs his father,
要有人教他踢足球 制♥造♥飞机模型
someone to teach him how to play football, make model airplanes.
我告诉你 亲爱的 现在不同了
But I tell you, darling, it’s all different now.
去年你也是这这么说 结果还是没有出现在机场
That’s what you said last year before you didn’t show up at the airport.
不管是刮风下雨 电闪雷鸣 这次任何东西都不能阻止我
Nothing will stop me this time, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night.
这次一定是快乐的蜜月 斯托德太太
Here’s to a very happy honeymoon, Mrs. Stroud.
是你的快乐蜜月 先生
And a happy honeymoon to you, sir.
这只是时间问题…等等 你们两个
It’s just as topical… Wait. Both of you.
斯托德先生 排字房♥正在等着
Mr. Stroud, composing room is screaming for those proofs.
There might be something in that comic strip artist murder.
Might feature cartoons instead of photographs.
可能设立一个每周特色栏目 漫画犯罪案
Might work up a weekly feature: cartoon crimes.
斯托德先生 琼纳斯先生电♥话♥
Mr. Stroud, Mr. Janoth calling on one.
– 我们为什么不… – 嘘 乔纳森
– Why don’t we have a… – Shh! Janoth.
是的 琼纳斯先生 进展顺利
Yes, Mr. Janoth. Yes, sir. Bearing right down on it.
Running off the bands now. Green.
但是 琼纳斯先生 印刷工不喜欢红墨水 说很不协调
But, Mr. Janoth, the printer doesn’t like red ink, says it won’t match.
但是你不能因为他不喜欢红墨水 就把他开除了
But you can’t fire a man because he doesn’t like red ink.
– 我想你可以 – 是 先生
– I guess you can. – Yes, sir.
两个星期一切都可以搞定 什么?
All set up for the next two weeks. What’s that?
我要等到下午4 : 30离开
I’ll be here till about 4:30 this afternoon.
为什么 好的 我… 我也想跟你道别
Why, yes, I… I’d like to say good-bye to you too.
好了 大家赶紧去做事
Come on, fellas. Let’s get to work.
Mr. Hagen wants you…
我们要通过这个刊号♥ 还有两个星期怎么办
We’ll get by this issue, but I hate to think about the next two weeks.
不要担心 罗伊 一切都会没事的
Stop worrying, Roy. Everything’s gonna be all right.
– 琼纳斯先生来了 – 什么?
– Mr. Janoth is coming. – What?
Mr. Janoth is coming.
乔治 你引起我的好奇心
George, you whetted my curiosity.
谢谢你过来 琼纳斯先生 我要收工了
Nice of you to come down, Mr. Janoth. I was tied up.
This job you’ve been doing finding people…
在警♥察♥之前佛兰芒 西普拉尼 德维斯特太太
Fleming, Cipriani, Mrs. Dewhurst, ahead of the police:
– 如何做到的? – 你听说过我们的黑板
– How do you do it? – You’ve heard of our blackboard.
– 对黑板没有兴趣 – 嗯 让我指给你看
– I suspect it’s more than that. – Well, let me show you.
We call it “the system of the irrelevant clue.”
警♥察♥寻找的有关联的线索 他们没有时间去想其他的
The police look for relevant clues. They haven’t got time for much else.
我们收集了所有的线索 我们了解这个人的性格 思维 情感
We assemble all the clues. We recreate the man: his character, mind, emotions.
当我们了解这些之后 就很容易找到他了
When you have that, it’s easy to figure out where he’ll be.
– 很有趣 – 你永远想不到找到佛兰芒的线索就是贝壳
– Interesting. – You’d never guess what broke the Fleming case: seashells.
他是个贝壳收藏家 古生代的贝壳
He was a collector. Paleozoic bivalves.
我看了他的记录 他就只差一种贝壳没有收集到
I checked his index and found that he had every variety except one.
– 名字叫… – 我才不管叫什么名字 乔治
– I had the name… – Never mind about the name, George.
这种贝壳 只有在盐湖城博物馆才有…
Anyway, this shell is in the conchological wing of the Salt Lake Museum…
那是不会卖♥♥的 所以我派了人在那里监视
and it’s not for sale, so I assigned a man to watch it constantly.
Fleming was going to steal it?
如果你很喜欢 一个东西会去偷吗?
Wouldn’t you steal something if you wanted it badly enough?
可能会 乔治 你真是聪明 你的工作做得非常出色
I might. George, you’re an intelligent man, and you’ve done a fine job.
这些成绩都是属于犯罪科的同事 他们做了大量细致的工作
The credit belongs to the Crimeways staff. They dig up the details.
那是我喜欢你的 另外一个原因: 谦虚
That’s another thing I like about you: You’re modest.
虽然我们存在分歧 但是合作得很愉快
That’s why we’ve worked so well together. We’ve had our differences.
They’ve been immaterial.
– 我们一起工作6年 是吧? – 7年
– Six years, isn’t it? – Uh, seven.
肩并肩 携手合作的同事
Shoulder-to-shoulder, comrades in arms, neither letting the other down.
And we’ve forged ahead.
Now this, uh, Fleming story,
properly followed up, should boost circulation 10 percent.
– 哦 15% – 真是令人鼓舞
– Oh, 15. – That’s the spirit.
I know you’ll squeeze every ounce out of it.
I’ll give you carte blanche for the next month.
Play it for drama and suspense.
– 随便找个人代替 – 等等
– Use anybody in the organization. – Wait a minute.
– 你是说”下个月”吗? – 然后你就去度假 费用报销
– Did you say “next month”? – Then your vacation, all expenses paid,
– 南美… – 今晚就去西弗吉尼亚
– South America… – West Virginia and tonight.
你一定让我生气 才会同意那样做吧
You really had me goin’ until I began to gag over that soft soap.
I’ll dispense with the soap.
乔治 你要想清楚 是在我们这里干 还是要我把你开除了
George, you’ll see this through with us or you’re finished with Janoth Publications.
随便你 我会的
That’s okay with me.
And I’ll have you, uh, blacklisted all over the country.
You’ll never work on another magazine or any other publication.
– 随便你啊 – 我给你六分钟考虑
– It’s still okay. – I’ll give you six minutes to reconsider.
我不需要 六秒钟都不需要
I don’t need them. I don’t need six seconds.
下午好 亚当斯女士 你宝宝好吗?
Good afternoon, Miss Adams. How’s that baby of yours?
– 很好 – 好极了
– Fine. – Splendid.
Mr. Stroud?
– 嗯 – 有个女人打电♥话♥找你
– Yes. – There’s someone on the line for you… a woman.
– 她叫什么名字? – 没说 我想她是卖♥♥关子
– What’s her name? – She won’t say. I think she’s selling something.
– 说可以给你算命 – 哦 接进来
– Keeps talking about telling your fortune. – Oh, put her on.
好的 先生
Yes, sir.
– 你好? – 想打赌吗?
– How are ya? – Wanna make a bet?
Five-to-one your crystal ball hasn’t given ya the latest flash.
I have been fired as of 5:22 this afternoon,
name inscribed in gold letters at the head of the blacklist,
never to work in publishing again.
– 你想怎么办? – 首先就是出去喝一杯
– What are you going to do? – First, I’m goin’ out to get a stiff drink.
很好 我要跟你一起去喝酒
Good. I’ll join you.
对不起 但是我要去度假
I’m sorry, but I have to go on my vacation.
但是这是关于工作 他也会让我上黑名单的
But this is business. You see, he thinks he’s gonna blacklist me too,
但是我知道琼纳斯先生 肯定会改变主意的
but I know enough about Mr. Janoth to make him change his mind about both of us.
到”范巴斯”来 有好消息告诉你
I think you’ll find it to our benefit to meet me at the Van Barth in,
say, about a half an hour?
如果你认为很重要的话 我就过来
Well, if you think it’s that important, I’ll drop by.
– 再来一杯 马提尼 – 对不起
– Another martini, please. – Pardon me, please.
Same for me.
你们觉得她怎么样? 她和赞助人结婚了
And what do you think she does? She marries her sponsor.
– 对不起 – 没事