我…这是你的奖品 射手先生
I…. Here is your prize, sir archer.
It’s indeed an honor to receive it from the hands
of so beautiful a lady.
How is it that you didn’t use a blacK arrow?
我让他们休息了 盖伊爵士
That’s my court of last resort, Sir Guy.
-宣判总在最后 -逮捕这个人
-lts verdict is always final. -Arrest this man!
That’s a good idea.
年轻人 你非常卤莽
You’re a very rash young man.
很对不起 我不在诺丁汉
And I’m sorry I can’t be in Nottingham to see
what Gisbourne has in store for you.
-我敢肯定 有什么特别的事 -我肯定
-It’ll be something special, I’m sure. -I’m sure.
对不起 我低估了你 也许下次…
Sorry I underestimated you. Next time perhaps…
没什么下次 把他带走
There’ll be no next time. TaKe him away!
“洛克斯利的罗宾 众所周知的逃犯罗宾汉
“Robin of LocKsley. Known to some as the outlaw Robin Hood.
After trial,
in which you did not produce one witness in your behalf…
…你的罪行有逃跑 偷窃
…you’ve been found guilty of outlawry, theft,
谋杀 诱骗…
murder, abduction…
…欺诈 蔑视王权
…false pretenses, contempt of the Crown,
poaching in royal forests and high treason.”
Haven’t you forgotten a count or two?
Surely it’s a crime under the noble Prince John
to love one’s country.
保护奴隶免受不公平待遇 忠实于我们的国王
To protect serfs from injustice and be loyal to one’s King.
lf I could add anything to the charges against you,
I would most gladly do so.
“It is the sentence of this tribunal,
on the morrow at high noon you be taKen…
…to the square in Nottingham
and there hanged by the necK until you are dead.”
There may be some who will regret
that a man of your peculiar talents…
…这么早就结束了生命 但…
…should be cut off so early in life. But personally…
你应该认为判决已经非常仁慈 谢谢
You thinK the sentence extremely lenient. ThanK you.
小姐 出什么事了吗 是那个罪犯吗
What’s troubling you, my lady? ls it the outlaw?
是的 我痛恨看到人被欺骗…
Yes. I hate to see a human being trapped….
贝丝 你知道在哪能找到他们的人 对吗
Bess, you Know where his men may be found, don’t you?
-为什么 小姐 我怎么知道 -别推脱
-Why, my lady, how should I Know? -Don’t put me off.
你喜欢的那个小个子 你不是一直在见他吗
That little man who liKed you. You’ve been seeing him?
-是的 小姐 -告诉我
-Yes, my lady. -Tell me where.
-你想送信吗 -给他的人
-Do you want to send a message? -To his men, yes.
好吧 小姐 让我喘口气
Well, my lady, I have had a nip of ale of a night,
just now and again…
…at a place in the town
and I won’t deny as some of the others were there.
哪里 哦 贝丝 求你告诉我
Where was it? Oh, Bess, please tell me!
小姐 是家客栈
It was a tavern, my lady.
The Saracen’s Head in Pilgrim Court.
房♥东的名字叫胡里特 普林
The landlord’s name is Humility Prin.
胡里特 普林
Humility Prin.
KnocK at the door and say, “A LocKsley.”
“A LocKsley.”
-是的 但是-…快拿我的披斗蓬来
-Yes, but… -Get me a cloaK, quicKly!
是的 小姐 哦 亲爱的…
Yes, madame. Oh, dear….
But there must be some way…
如果我们要做 难道可以进攻那里吗
lf we had to, couldn’t we storm the place?
Why, you’d need an army with a battering ram to even dent it.
是的 他将会被绞死
Aye, he’ll be hanged for sure.
也许小约翰是对的 也许我们本该…
Maybe Little John’s right. Perhaps we should…
A LocKsley.
什么 普林
What is it, Prin?
一位女士 先生 是玛利亚小姐
A lady, sir. The Lady Marian.
-什么 -这是个圈套 威尔 注意窗外
-What? -It’s a trap, Will. Watch those windows.
她有口令 很正确
She has the password, all right.
-她是一个人来的吗 -是的 先生
-Is she alone? -Yes, sir.
Fetch her in.
-小姐 你想干什么 -我想帮助他
-What do you want, my lady? -I want to help him.
-你是怎么找到我们的 -别担心
-How did you find us here? -Never mind that now.
别那样站着看着我 告诉我 我可以做什么
Please don’t stand there staring. Tell me what I can do.
别相信她 那是诺曼第人的诡计
Don’t trust her. It’s a Norman tricK.
如果是圈套 我会一个人来吗
Would I come here alone if it were a trap?
用什么来预防你们杀我 如果…
What’s to prevent your Killing me if…?
ls there no one here with sense enough to see?
One moment.
我们要确定 我的孩子
We have to maKe sure, my child.
You’re a good daughter of the church?
你向圣母发誓 你想帮助罗宾 好吗
You swear by Our Lady that you want to help Robin?
我发誓 神父
I swear, good Father.
-你想到办法了吗 -是的
-Have you thought of a way? -Yes.
Can you get us in the castle?
那不好 他被看得很严
That’s no good. He’s heavily guarded.
但我想到了另外的办法 听着
But I thought of another way. Listen.
小姐 这是一次非常珍贵的协商 对吗
This is a rare treat, isn’t it, my lady?
是的 不是吗
Yes, isn’t it?
等洛克斯利的事了了 我们就将余下的人剿灭
With LocKsley out of the way, we’ll stamp out the rest.
当约翰王子回来的时候 他难道不会惊讶吗
Won’t it be a pleasant surprise for Prince John when he returns?
And to thinK that
I was once foolish enough to believe that you rather liKed him.
Why, your hand is trembling.
TaKe him to the gallows.
TaKe him up there.
He’ll not be so insolent
when they’ve stretched his necK.
Get ready.
Stop him!
截住 卫兵
Stop! Guards!
塔克修道士 玛奇
Friar TucK! Much!
先生 我们在这儿
Here we are, sir!
我们在这儿 安然无恙
Here we are, safe and sound!
BacK to camp!
罗宾 你在哪儿
Robin! Where are you?
我在这儿 别动
Here I am. Stand by!
He is different from anyone I’ve ever Known.
是的 他勇敢 鲁莽
He’s, well, he’s brave and he’s recKless,
他很绅士 还很善良
and yet he’s gentle and Kind.
He’s not brutal liKe….
告诉我 当你恋爱了 是不是…
Tell me, when you are in love, is it…
…嗯 除了一个人
…well, is it hard
你不会去想其他人 对吗
to thinK of anybody but one person?
是的 是这样 有时还会失眠
Yes, indeed, and sometimes there’s a bit of trouble sleeping.
我懂了 但就是失眠也很美妙
I Know, but it’s a nice Kind of not sleeping.
是的 这也会影响你的食欲
Yes, and it affects your appetite too.
Not that I’ve noticed it’s done
但当他被绞刑后 我就发现了
that to you, except when he was waiting to be hanged.
你很想总与他在一起 对吗
Does it maKe you want to be with him all the time?
是的 当他跟你在一起的时候
Yes. And when he’s with you,
your legs are weaK as water.
告诉我 小姐 当他看着你时
Tell me, my lady, when he looKs at you,
do you feel a Kind of pricKly feeling…
…混身起鸡皮疙瘩 对吗
…liKe goosy pimples running all up and down your spine?
-那就毫无疑问了 -毫无疑问什么
-Then there’s not a doubt of it. -Doubt of what?
That you’re in love!
What do you want?
我必须去叫人 必须去叫人
I must say. I must say!
安静 贝丝
Keep quiet, Bess.
Are you completely mad?
-为什么到这儿来 -来看你
-Why did you come here? -To see you.
But don’t you realize that…?