伊莉亚的记忆 忠心服从 友情 可能都在里面
Ilia memory, her feelings of loyalty, obedience, friendship might all be there!
我们会证明它的 它们会让你可以完成你的程式
We will prove it. We will make it possible for you to complete your programming.
它正在减速 确定 月球信标显示入侵者入地球轨道
Confirmed, sir. Lunar beacons indicate intruder on a course into Earth orbit.
Mr Decker, I will not provoke an attack.
If that order isn’t clear enough for you…
要我去战斗地点 ? 不是 没有挑衅行动
Shall I go to battle stations, sir? Negative. We’ll take no provocative action.
是的 我们不得不再次中断 所以我们可以配合无线通讯
We did. We had to disconnect it again so we could tie in radio messaging.
为何要引我们进去? 他们早就可以在外面摧毁我们
Why bring us inside? Not to destroy us. They could have done that outside.
An obsession that can blind you to
far more immediate and critical responsibilities.
Admiral, we have just finished 18 months
redesigning and refitting the Enterprise.
And there’s no one on Earth who could
recognize the old signal and send a response.
It would seem our friendship messages
have been received and understood, Mr Spock.
领航员 设定新航导配合拦截点
Navigator, lay in a new heading to conform with our initial IP with the intruder.
It’s borderline on the simulator, Captain.
I cannot guarantee that she’ll hold up.
Intruder cloud has been located on their outer monitors for the past 27 minutes.
Captain, it was the engine imbalance
that created the wormhole in the first place.
要把创造者带来 完成传送代码
Of course, to bring the Creator here to finish transmitting the code in person.
None available, Captain. In fact,
there’s no one who’s fully rated on this design.
请跟我来… 我识路的 安山
Sir, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you… I think I can find my way, Ensign.
可能状态不佳 但并非不熟练
may have made me a little stale, but I wouldn’t exactly consider myself untried.
工程组报告 系统负荷过量
Engineering, what’s happening to our force fields? Systems overloading, Captain!
队长 我相信那是我们的目的地
Captain, I believe that is our destination. Forward motion, slowing, Captain.
Push the igniterenable release to begin a 10second countdown to thruster ignition.
办不到 我们只有少量的动力
We cannot break free, Captain. We have only a fraction of the power necessary.
Why does V’Ger travel to the third planet of the solar system directly ahead?
你熟识 你要兼当科学员
You are, Mr. Decker. I’m afraid you’re gonna have to double as science officer.
We have to replace Commander Sonak. I’d still like a Vulcan there, if possible.
我更熟识它 所以你留在船上
You don’t know her a tenth as well as I do! That’s why you’re staying aboard.
Decker! I’m going to key the final sequence through the ground test computer.
From those positions, they could devastate the entire surface of the planet.
这是E9 正在增强输出功率 你接收到吗?
This is Epsilon IX, Columbia. Am boosting output. How read you this?
队长! 航海家六号♥消失在黑洞中
Captain, Voyager VI disappeared into what they used to call a black hole.
That, plus your unfamiliarity with the ship’s redesign, in my opinion, sir,
里面没有东西 但扫描全被射回
Definitely something inside there, but all scans are being reflected back.
飞行甲板 准备穿梭机进入
A travel pod is now available at cargo six. Travel pod available. Cargo six.
The crew haven’t had near enough transition time with all the new equipment.
That’s what it’s been signaling! Its readiness to transmit its information!
他们镇♥压♥创造者 我不会说出资料的
They have repressed the Creator. The information will not be disclosed!
Because V’Ger’s going to destroy all the carbon units on the third planet.
重估星云出现时间 3.7分钟 我来了
Captain Kirk, revised estimate on cloud visual contact, 3.7 minutes.
队长 最后六个船员准备输送
Captain? Starfleet reports our last six crew members are ready to beam up,
别接合 太迟了 它们在发射
Transporter! Do not engage. It’s too late. They’re beaming now. Do not…
是的 可惜它也要应付它们
Quite true, Doctor. Unfortunately, it will have to deal with them as well.
Its knowledge has reached the limits of this universe and it must evolve.
This should facilitate a better view of the interior of the alien spacecraft.
Well, isn’t it lucky for you that we just happened to be heading your way?
we must now risk engaging warp drive while still within the solar system.
长官 我希望这不是打气的说话
All due respect, sir, I hope this isn’t some kind of Starfleet pep talk.
货物站叫发射人员 输送囊在六号♥船坞候命
Attention, launch crew, a travel pod is now available at cargo six.
I have successfully penetrated the next chamber of the alien’s interior,
四号♥气窝开了 一件推进衣失踪
Sir, airlock four has been opened. A thruster suit is reported missing.
I’ve been monitoring your communications with Starfleet Command, Captain.
I am concerned with that being our only source of information, Captain.
入侵者警报! 机组人员舱房♥
Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Deck five, Captain. Officer’s quarters.
驶出一百公里 调整并行航道
Then take us out to 100 kilometers distance, adjusting parallel course.
it’s the Vulcan ritual that’s supposed to purge all remaining emotions.
他们对扫描反应 导向器全速
They seem to be reacting to our scans, sir. Deflectors, emergency full!
“轮机室通告全舰 三分钟内测试辅助动力”
Engineering to all decks, auxiliary power test in three minutes.
请批准登船 批准 欢迎司令
Permission to come aboard, sir. Granted, sir. Welcome aboard, Admiral.
占 像想要进取号♥般 我要这个
Jim, I want this. As much as you wanted the Enterprise, I want this.
把那些资料送返它的创造者 正确 迪克先生
Return that information to its Creator. Precisely, Mr. Decker.
若碳化组件说出资料 威者同意
V’Ger will comply, if the carbon units will disclose the information.
The carbonunit infestation is to be removed from the Creator’s planet.
normal functions of the carbonbased units infesting U.S.S. Enterprise.
捕捉神? 威者会大失所望
Capture God? V’Ger’s liable to be in for one hell of a disappointment.
The carbon units will now provide V’Ger with the required information.
长官 伊莉亚中尉报到 欢迎
Lieutenant Ilia reporting for duty, sir. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant.
E9正监察入侵者 开启一条频道
Epsilon IX is monitoring the intruder. Keep a channel open to them.
How in the name of hell do they expect me to have her ready in 12 hours?
是他们飞船的探测器 等离子体能量组合
A probe from their vessel, Captain. Plasma, energy combination.
We’re transmitting linguacode friendship messages on all frequencies.
队长 星际舰队传来了指挥调动
Captain, Starfleet just signaled your transferofcommand order, sir.
机上有本船记录 包括目前情况
with complete ships records, including our present situation, sir.
邦斯 你满意那些新设备吗?
Well, Bones, do the new medical facilities meet with your approval?
and how much you hoped you’d find a way to get a starship command again.
They’re requesting damage and injury reports and complete vessel status.
The carbon unit’s information cannot be disclosed to V’Ger’s probe,
Spock, this child is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth.
The power pouring through that mindmeld must have been staggering.
the real Ilia memory patterns are duplicated with equal precision.
可能探究到它由谁制♥造♥ 和怎样应付他们 好的
into those who manufactured it and how to deal with them.
Force field circuits E10 through 14 show ready for reactivation.
工程组叫舰桥 维持不到力场最高动力
Engineering to bridge. Cannot hold full power on force fields!
Navigator, lay in a conic section flight path to the cloud centre.
If this superintelligence is as important to him as he says it is,
因你离开德尔塔四号♥? 还是你不辞而别?
That you left Delta IV? Or that you didn’t even say goodbye?
Sir, you haven’t logged a single star hour in two and a half years.
I think we gave it the ability to create its own sense of purpose
What it requires of its God, Doctor, is the answer to its question,
Once ignited, the burn duration is 10 seconds and may not be aborted.
Will, we’re locked in an alien vessel, six hours from Earth orbit.
工程组 延续命令切断主推进器
Engineering, belay that order. Disengage all main drive systems.
Any attempt to transmit out of the cloud is being reflected back!
上次信♥号♥♥模式太原始 无法接收
Our previous transmission mode was too primitive to be received.
I trust you will nursemaid me through these difficulties, mister?
Enterprise is the only Federation starship that stands in its way.
Our ancestors cast out their animal passions here on these sands.
The machines interpreted it literally. They built this entire vessel
I read an oxygengravity envelope forming outside the Enterprise.
Not until V’Ger withdraws the devices orbiting the third planet!
警告 紧急逃离推进器已装备
Warning! Your emergency evacuation thruster pack has been armed.
Doctor, a thorough examination of this probe might provide some insight
我们都是 队长你容许的话…
It’s how we all feel, Mr Spock. Captain, with your permission,
我早料到 像重遇你般难应付
No more than I expected. About as difficult as seeing you again.
舵轮控制失效 调回用脉冲动力
Negative helm control, Captain. Going reverse on impulse power!
程式准备了 调校作曲速飞行
Programming ready? Program set for standard warp entry, Captain,
Transporter system fully repaired and functioning normally, sir.
进取号♥ 那股星云是某种强力场
Enterprise. The cloud is definitely a power field of some kind.
I want to show them what we’re facing. Engineering to all decks,
希望它有个好开始 但愿如此
and I hope we got this one off to a good start. I hope so, too.
That transmitter is a vital link between V’Ger and its Creator.
Captain, Starfleet is sending this tactical on V’Ger’s position.
They still have the intruder on their monitors. It’s decelerating.
入侵者地点温度 温度急剧下降了
Temperature at intruder location, temperature drop rapid now.
Captain, photic sonar readings indicate the aperture is closing.
作为执行员 我有责任提出办法
Captain, as your exec, it’s my duty to point out alternatives.
如果你指的是高灵亚 你是对的
If you are referring to the Kolinahr, Doctor, you are correct.
Enterprise, they could be mistaking our scans as a hostile act.
十二小时后出发 不是认真的吧
Those departure orders, 12 hours, Starfleet cannot be serious.
Captain Decker requested I complete final science briefing here
包围着异星太空船 无法扫描
surrounding alien vessel. Our sensor scans unable to penetrate.
我们距离地球轨道三分钟 我马上来
We are three minutes from Earth orbit. I’ll be right there.
Starfleet reports forward velocity has slowed to subwarp speed.
