Don’t look at me. I told you that five minutes ago.
我觉得 从她一坐到这车上举止就怪怪的
KID: I mean, she was acting like an oddball from as soon as she sat down, like.
All crying all over the place like a mad thing, she was.
她是哭得像个疯子吧 老兄?
Wasn’t she all crying all over the place like a mad thing, fella?
-她儿子刚死了 -对 是死了
-Her son had just died. -He had, aye.
记下来吧 这对案子肯定有帮助
Write that down ’cause that might’ve had something to do with it.
这就是她儿子 整个一丑八怪
That’s him. Brutal-looking baby.
长得挺像从Bronski Beat单飞的那人
He looks like your man off of Bronski Beat.
-什么单飞的人呢? -从Bronski Beat单飞的那人
-Your man off of where? -Your man off of Bronski Beat.
The gay man?
对 同性恋x3 对 同性恋
Aye, the gay man, the gay man, the gay man.Aye, the gay man.
-我可以留着这个吗? -可以 去忙你的吧
-Can I keep this? -Work away, aye.
把它放到你“Bronski Beat死婴案”文档里吧
Put it in your dead baby/Bronski Beat lookalike file.
-我在哪儿见过你吗? -我?没
-Do I know you from somewhere? -Me? No.
好的 她离开车厢前你在哪儿 Donnelly先生?
Okay, what were you and Mrs Dooley talking about before she left the carriage?
I was telling her me story about this cow with trapped wind.
噢 天啊 那不至于把她逼自杀吧 长官?
Aw, jeez, that wouldn’t have sent her over the edge, would it, mister?
啊 不会 肯定是她心里正愁着什么伤心事
Ah, no, I’m sure it was just some sad things going on in her own mind.
谢谢合作 各位
Thanks for your time, lads.
我觉得Fred肯定早死了(前面提到的Fred & Rosemary夫妇)
And me thinking Freud had died long since.
把这列车停了 让大伙都备枪
Get that train stopped!And tell the boys to get their guns out!
天啊 你还真♥他♥妈♥多愁善感,你甚至都不认识那女的
Jeez, you’re so fucking maudlin.You didn’t even know the woman.
-对死人尊重点好吗? -不好
-Have you no respect for the dead, no? -I haven’t, no.
A black fella stole mine.
承认吧 老兄 她的嚎啕大哭也把你搞郁闷了吧
Admit it, fella, she was getting on your nerves, too, with her bawling.
好吧 我一个朋友昨晚被杀了,你看见我哭得像个傻♥逼♥了吗
Sure, my mam got murdered last night,but you don’t see me off wailing like a spa.
You’re codding me?
噢 对啊 我就爱逗人 我妈刚才被杀了
Oh, aye. I’m forever codding people me mam’s just been murdered.
哦 我确实挺逗的啊
Oh, a great source of amusement to me, it is.
You don’t seem upset about it.
是啊 她也不是最好的女人,而且我们还得继续活着啊
Well, she wasn’t the most pleasant of women,and sure, life goes on.
-我老婆昨晚死了 -是吗?
-My wife died last night. -Did she?
-她也是被谋杀的吗? -不 不是
-Did she get murdered, too? -No, no.
谢天谢地 我还以为哪个连环杀手在他妈发飙呢
Thank fuck. I thought we had a fucking serial killer on the loose.
啊 干嘛 别哭啊 老兄
Ah, now, don’t cry, old fella.
她现在跟上帝在一起了 她现在跟上帝在一起了
She’s up with God now. She’s up with God now.
-我不信上帝了 再也不信了 -啊?你当然信上帝啊
-I don’t believe in God. Not no more. -Eh? Of course you believe in God.
-你都快是个老头了 -不 从今天开始不信了
-You’re an old fella. -No. Today was the last straw.
为什么?今天怎么了…噢 对 你老婆还有刚才的“撞火车夫人”
Why, what happened today…Oh, aye, your wife and now Mrs Train-surf woman.
但是 那又不是上帝的错,他又不能同时出现在任何地方
Well, sure, that wasn’t God’s fault.He can’t be everywhere at once, like.
好吧 你♥他♥妈♥终于笑了
Well, at last, a fucking smile out of you.
Here, do you want to hear me story about the cow with trapped wind?
It’s a fucking deadly story.
好啊 我想听听
I would. I would like to hear it.
Would you? Fuck me!
而且 这故事是他妈真的 爽疯了
And the thing is, it’s fucking true, like.That’s the mad thing.
当时我和我爸正在牛棚旁边 我七岁
So I was at this cattle fair with me da when I was seven.
你一到牛集市 到处都他妈是牛
All these fucking cows around,as you get at cattle fairs.
And then this one cow got this trapped wind, like.
本来还有个学名的 现在他妈的给忘了 管它的
There’s a technical name for it,but I don’t know what the fuck it is.
后来这牛就开始膨胀 狂胀 像个气球似的
Anyways, this cow starts expanding like a mad thing, starts fucking ballooning up,
and that’s really dangerous ’cause they can die like that.
And nobody knew what to do till this short, tiny fella popped up.
He was just passing by, like.
And he takes out a fucking screwdriver and jumps into the pen,
周围的人都要走开 “噢 操 不”
and everybody’s going, ”Oh, fuck, no, ” like,
and the short fella starts stabbing big fucking holes in the side of this cow, like.
我们全都觉得这人他妈有病 还捅牛
And we all thought he was mental,going stabbing a cow, like.
But then the cow started deflating back to normal,
’cause that’s what you’re supposed to do with a cow with trapped wind.
Stab the fucker.
大家都为这小个子鼓掌 他真能搞
So everybody gave this short fella a round of applause for being so on the ball, like.
But then he starts giving us his whole life story about what an expert he is on fucking cows.
And he says this gas that’s coming out of the cow,
it’s the exact same gas as the gas in your oven back home,
大家都说:“滚吧 那能一样吗?”
and everybody said, ”Fuck off, is it the same.”
小个子说:“当然 看着吧”
But the short fella said, ”It is. Watch.”
And he lights the fucking gas, like,
so there’s this stream of fucking fire shooting out of this cow,
大家全都震惊了 连忙再给他鼓掌
and we were so impressed, like,and we gave him another round of applause.
But then the gas must’ve backed up inside or something
’cause the cow fucking exploded.
我一生中最他妈爽的一天 牛居然爆♥炸♥了
Best day of me fucking life, that cow exploding.
-我到了 -你就在这儿下车了?
-This is me. -You’re off here, are you?
Fair enough, so.You were starting to bore the tits off me.
Good luck to you.
Sorry to hear about your dead miss us and all.

嗯 谢谢
Yeah. Thank you.
-很遗憾 你妈妈… -啊 没事
-Sorry about your mam. -Ah, no loss.
DOCTOR: Two cot deaths and a woman.Her son shot the poor head off her.


I didn’t hit one of them.
刚才他妈是怎么打的,太他妈衰了 你知道吗?
That was fucking woeful shooting.Fucking woeful, like. You know, like?
你明白我的意思吗?就像…就像 太他妈衰了
Do you know what I mean, like?Like… Like, just fucking woeful.
我马上就来看你了 亲爱的
I hope I’ll see you soon, babe.
如果我没有 没有
If I don’t, I don’t.
好吧 好吧
There, there, there.
好吧 David
There, there, David.
There’s one for the each of us.
I’ll be following you shortly.
噢 天啊
Oh, Jesus.
What a fucking day.
