抱歉 Donnelly先生
I’m sorry, Mr Donnelly
but your wife passed away at 3:00 this morning.
Would you like to see her?
噢 是的…谢谢了
Oh. Yes. Please. Thank you.
嗯 我也想多陪你一会儿 Donnelly先生,但医院实在是太忙了
Erm, I’d like to stay with you longer, Mr Donnelly,but we’re awful busy.
你们人手不够了 是吗?
Are you run off your feet, you are?
有两个婴儿猝死 还有一个女人
Two cot deaths and a woman.
Her son shot the poor head off her.
不会吧 那她还活着吗?
No! Is she alive or is she dead?
死了 其实好像脑袋都掉了
Ah, dead, dead. She had no head left on her, like.
I’ll leave you to it.
我不知道该说什么 亲爱的
I don’t know what to say to you, babe.
I don’t know what to say.
I brought you the photo of David.
I don’t know what to say.
I don’t know where you are now.
Anyone sitting here?
噢 有啊 有好几百个吧,你看看
Oh, aye, there’s hundreds of fellas, like.Look at them.
-我只是随便问问 -是 那是
-It was a simple question. -It was, aye.
Them are the best type of questions.
It’s them hard fuckers I can’t stand.
你 就是你 怎么回事啊?
You! Here, you! What’s the matter with you?
-你看起来有点沮丧啊 -关你什么事
-You seem a bit down in the dumps, like. -Just mind your own business.
-你听见了吗? -我只是想随便跟人聊聊
-Do you hear this one? -Sure, I’m only after a bit of a chat, like.
-找你认识的人聊去 -我一个人都不认识
-Chat with someone you know. -I don’t know anybody.
I haven’t a friend in the world.
He’s a bit huffy.
嘿 老兄? 你为什么没见过高个的职业赛马手?
KID: Hey, fella?Why is it you never get tall jockeys?
Why is it you never get tall jockeys?They’re always sort of midgety sort of fellas.
-因为体重 -我知道“体重”
-The weight. -I know ”the weight”!
天啊 体重?啊?就因为体重
Jesus, the weight, eh? The weight.
But what do you do if you’re a tall fella and you want to be a jockey?
这不公平啊 太不公平了
It isn’t fair on you, so it isn’t.
Me mam always used tell us
that everybody could grow up to be anything they wanted to be.
Now, in the case of tall fellas who want to be jockeys, that’s patently fucking untrue.
-你可以去表演马术啊 -“你可以去表演马术”
-You could show jump. -You could show jump!
You’re just clutching at fucking straws now.
“你可以去表演马术”我的天 “你可以去表演马术”
You could show jump. Jesus. You could show jump!
花式马术师 他妈的还有这么一破当子让我扫兴
Dressage. There’s another cunt that gets on me fucking nerves.
Would you mind watching your bloody language?
嘿 这位老兄…
Eh? This fella…
得 我去餐饮台车厢,看见这种呆逼就烦
Well, I’m off to the buffet car to get away from ye dull yokes.
Anybody want anything? Cry Baby? No? Old fella?
-一杯茶吧 -一杯茶 啊哈?
-A cup of tea? -A cup of tea, uh-huh.
别 你要是觉得我给你端杯茶都嫌烦
No, don’t get your money out ’cause if you think I can be arsed lugging cups of tea
就别急着掏钱,想点别的吧 老兄
up and down for you,you’ve got another think coming, boy. Oh, aye.
-你还好吧? -不 正烦着呢
-Are you okay? -No, I’m not okay.
Is anything the matter?
-我们的儿子死了 猝死 -对 到处去讲吧
-Our son died last night. Cot death. -Yeah. Tell everybody.
I’m sorry.
一包Tayto都要50分(Tayto 爱尔兰著名的薯片、爆米花制♥造♥商)
50p for a bag of Taytos.
I cannot believe the gall of the ginger little bitch.
-哦 我该给你多少? -算了吧
-Oh, how much do I owe you? -Skip it.
-别 我说真的 -都说了算了就算了
-No, really. -I said, skip it.
Where’s the old smiley twins?
-他们的儿子昨晚猝死了 -是吗?
-Their son died last night. -Did he?
噢 我的天
Oh, my God.
Did they kill it?
-不 不是他们杀的 -说不定他们抱孩子撞到什么上了吧
-No, they didn’t kill it. -Maybe they banged it on something.
It was a cot death.
That’s what they all say.I’ll bet they banged it on something.
我要有个孩子 八成我也会抱着他撞这撞那
I would if I had a kid. Just keep banging it, like.
On something.If he was getting on me nerves, like.
就像Marvin Gaye他爸那样(Marvin Gaye 美国黑人歌♥手 1984年被其父枪杀)
Like Marvin Gaye’s dad.
我要是Marvin Gaye他爸 我也会一枪毙了他
I’d have shot Marvin Gaye if I’d been Marvin Gaye’s dad.
Get the cunt to shut up.
I’m surprised mams and dads don’t kill their kids more often.
瞧瞧现在的孩子有几个不折腾,包括我也是 我他妈就折腾
‘Cause most kids are fucking rotten.I certainly am. I’m a fucking rotten kid.
-你有孩子吗? -没有
-Have you got kids? -No.
Will you have? In the future, like?
‘Cause it doesn’t matter how old you are nowadays.
Tony Curtis 都他妈老成古董了还在生孩子(Tony Curtis 美国演员 奥斯卡奖得主)
Tony Curtis, he’s fucking ancient and he’s still having kids.
好像不是Tony Curtis 还是?Rod Steiger,我老把这些逼人记混了(Rod Steiger 1925-2002 美国演员)

Not Tony Curtis, who? Rod Steiger.I’m always getting them cunts mixed up.
Rod Steiger 对 看起来他妈的有100岁,啊 羊
Rod Steiger, aye. And he’s fucking 1 00, like.Ah, sheep.
Did you ever shout at a sheep?

噢 瞧 Fred & Rosemary夫妇来了(Fred West和Rosemary West夫妇 英国人1967-1987年期间折磨、奸♥杀♥了至少12个女孩)
Oh, aye, here’s Fred and Rosemary.
-你去哪儿?都柏林? -都柏林 对
-Where are you headed? Dublin? -Dublin, aye.
The city that never sweeps.
我得整点药嗑 顺便学个都柏林骚腔调,所以我就径直去了
See, I needed some heroin and a shite accent,so I thought I’d head straight to the source, like.
If you use that language one more time,
I’m going to come over there and beat the shit out of you.
What language? Sure ”shite” isn’t swearing.
-是 -他妈的不是
-It is. -It’s fucking not, like!
-老子今天不想跟你这谈这个了 -Pato
-I’m not taking any more of this shit today! -Pato!
那是 放他过来打我啊老子没招他惹他
Sure, let him hit me. I don’t give a fuck, like.
-滚到一边去 -你才滚到一边去
-Move somewhere else. -You move somewhere else!
-老子先到这儿的 -Pato 坐下
-I was here before all you spas. -Pato, sit down.
再敢多说一句 一句
Just one more crack. One more!
听着 下回我可不护着你了 好吧?我自己都惹麻烦了
Listen, I’m not defending you no more, okay?I’ve got me own troubles.
Here, I’ve this great story about a cow with trapped wind,
-你想听听吗? -不想 天啊
-do you want to hear it? -No! Jesus!
啊 你真没劲
Ar, ye’s are no fun.
-你都不用来回走走(看客人需要什么)吗? -不
-You’re not supposed to go up and down, no? -No.
Do you have Pringles?
没 那种高档货都没人买♥♥,我们只有Taytos和Ripples
No. We got no call for fancy crisps round here.We’ve Taytos or we’ve Ripples.
-不卖♥♥酒吗? -现在是早上11点
-You don’t sell spirits, no? -It’s 1 1 :00 in the morning.
噢 我刚才有问你时间吗?
Oh, did I ask you what time it was?
What I thought I asked you was,”Do you sell spirits?”
-别对我不满 -对 那好 你也别对我不满
-Don’t you be getting ratty with me. -Yeah, well, don’t you be getting ratty with me.
-我有对你不满吗? -有没有你脸上还没写清楚啊
-How was I getting ratty with you? -Your general face was ratty.
-我脸上? -你对我的态度整个就是不满
-Me face? -Your general manner was ratty.
那好 你想干我这行吗?
Well, would you like to work on a train?
怪了 你干这破行当还是我的错了?
Well, is it my fault that you have a shite job?
I didn’t say I had a shite job.I was saying it wasn’t all I’d hoped for meself.
Are you getting me my booze or am I just going to stand here, like?
Are you not supposed to go up and down, no?
-您要点什么吗? -两杯茶 谢谢
-What can I get you? -A couple of teas, please.
他是不是智障啊 你觉得呢?刚才那小伙子
Would he be retarded, do you think?The young fella?
I wouldn’t have said retarded, no.He knows what dressage is.
No harm in him?
That’s what I was trying to say to you, like.
Is that your dead kid? Give us a look.
他看起来好像从Bronski Beat单飞的那个(Bronski Beat 八♥九♥十年代英国流行组合)
He looks like your man off of Bronski Beat.
你记得从Bronski Beat单飞的那个吗?你儿子很像他
You remember your man off of Bronski Beat?He looks like him.
-难怪你要抱着撞死他呢 -他是猝死的
-No wonder you banged it on something. -He was a cot death!
That’s what all you mams say.
Everyone knows if you’re lumped with an ugly baby who’ll disgrace you.
看什么 这不怪我吧?
Well, don’t blame that on me.
嘿 夫人 你老公走的是那边
Hey, missus, your fella’s back that way!
Was that a bit much now?
我觉得你有点玩儿大了 老兄
I think you might have gone a bit overboard there, fella.
-你看见我老婆去哪儿了吗? -是 看见了
-Did you see where my wife went to? -I did, aye.
She flung herself off the train five minute back,dashed her brains to muck against a wall there.
他就是个智障 我去找我老婆
He is retarded. I’m going to look for my wife.
好啊 把头伸出去就看见你老婆了,她的血还在窗玻璃上滴呢
Sure, just look out along the train.She’s dripping down the half of it.
别看着我 五分钟前就跟你说了
